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About SummerOfGold

  • Birthday 1998-01-02

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  7. Well, that largely depends on who you think God is and what you think about the world as a whole. The Bible shows us that God existed eternally and infinitely before everything else, and that everything else was created by Him. So, that would mean that something as personal as morality is ultimately either an extension of Him or something He created. If it were something He created, that would devalue morality because it would make it something that is finite and something that at one point didn't matter. Remember, "God is Love," and the Father loved the Son before the creation of the world. Morality is entirely based on God's unchanging character, and is thus also unchanging. If it were something that existed apart from God (say, being something that wasn't as a part of His being as his hands and feet are) and at the same time as Him, then that would dethrone God and make something either His equal or contend with Him. God is exclusively "Almighty." This is why, while there are three persons, there is only one God. "You're the only God whose power none can contend You're the only God whose name and praise will never end" If I were to put is simply, to say that morality comes from anywhere other than God is to say that the God who created literally everything and loves His creation ultimately doesn't matter because His feelings would simply be another finite, changing thing that can be rejected. He is our creator; there's nothing more important that Him, and no excuse for rejecting His love. Sorry if that was a bit of a rant, or if I sounded self-important in any way. (ごめんね! ごめんね!)
  8. I understand. And lol, I wasn't really reading the other people saying to "chill out" until later. Maybe I got the angry vibe from capital letters, idk. Guess it doesn't matter really. And yes, I have read those verses and ones on the subject, quite recently in fact. And yes, I'm still saying that you are not as read as I am. I don't know how to say this without coming across as "high and mighty" but you are really cherry picking which verses you read and how you see them. I know that's rich coming from a Christian, but like I said, I read them recently. I assure you you need to poke around more. And I don't object to being more specific, it's just that my breaks at work are short and phones suck for typing :). I never said "it's just the OT" and certainy don't believe that. Again, I can be more specific, just ask. I feel like we're on even ground now and aren't in as much danger of me thinking you're being aggressive (sorry about that). I have read Job, and still maintain that you are cherry picking. Would you rather talk in PM, or is it fine here?
  9. I don't see why you feel the need to suddenly turn hostile. Have I said anything to insult or demean you? I think I can honestly say that I understand it more than you do because I don't just walk into it with the hostility you obviously have towards it. You have a negative bias towards it and it shows in the way you respond. And while you can say "I've heard that argument before" I can say the same for your comments. It's a book, and I've studied it more than you have and read studies from people who have studied it more than I have. When you know about something somebody doesn't know about, you are able to tell that they don't know it because you have more to go off of. Instead of giving the standard "sexist and contradicting" arguments, could you please explain yourself and where you have drawn those conclusions? I'm trying to be kind an honest with you. Could you pay me the same courtesy? We're adults, not children. Sorry didn't see the comment before replying. Gimme a sec (sorry in advance if I'm missing the point) Look, I'm sorry for butting in. I'm not trying to be pushy about this. If I'm being honest, I replied because I felt like I was being forced into a box and completely discredited. Sorry, Niko.
  10. You can live your whole life as a "Christian" an still not understand it. Living around them or in a Christian household means nothing, really. And just because you've had more experience with fanatics doesn't mean that you know or understand what Biblical Christianity is actually like. I'm not saying that I know anything about you aside from this: if you actually knew what Christianity was like with the knowledge it took me years of diligence to understand and acquire, you would know it is miles beyond the post you originally gave. Again, the way I word things isn't meant to be rude. Just not sure how to say it.
  11. It really saddens me when you just take one look at us and act like we're idiots and that you know everything about us. Not trying to be rude here, but you are years worth of research behind. It's not something I can explain to you in one post, especially if you have the attitude that you're showing in your post. Please don't try to explain us unless you actually know what you're talking about, because it's more than just some "psychological thingy" that "helps us relax". That isn't the reason in the slightest. Sorry if I came across as rude.
  12. Forgive me if I'm starting something, and also for picking out what probably wasn't the focus of your comment, but to be honest I am more worried about what members of this discussion would say if I brought up something that has to do with the Christian walk than the unlikely atheist showing up. I realize this isn't Sunday school, but this group doesn't really feel open to conservative views, and if anything I feel like I'm encouraged to be politically correct and censor myself rather than have freedom to speak my mind here.
  13. Kel_Grym on the Christian bronies thread looks to be either a troll or a fundamentalist. To be honest, I am leaning more to think he is a troll. I suggest to not get worked up on him.

    1. SummerOfGold


      Alright, I'll take your advice. Thank you.

  14. I hope not to be rude, but you're not making a lick of sense here. I'm lost.
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