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open Just a Talk... W/ WordsWorth, FlameStryke and Celsius.


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 The knock on the door startled InkySky, and she jumped as the loud knock hit her eardrums. Grumbling, she got up from the season finale of My Little Human, and opened the door. There stood Words Worth, Flame Stryke, and Celsius, all of them looking at her. Words Worth was held up by a tangle of balloons while Flame Stryke and Celsius were standing as if on clouds. "Not much of the air-pony, are you?" Inky commented, looking at Words Worth, who looked a bit green in the face, "Alright, come in."

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Flame Stryke entered the house. "Well it's very nice to meet you..uh...InkySky was it?" Flame said trying to remember the mares name. "So sorry if I got you name wrong I'm not all the well with remembering names..." Flame said looking back at the other two ponies.

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Inky nodded.
"Yeah, it's InkySky. I don't mind if you get my name wrong; most everypony calls me Inkie."
She looked back and saw Flame's confused eyes.
"Pinkie's sister, Inkie." She said.
She went into the kitchen to get some food as the other ponies sat down.

"Lets see..." She mumbled. "Is popcorn ok?"

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"Popcorn would be great, thanks," piped Words Worth, who was still struggling to detach himself from the balloons. "Although really, I'll eat anything. I've not had a bite since breakfast." Finally free, he joined the others sitting in the living room. "So Celsius tells us the two of you go back a ways?"

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Inky placed the popcorn in the microwave, then trotted to the couch and sat down.
​"What are you talking about?" She said defensively. "......"
Everypony looked at her curiously.
"Uhhh I hear the microwave! The popcorn's ready.! Better not burn it." 

She stumbled a little as she hurried out of the room.

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Flame and Celsius looked accusingly at Words Worth. "What?" he said. "Oh, was I not supposed to bring that up?" Celsius sighed as he stood and walked to the kitchen to help Inky with the popcorn. "Sorry!" Words Worth called after him. "I didn't know that!" He turned toward Flame. "I really didn't know!" he insisted. But Flame just rolled his eyes.

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((Why are people controlling other peoples character? Don't do that please))


Flame sighed. "Next time don't bring up topics like that until it's okay to bring it up" Flame said before he got up. "Unless you want to hear other people talk about touchy subjects that they don't want to talk about then be the bad guy and keep asking" Flame said

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Words Worth shifted uncomfortably in his seat as the two sat in silence. "So..." he began, racking his brain for something else to talk about. "So how do you know Celsius?" He immediately realized that kind of question was what had just gotten him in trouble, so he continued, "If you don't mind my asking, that is."

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Inky walked back into the room and gave each pony a bag of popcorn. "I met him on the internet," She said quickly, sitting down. "Sooo...this is....awkward."
She took the remote.
"What do you guys want to watch?" 
She switched through the channels to find something interesting.

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"This wouldn't be awkward if we all had something to talk about" Flame said. "Lets start with something basic shall we: Where are you all from? are you alll originally from Ponyville, Cloudsdale or someplace else?" Flame asked. "I myself am from a small village that no one has heard of to tell the truth"

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(OOC: Oops, you guys started without me! :( Also stop using my character Celsius please.)


Celsius just watched as he apparently making popcorn for Inky. He wasn't the kind of pony who liked to talk, so he just hung back and let the microwave countdown to zero.  

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(Sorry if I'm doing stuff wrong. As I said, I've never RP'd before. :( )


"I'm actually from Trottingham," Words Worth replied. "But it was much too crowded there. I moved out here to Ponyville hoping to get away from the city noise, and to meet new ponies to find inspiration for my novels. And, of course, the scenery out here is much nicer than city in every direction."

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(No that's OK. In roleplays you aren't supposed to take someone else's OC only if they say to :))


"Where am I from?" Celsius added in. "I'm from Cloudsdale. I just like to get out of their some times, ya know? It gets a little lonely not having any friends to hang out with up there in the clouds."

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"How's that?" Words Worth inquired, starting to munch on his popcorn. "I mean, I understand there are a great many pegasi living in Cloudsdale. How is it that you didn't have many friends? Just don't click as well with other pegasi as well as with us grounded ponies?" 

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Flame looked at Words Worth and sighed before answering. "I can't blame him really, to tell the truth I don't have many friends myself despite that I am living in Ponyville I don't really talk to many ponies" Flame said. "Besides it should matter if you can fly or not all ponies can be friends with other ponies....not sure about griffons though"

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"Yeah," Words Worth said thoughtfully. "It's hard to be sure about anything with griffons, they're so uncommon around here. I did meet one or two in passing, but that was years ago." He stared into space, thinking, as he ate some more popcorn. "Do you even know where griffons come from? I mean, are they just from some remote corner of Equestria? Or do they live somewhere else entirely?"

