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My thoughts and random stuff

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Safety razors

Good day, ladies and gentlemen mostly gentlemen I know what you're thinking to yourself. Gilette hurr durr yas you like paying for those yas.  Why have you not thought of using a safety razor, save yourself money. Get a relaxing and enjoyable shave yas. This is all possible with the use of technology that your grandfathers used yes that's right safety razors.       



Blog dudes

Yo blog dudes, so dudes this is a blog dudes.  I felt like I should write a blog about lobster yes that's right lobsters. What are lobsters they are sea creatures yes, they prefer cold waters yes.  So why are lobsters so awesome one is lobsters are crustaceans. Research suggests that lobsters could in fact grow towards infinity. They are a deligacy and they are awesome yes. 



Updates on yours truly

Well hello there.     It's been a while since I last made a blog, not only because I haven't had the time but mostly because I haven't gotten around to doing it.   So, lot of things have happened. For instance, I'm now in University studying business not initially but life lead me down to that path and I enjoy it.   Though more things happened, after many years of dealing with depression I finally got help. Now I'm feeling much better then before and it is such a relief to finally have



Recent inactivity

Due to recent inactivity I feel like I should talk about it.   Well as you have noticed I have been inactive for a week. I don't want to go into details about it but it caused me a lot of stress, anxiety and almost pushed me off the edge I realize that it is not allowed to talk about suicide so I won't address it directly but what happened is that I had a mental breakdown and if it wasn't for my friends I would not have come back on here.   Though let's get on with the good news, I'm back an



Art of driving letter

There was a post on carthrottle a letter, that I immediately felt like sharing. It captures what most car lovers experience, so I feel it is a good read. My favorite thing in the world are cars and driving everything related to it. Been that way all my live, being a car enthusiast is the best thing in the world. Read down below, good letter the reason I post it as a link is because the text looks better.   http://www.carthrottle.com/this-emotional-art-of-driving-letter-gets-to-the-heart-of-be



Dodge Challenger 2015 SRT

The Dodge Challenger 2015 SRT, 6.4 litre naturally aspirated HEMI V8 485 horsepower and 470 pound feet of torque.   Really starting to like it, such a beautiful car. They've created a great page for it as well: http://www.drivesrt.com/2015/challenger-srt/ At first I thought it was just exactly the same as the previous one but it isn't.   Images from: http://www.netcarshow.com/dodge/2015-challenger_srt       Really like it, I do want it.     But can't afford it, I've already trie



Stubborn and pneumonia

Ever been so stubborn that even though you're all aching you prefer to toughen it out. Well I did and learned that sometimes there's being stubborn and sometimes there is just being stupid.   I had been sick for three to four weeks, constantly coughing until I couldn't breath. I felt like one night something happened to my ribs as I was coughing so hard. Then a week or two later, what happens is that I start feeling excruciating pain in my left kidney and back. What I did was of course just la



Speedster in Equestria

So I've been playing Legends of Equestria and of course as my OC Speedster. It's awesome, I decided to do a fly by nothing serious. Didn't really edit the video, just recorded with fraps and was listening to music. The music was playing while I was recording so it was recorded with it. Plan on recording two more just for fun, it's awesome.   So Speedster in Equestria, enjoy. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Ulz6ANxBRg&feature=youtu.be



RIP Natasha

Today I saw a status, one that I feel is important to share. Since I'm not sure if someone else will.   http://mlpforums.com/statuses/user/19487-natasha/?status_id=385978   I wanted to let everyone know. I'll be honest I didn't know Natasha well but I do remember seeing her on the forums and I know she was a good person.   I'll always remember her by her first signature, the first thing I did was to use it. She was happy about it.       It is very sad that his happened, hopefully



Mi Amore Cadenza

Princess Mi Amore Cadenza or Princess Cadence.     Kia Cadenza.     Just wondering how Kia came up with the name..   Could it be..  



Gift received.

Today I came home and a package had arrived from my best friend TheFluttershyGuy. It was awesome, it was a t-shirt, two posters one pony and another Regular show poster. Then a few necklaces, tattoo and a sticker, cards as well as a ponycon Au pass and a guide. Also included a pocket watch, a USB and a letter.     One of the poster is too big to be posted on here, it's a Regular show poster.   Just felt like making a blog about it, thank you for the package.



99 Questions, yeah.

1:Do you sleep with your closet doors open or closed? A: I close them, I'm a light sleeper.   2:Do you take the shampoos and conditioner bottles from hotel? A: Yes, I still have two I took from a German hotel.   3:Do you sleep with your sheets tucked in or out? A: Tucked in, I think.   4:Have you ever stolen a street sign before? A: Nope.   5:Do you like to use post-it notes? A: Yes, sometimes.   6:Do you cut out coupons but then never use them? A: Yes, did that once but don't an



It's the most wonderful time of the year

The time has come, that we say goodbye to 2013 and welcome in the year 2014. Don't know about you all but the year 2013 has been a year of changes for me. A lot has changed, I joined the forums among other sites and have grown very attached to this place. So cheers for a new year and may 2014 be just as good as 2012 and 2013 though what highlights those years are that I became a brony. It may not seem much for most people but it truly was a life changing event for me. So I want to thank you all,



My first pocket knife

So I found my first pocket knife it had been lost and the interest in finding it, not that high but I found it. I was just a kid when I got it so I don't remember when but it was old so I can imagine it's anywhere between 20-30 years old.   Back when I got it, I don't remember when, it was already an old knife but I noticed something interesting while examining it. It's made in Czechoslovakia so it's clearly from either 1993 or older and it's made by Sandrik which I don't know much about other



I made stairs

So I made stairs and got to take it home. So yay!~ Now I have stairs, I can just imagine the possibilities I'll be able to use my stairs instead of climbing stuff to be able to reach the higher shelves.   The darker ones are my father's and the lighter one is mine.   So for those who checked it out, have a cookie.  



Another questionnaire

Have you ever: 1. Skipped class? - Nope. 2. Done drugs? - Nope. 3. Self harmed? - No comment. 4. Drank? - Nope. 5. Shoplifted? - Nope, except when I was just a child and I paid for it in the end. 6. Gotten a tattoo? - Nope but maybe later on. 7. Broken up with someone? - Nope. What's your favorite: 8. Show? - My little pony. 9. Movie? - can't think of any, book of Eli maybe. 10. Song? - Galaxies by Owl City. 11. Subject? - Not sure. 12. Singer/Band? - Not sure, Adam Young maybe. 13



Doing it as well

Decided to answer these, because why not. 1. Any scars? - Few, one over my right eye brow not too visible. Big one near my elbow, is fading though and will fade. One on my hand that wouldn't really count as a scar and probably a few just around my body.   2. Relationship status? - Single.   3. Crush? - None, unless Fluttershy.   4. Kissed anyone? - Nope.   5. Coke or Pepsi? - Why not both?   6. Someone you hate? - Don't want to answer.   7. Best Friends? - Many people, you know who



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