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private A Spell Gone Wrong!

Astral Legend

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It was in the middle of the night, almost midnight to be exact. Astral had already put the finishing touches to his new spell with the help of Spike who had came to see him tonight. The two of them, although exhausted, was still excited at what this new spell could do even though it was quite obvious. Really, they just wanted to take it out for a test run and since it was night time and usually most ponies were asleep. This would be the perfect time to do so without Astral drawing too much attention to himself and Spike. They walked out of the cave that Astral stayed in which was in the Canterlot Mountains and the reason why he chose such a location was because he could see literally everything from this high up. They gotten close to the cliff that was on the right side since the left was the path that Astral and Spike loved to walk up when they wanted to take the long route. Astral looked over the edge then whistled a long note and held it for a moment before looking over at Spike.


"That's a long fall. It's better if I do this alone. If it fails, at least it'll just be one of us getting hurt somewhat." said Astral as he peered over the edge again.


"Not gonna happen. If you're going to do this, we're doing this together besides it could be fun if it works! We can go anywhere we want to go! Anyway, what did I say about us? We're the Dynamic Duo!" Spike said with a toothy grin while doing a silly pose.


Astral couldn't help but laugh at him but it was all in good fun. Spike had jumped on Astral's back and held on to his mane then nodded to him. Astral did so as well then looked up to the air then toward the moon. "Well, here we go! As Luna as my witness, let this spell work and may it help ponies in the future!" Astral said as he hopped over the edge then plumdmeted toward the ground at a great speed. Spike held on as the air hit him hard and felt like it was trying to blow him off Astral's back but held on to his mane. Spike seen that they were now getting so close to the treeline of the Everfree Forest and he looked down at Astral. "IF YOU'RE GOING TO DO IT. DO IT NOW!" Spike shouted though because of the rushing wind, Astral barely heard him. Astral was already concentrating at this point as soon as they gotten halfway down the mountains during the freefall. Spike closed his eyes as he thought that they were going to crash into the trees below but Astral's eyes shot open an glowed brightly white when he gritted his teeth. His horn glowed brightly with his own crimson aura then it spreaded around his whole body and Spike's. The aura started now focus on his body now and translucent wings started to fade in until they fully materialized. White wings covered with a cosmic light, the streak the wings were giving off the look of small twinkling stars. Astral pulled up at the last minute missing the tree he and Spike were going to crash into and took off into the night sky right over Ponyville.


"D-D-Did we crash...?" Spike had said in a nervous voice, covering his eyes with his claws.


"Course not, my young friend. Take a look, it really is a sight to behold up here in the night sky..." Astral smiled, slowing his speed in the air to cruising speed.


Spike opened one eye peering out to Ponyville and everything else he could see in the air. He couldn't believe how amazing it looked from up in the air. Spike had leaned forward just pointing out everything that he could possibly see from there. Astral had thought it was cute and had joined in with Spike although at the back of Astral's mind, he was thinking about the problems with his Spirit Wings spell that he was going to address later. After 30 minutes, they landed in the middle of Ponyville and Astral lifted up his wings until they were parallel with each other then they exploded in a bright light with feathers falling to the ground where Astral stood. Spike picked up one of the feathers and twisted it around with his fingers then looked at Astral. "Didn't you say that this spell had another function to it other than flying?" he asked as he and Astral started walking. Astral nodded as he looked ahead, the two of them going to Golden Oaks Library. "Mmm, it can be used as a long range teleportation ability so literally with it, I can get anywhere as quickly as possible. Traveling at the speed of light. Also because this spell uses ethereal energy or cosmic energy, whichever you want to call it. I disappear from the point where I teleport from and travel through the dimension where all worlds, all locations are connected, the Astral Plane. From there, I just think of the point I want to go and I get there within a flash of cosmic light a second later then done. Nothing else is needed but I have yet to try that out. One false move and I could throw myself directly somewhere I don't want to be. Like another world, perhaps." Astral shuddered to think about that but Spike couldn't wrap his head around it, he got lost the moment he started talking about moving through another dimension.


A few minutes later, they came up to the library and luckily Twilight Sparkle was still asleep. Spike and Astral said their goodbyes and Spike went inside the library to get back to bed before Twilight noticed he was gone. Astral on the other hand decided to read the newspaper he bought earlier today and read it at the park bench.

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Soda was trotting through the park, when she noticed a pony reading a newspaper. She decided to look over his shoulder to read a little. "Oooo~ Somepony made a new dress that fits pegasi well~" She said, not hiding the fact that she was looking over Astral's shoulders during this. 

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"Hmm...?" Astral looked up and seen Soda standing there behind his shoulder out the corner of his eye. Astral froze in place, the look on his face although Soda couldn't see it was one of panic. Why? It's obvious. A pony that he didn't know came out of nowhere and as standing this close to him. Astral gulped inwardly a bit before silently closing the newspaper then turned to her but at that point, his expression changed. One of the epitome of cool and calm. "Now there's something you don't see everyday. A pony out this late at night especially at midnight. If I can ask, why out so late?" he said in a semi-quiet voice. He knew that he had to keep it down in order for the ponies who were asleep to stay asleep. The last thing that Astral needed was to look suspicious. He folded the newspaper that he had and put it down, the newspaper faded then was replaced with his spellbook which he had in his saddlebag then nodded to Soda. "Come, if you want, I can keep you company for a little while before I head to Canterlot for a few errands." he said with a smile and unlike most smiles, this one seemed way more laid-back like he was smirking almost.