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"I'm from Canterlot," Inky said suddenly, "but I didn't care much for all of those fancy ponies. And most mares fell over hooves for this stallion named Fancy Pants. Well, he was a, as the mares said, a gentlemen, but he liked fancy mares, and I didn't like anything frilly or shiny stuff. And have you ever heard of Prince Blueblood? He's a real jerk." She flicked her ears. "Wait, are we talking about griffins now? Well I heard once that this super fast mare named Rainbow Dash was friends with one named Gilda. I saw her once, at a party Pinkie held, and she was just rude. Saw her make Fluttershy cry once."

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"Really?" said Words Worth, aghast. "That's terrible. I would certainly hope that's not indicative of how all griffons behave." He thought for a moment. "You know, I heard there were one or two griffon teams in the Equestria Games. So I suppose at least some of them must live in Equestria."

"I just had a thought," he continued. "Do griffons have cutie marks? Because they don't seem to. And for that matter, zebras don't seem to have cutie marks in the quite same sense that we do. I suppose it's just because I so rarely see other sentient species that I never think much about it, but are we ponies the only ones who have cutie marks? Food for thought, anyway."

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"No Griffons don't have Cutie marks and I am friends with a griffon myself and they dont all act like Gilda did" Flame said. "Still am trying to beat Rainbow Dash though...keep coming close but I still lose" Flame muttered before seeing the ponies looking at him. "Um...SO HOW DID YOU ALL GET YOUR CUTIE MARKS" Flame said trying to change the subject

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    "Aww don't try to change the subject," Inky said to Flame's dismay, "I can't beat that speedster either. She's insanely fast if you ask me. But, I will tell you how I got my mark."
     "When I was little, I kinda had a club like  the Cutie Mark Crusaders do, but mine was called CMS, for the Cutie Mark Squad. And in it was me, my sister Cotton Fluff, and a pony named RosePetal. Rose got her cutie mark first for gardening, and Cotton for her candy-making abilities. I was the old-ball out. I was lucky to have Rose and Cotton by my side, Smirk wouldn't leave me alone. Just think of him as the school bully. I went to a flight school after my normal class, and one day the teacher was trying to teach us how to make clouds. SnowShine made a perfect snowy cloud, and she got her cutie mark, which meant I was the only filly in both classes without a cutie mark. I was so upset that my cloud turned a dark grey and little bolts of lightning came out of it. The teacher looked at me happily. 'Perfect storm cloud, Inky!' He said, 'and nice cutie mark too!' I nodded at his usual kind words and then almost fell off my chair in surprise. 'A cutie mark!'' I looked down and saw a grey cloud with rain streaking down my hind leg. And that's pretty much it."

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"I got my cutie mark by...well before I tell you this is why my cutie mark is a flaming feather" Flame said as his wings went a flame. "A totally harmless fire that I can control, I got my cutie mark when I was young and it was because of this....when I was 13 my wings caught on fire and I panicked, my parents did what they could but they made the fire worse and it....it ended up killing them and burning my small little village. I moved here and talked to Twilight who told me that I was part pheonix and she helped me control this talent of mine" Flame explained as his wings went back to normal

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(Hey guys, sorry but could someone take over my character for now?) I love to eat pie in the morning to get rid of all this filler! Pie is very good for the awesome soul and you should eat it to to go good with your pineapple upside down cake mixed with a side of ranch! 

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"That's terrible," Words Worth said. "About what happened with your parents, I mean. But that is a truly incredible talent you have. Did you ever find out how it happened? Where the phoenix in your bloodline came from? I didn't even know such a thing was possible."

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"Yes I did my bloodline comes from the great pheonix known as Valefor and one of my far far far far far far distant reletives is Philomena" Flame said. "It's possible since I just showed you something not every pegasi can do" Flame added as his wings went aflame again and so did his hooves.

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"Astounding," Words Worth said in awe. "Truly astounding. Well, as for my cutie mark story, ever since I was a young colt, I was an avid reader. I would soar through fantasy novels, history books, satire, romance, even biographies. I just loved stories. My favorite author was Qwilleran Coal, whose way with words made me feel as though I was actually in his books, as though the characters he created were my own friends and the stories he spun were my own adventures. Reading his works, I knew I wanted to be a writer. The problem was that I just couldn't seem to come up with ideas. No matter how hard I tried to invent characters and stories, they always seemed weak and forced. Then one day, a stallion of the guard for Bucking Palace came to talk to my class about his job, and he regaled us with the stories of the life he had lived and adventures he had. That night, I went home and wrote down as many of his stories as I could remember in as much detail as I could, and it was then that I realized I didn't need to invent characters and stories. I just had to look at the ponies all around me, because they all have fascinating stories to tell. And that's when the quill appeared on my flank. Once I started approaching my writing like that, stories came to me with ease. That's also why I sometimes don't talk much; I love simply watching ponies, analyzing the characters they make of themselves and listening to the stories they have."

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