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private My Little Sherlock


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Sign-Up/OOC: http://mlpforums.com/topic/99208-my-little-sherlock/?p=2668723


This is basically a take on BBC's 'Sherlock' that is set in Canterlot. I will be roleplaying Sherclop Pones and my ponysona Epic Rainbow whom will become Sherclop's prodigy. 


Epic Rainbow flew past a coffee shop and randomly deduced that a stallion was cheating on his marefriend. She then got to the restaurant where she worked as a waitress. She deduced what ponies wanted to order without them even telling her, so she received big tips for giving them their food before they had even ordered. She walked over to one table and noticed two stallions together at another. One wasn't eating, because he was on a case. They were on a case together. The unicorn was staring out the window, and the pegasus was looking at the menu.

Epic went into the kitchen after giving her customers their food. She asked the chef for a salad and he made it rather quickly.

"Here's your salad, sir," Epic said to the pegasus. "Fancy something to drink with that?"

Edited by Epic and Sherlock


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"Thank you. Coffee would just suit me." John Trotson knew that being on a case would bring extreme risks, whatever they may be... come to think of it, he thought, what was it about... I'm still tired... John noticed Sherclop Pones staring out. He decided not to question him about it, since John has seen more than enough of Sherclop's strange, yet impressive ways. "Uugh... what are we doing again?" John asked Sherclop.

Edited by SnipSnap


All credit goes to Kyoshi

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A lone unicorn stallion was in the same coffee shop, boredly looking at the decaf latte he had ordered a half-hour ago. Using a spoon to stir his coffee, the stallion sighed. Oh, how he wished something exciting would happen! "I guess it's just another boring day..." he said finally.


Official Discordian pope. Known as Miss Kallixti Oddball to the enlightened..

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Epic nodded and went to the kitchen to get his coffee.

Sherclop still stared out the window. "We're looking for the murderer," he said. "We are waiting for him or her to make a stupid mistake that lets me know that they are the murderer."

Epic came back with the stallion's coffee. "Here you go, sir. Would you like something, too?"

Sherclop replied, "No thanks, I don't like to ingest anything while I'm working."

"Okay, just let me no if you need anything," Epic said. "I'm called Epic Rainbow, just so you know."

"Thank you, Ms. Rainbow."

"Not a problem, sir." Epic flew to another table to give them their food.


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"*yawn* Thanks, Ms. Rainbow." John drank down his coffee given to him by the waitress, Epic Rainbow. Now he has energy flowing through him again.


John does not concur with Sherclop's plan. He thinks that just waiting for the killer to mess up will surely take more lives. "If we wait, more and more ponies will be murdered... you know that is sincerely the last thing I would want to happen, if it even is a thing on my mind."


All credit goes to Kyoshi

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"Relax, John, Sherclop said. "I have a tracker on the murderer. I know that he or she is going to the flat across the way, because they are there right now." Sherclop got up and ran out the door, using his magic to leave a few bits on the table to pay for John's order. "Come on, let's go catch a murderer!"


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"What... he-- already? W-wait up--" John muttered to himself as he galloped right out the door with Sherclop. He already made a plan for himself to threaten to take action with his glock in his satchel after seeing the murderer do something in front of John. He also made sure to get his wings ready to make a getaway if things get really bad.


All credit goes to Kyoshi

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Sherclop galloped over to a cab and pretended to have just been attacked. "Excuse me," he said, acting frightened. "I've just been attacked and I need to get away quickly. Can you take me somewhere? Please?" The cabbie nodded and Sherclop hopped into the cab. Sherclop used his magic to prepare a spell to make the cabbie say truthfully if he was the murderer or not so Sherclop could know if he was correct.

"I'm not the murderer," the cabbie said. "It's a pony called James Moriarty." Hearing this, Sherclop stopped the spell and hopped out of the still-moving cab. He teleported to John whom was still standing outside the café looking for Sherclop.


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"Sherclop? Hello?!" John Trotson yelled, trying to find him. John jumped back in complete surprise when Sherclop Pones teleported with his magic right in front of him. "*gasp* Did you really have to do that? You cannot just run away from me like that... anyways, where were you?"

Edited by SnipSnap


All credit goes to Kyoshi

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Sherclop dusted himself off. "I was finding out who the murderer is from a cabbie," he said. "It's Jim Moriarty. Go figure, the Consulting Criminal." Epic flew outside the café upon seeing the commotion. "What the hay is going on," she said. "Who are you ponies?! What the bloody hay was that all about?"


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[alright, I watched Sherlock, and at the end of S2, Moriarty was supposed to be dead until relvealed he was alive at the end of S3, is this gonna take place before the end of S2, in-between the end of S2 and the end of S3, or after S3?]


[before Moriarty's death]


John should have known he was involved. "Ohh god. Here we go again..." John said with his front hoove up on his face. John turned to Epic and quickly said "Um-- N-Nothing you should be involved in. Sorry for whatever we're doing alright?"


[After Moriarty's death]


John was completely shocked to hear this. "Wait... him? I thought he killed himself... did he or not?" John said with his eyes wide open. John turned to Epic and quickly said "Um-- N-Nothing you should be involved in. Sorry for whatever we're doing alright?" There had better be a good and thorough explantion for this, he thought to himself.


[After Moriarty's return]


John remembered the broadcast of his revealence. "*shudders* That man isn't going to give up" John said to himself. John turned to Epic and quickly said "Um-- N-Nothing you should be involved in. Sorry for whatever we're doing alright?"


