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request shop Dashie's Drawing Table!


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Hello guys! I am now drawing ponies! I use bases, but I do give credit.

So, basically I draw the hair, tail and cutie mark. I just color the body with the color u want.

Sometimes the photo editor will crash and It will take long, maybe.

So this is what I did. Sometimes, I do it from scratch but it looks weird.


Here is the base version:



Here is one I did from scratch:


It's sideways, sorry I did it on doodle buddy.


Anyways, I can also add effects to it if u want.




OC/In Show?:

Mane Color(s):

Body Color:

Eye Color:



Any accessories:

Any text:


Hope I get. Requests! So if u need me to draw ur oc, I'm ur dash!


Edited by ChibiDashie
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Hey guys, I know you want me to draw ur OCs, but I can only draw them on my laptop now.


Because the thing I use to draw keeps crashing, and I can't do it anymore


So, this is temporaily closed until the summer, which is June 12 for me, since I get out of the school the day.


So yeah, I will get to it though!

Thanks for the requests.

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