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Soda shrugged. "Drank too much orange soda before bedtime and decided to not waste my energy indoors." She replied in a rather casual tone. She nodded at Astral's offer to hang out. "Soooo...what are YOU doing out here so late? Especially in a park in the middle of the night. I was just going for a quick trot to be honest" She replied giggling.

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Astral had inwardly chuckled at her for the orange soda comment "No, no, I believe you, honest. I was only teasing a bit." patted his hoof on the spellbook next to him. "To answer your other question, I was test driving a new spell of mine. It'll help me to get around easier plus I want to see how it holds up for the race. It's hosted by the Wonderbolts themselves and it's going to be held in Canterlot and the finish is in Cloudsdale. The first three who finish first will be admitted into the Wonderbolts Academy and get their chance to become one of the team. Hosted by Princess Celestia and Spitfire, leader of the Wonderbolts. This spell of mine grants me the ability to fly and pretty fast, I might add. I'm a unicorn, yes, but, with this spell I'll be able to go up against the rest of them. To be honest, I want to really test out the spell to see how it holds up against talented pegsai so the prize to me isn't something I'm going for seeing as how I may need to be an actual pegasus to keep up with the rest of them but we'll see. So, I'm going to head to Canterlot to sign up. The race isn't for another two days so it gives me plenty of time to practice flying and get used to it." he said pretty casually. Astral didn't mind talking about what he was up to, as he knew it was just small talk, after all. He doubt that everything he said would catch her interest in the slightest but then again, he had a feeling that this earth pony wasn't one of the normal ones to say the least.

Edited by Astral Legend
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As soon as Astral said  "This spell of mine grants me the ability to fly and pretty fast" She went into a far away place in her mind. Barely listening to the rest before snapping out of it and grabbing Astral's shoulders desperately though not in a threatening manner "YOU HAVE TO USE IT ON ME! I always wanted to fly? Don't you wonder why there is remains of gliders on the rooftops? That's because I've tried a hundred times to fly in some way!" She said flailing desperately "Please, please, please, please, please share" She begged giving Astral the best puppy eyes she have ever made. 

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Astral looked at her with surprise when she suddenly jumped on him as she did. Quite frankly, he was speechless. It wasn't because she was asking for the spell that allowed him to fly but because she actually grabbed him the way she did and now was giving him this unfair adorable look on her face. It made him slightly blush but because of how red is coat is, nopony could really see that. He calmed himself down outwardly even though inwardly, he was screaming. "T-That is...umm...I-I can't. I'm still testing it-t-t-t" is only what he could manage to say as she shook him as hard as she did but when she stopped, he put his hooves on hers and gently got them off him. He straightened up his cape and looked at her. "It's not that I don't want to but there's some...reservations about this spell. To be honest, I have no idea what it do to you and I'm not talking about the main aspect of the spell. The type of magical power it uses is highly dangerous as there is a 50% chance that not only you'd gain the ability to fly but some other ability as well, whether that be good or bad." he said in a cautious voice but seeing the gliders upon the rooftops, he could very much understand how she feels about wanting this. Though the important fact that he forgot was that the spell only lasted as long as he needed it to so there would be a small chance she'd be able to keep it unless she found a way to have him keep the spell lasting on her. "But...I suppose if you really want it, I'll see about trying to make the dangers of it low so there's no chance of that happening." he said in a weak voice. He put his spellbook in his lap and opened it, fipping to the page where said spell is. It was the last page he wrote on and dubbed the spell's name, Spirit Wings. It goes in deep with descriptions, different illustrations, instructions, and the pros and cons of the spell. His horn began to glow as the feather in the middle of the page floated up a little and started to write something at the bottom of the page. It was a reminder to revise the spell's duration and cut how much magic to use when casting it and he closed it again. "I'm going to give you a little taste of it now since it is still nighttime and nopony will disturb us. Come with me, let's go find an open enough field to use it in." he said as he gotten off the bench, he nodded his head for her to follow him. Deciding to go to the large space of field between Sweet Apple Acres and the Everfree Forest.

Edited by Astral Legend
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Soda squeed and hugged "I don't care much about the danger really. If anything it makes it more exciting" She said with a small grin, being known for throwing herself off of the rooftops to fly with weird contraptions.


She nodded and trotted over to the fields with Astral, hoping to learn more about the flying. "So...It's temporary?" She asked, being a little sad about that fact.

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Astral looked back at her then he nodded to her and stopped when they got to the middle of the field. "Yes, it's temporary. I wish it could be a permanent thing but I'm no alicorn, unfortunately. Although, I'm trying to find out a way past that as I want this spell to activate by will alone so I don't have to keep casting it especially at crucial moments  Anyway, before I cast this spell. Make sure that you're completely calm. Don't be excited or the opposite, be completely normal. Also, since I'm controlling this spell, I won't be able to help you if you crash to the ground because I need to focus. Now, I'll send you instructions on how to properly fly via mental message. Give me the word then I'll start using the spell. Remember, be completely calm. There's no telling what will happen if you're too excited, okay?" he said in a semi-serious voice. His horn began to glow with his crimson aura and his eyes glowed white, he took a step forward toward her as his horn started to glow brighter and brighter by the second, gathering just enough energy for the spell to work and being careful not to use too much power or the danger he mention would become a reality.

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