All credit goes to Kyoshi

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{After S3}

Sherclop sighed. "John," he said. "If the mare wants to know we should tell her. Ms. Rainbow, my name is Sherclop Pones. I am Equestria's only Consulting Detective; I invented the job. This is my friend Dr. John Trotson. We solve murders, he blogs about it, and I forget my pants. We are in the middle of a case right now."

Epic smiled. "Fascinating," she said. "Can I help? I love a good mystery! I'm always solving things!"

Sherclop smiled. "Sure, you can join us, if you'd like. But I must warn you, it gets pretty intense."

"Brilliant! Bring on the intensity!"


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John still does not feel anywhere near comfortable about bringing an innocent mare along on a murder case. If she does get killed, Sherclop, along with John would get scolded by her family and friends for having Epic involved.

John Trotson breathes in deeply. "Alright then."


All credit goes to Kyoshi

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"Yay," Epic rejoiced. "Okay, come along," said Sherclop. "Let's go find Moriarty." Sherclop lead the way using a tracking spell he linked to the cabbie. He knew the cabbie would go to Moriarty to tell him about Sherclop and about how Sherclop made him reveal Moriarty.


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John Trotson remembered the glock in his satchel if things get really bad. He followed Sherclop with Epic Rainbow, who apparently really needs to think more about the consequences.


Hmmm... Epic Rainbow... Rainbow... that sounds familiar... John thought. He quickly shrugged it off and became more alert along the way.


Same old day.


All credit goes to Kyoshi

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Epic flew alongside John Trotson who was trailing behind Sherclop Pones. "So," she said, breaking the silence. "What is he like? Sherclop, I mean." She talked low so that Sherclop couldn't hear. "Is he nice? Sweet?"

Sherclop could hear Epic, but ignored what she was saying and kept focusing.


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"Well... he's rather hard to describe. How do I say this..." John spoke very lowly so he couldn't hear. "I wouldn't exactly say he's "nice and sweet", he kind of is... anti-social. Erm, not really; just technically anti-social. I wouldn't say he cares only for himself, otherwise he wouldn't be doing this right now; solving mysteries that could endanger anypony's life. But he does enjoy his job too... *sigh* I just got lost. I do know he does it for the sake of others. Anyways, he is a bit "okay" to hang around with... Not one who should get... annoyed."


"I can't really tell anymore though, he could very well be listening right now. I definitely know him."


All credit goes to Kyoshi

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Sherclop listened carefully while focusing on his spell.

Epic nodded with a neutral expression on her face. Inside she didn't care how antisocial he was, as long as he was a good pony. 

Sherclop's tracking signal got stronger and started pulling him towards the source. It was coming from Canterlot Castle.


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Renegade had been watching from the coffee shop the entire time. Getting up from his chair, he paid for the latte and walked out. Calling a taxi, he got inside and followed the trio. "Finally, something exciting!" the unicorn muttered to himself. Today was going to be an adventure, for sure.


Official Discordian pope. Known as Miss Kallixti Oddball to the enlightened..

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"Oh lord. Canterlot Castle?" John muttered to himself. Yes, of course Moriarty would be there. He seemed to fancy luxury and such after all. Then he had a thought strike him. He thinked deeply into it... very deeply... "Sherclop... What if Moriarty is expecting us there? What if he set up the cabbie for you to get on? Think about it, he's Jim Moriarty. He's very unpredictable, very much unlike all the other blokes we've ever met. Of course that would be his plan. Or at least, most likely."


Then John noticed a cab following him and the others. "*AHEM* Somepony's following us." He tried not to pay attention to it.


All credit goes to Kyoshi

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Sherclop thought for a moment. "Yes, that seems plausible. In fact, I deduce it to be true. But, we have an advantage."

"What advantage," asked Epic.


"Me? How am I an advantage?"

"You seem to be just like me. The more the merrier."

Epic looked back at the cab and looked inside. "Oh, Celestia. It's that bloke from the café! He's following us. But judging by his expression, he just wants an adventure. He's no trouble."


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(hehe. Bloke.)


Renegade stared at the mare from the other cab. "Well, crap. They've found me out. There's no turning back now, though." he mused to himself. "STEP ON IT!" he shouted at the cab driver. "I WANNA GET THERE BEFORE THEY DO!"  The driver nodded and went faster.


Official Discordian pope. Known as Miss Kallixti Oddball to the enlightened..

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[OOC: Wait wait, but I thought we were walking, and not riding in a cabbie?]


The cabbie then just drove right by him, Sherclop and Epic. "Ergh, what-- now he just passed us. Is he trying to challenge us? Is there an emergency for him? I know he only looked like he's a bit interested, but this has become concerning." John was now confused.


All credit goes to Kyoshi

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[OOC: Yeah we're just walking.]

Sherclop looked at the stallion as he drove past. Epic looked too with a suspicious/curious look on her face.

"What the bloody hay was that all about," asked Sherclop.

"I have no idea," replied Epic.

"Better pick up the pace," said Sherclop. Sherclop started trotting and Epic flew slightly faster.


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(Time for Moriarty!!!)

While tere were walking there were being watchd by spies

"Sir we found them", one of them said using telpeathic communcation

"Good keep eye on them", a pony on the other line said,"Make sure they reach their destination."

The pnoes keept an eye on Sherclop and Troston

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