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Hey everypony!! Welcome :D If you want to learn even more about me, feel free to read my blog posts. Let me know if you want a shout out for being awesome ;)

Entries in this blog

For My Dear Friend <3

You were there to pull me out of the darkness, you were there to tell me you care. I honestly can't comprehend how someone could care so much about me being this far apart, but you have truly demonstrated your loyalty and kindness, and for that I will always be grateful.   You can be sure I'll never leave you alone. Just like you promised to never abandon me I will never do that as well. You have proven to be a true friend, a rare gem to find in a world so cruel. How could I possibly leave thi

Misty Rose

Misty Rose

About Season 5....

I don't think I'll watch it Too many memories and I honestly think the show's depiction of joy and friendship will just be a big slap to the face for me -_- I'll think about it....but I'm honestly not hyped about it I really don't want to leave ponies behind....but my life would honestly be a little better if I had never watched them in the first place

Misty Rose

Misty Rose

Rarity Micro Comic Fun Pack + Better Week :)

Hells to the yeah!! My Christmas giveaway prize is finally here!! Behold the fabulousness!!     Truly things seem to be going a little better for me this week and I couldn't be happier! It's kind of strange how everything's turned around so fast but hey, sweet

Misty Rose

Misty Rose

Insurgent Pre-Premiere!

Gonna go see the movie tonight, PRE PREMIERE! I can't wait! Let's hope it's great and even better than the first movie   Oh and as for what I thought of Cinderella which I saw last night, awesome! I personally liked it

Misty Rose

Misty Rose

Movie Madness!

So I'm gonna see Cinderella tonight, Insurgent tomorrow and I have guaranteed passes to see Age of Ultron when it comes out!!!   Pays off to have a cousin working in a radio station *coughs* Scrubs *cough* lol jk point is I have something to distract me for awhile   If only I could have this much luck in getting a laptop

Misty Rose

Misty Rose

Recovery Plan

Welcome to my Recovery Plan   In order to stop crying over my losses, I'm gonna try to do alot to get that out of my head and not let it affect me....except when I really can't hold back my tears   So I've developed a sort of recovery plan to keep myself busy and do shiz   1. Since I don't have a laptop at the moment, my first priority is convincing my family to let me buy another one so I can go back to doing vectors and other things That definitely helped me in the past and it should

Misty Rose

Misty Rose

Laptop Problems

http://www.apple.com/macbook/ It's so beautiful and I want it I have more than enough money to buy it but my cousins tell me to wait until June when the price goes down Correct me if I'm wrong but I don't think Apple products become cheaper unless a new model comes out Does anybody know?

Misty Rose

Misty Rose

Lego Movie....Meh

I'm gonna give my thoughts on Big Hero 6 tomorrow but for now I'll say this.   So I watched The Lego Movie tonight and just like Guardians of the Galaxy I feel I've heard a little too many positive reviews. Of the big animated movies last year, this was obviously the one geared completely towards kids. It's not awesome as I heard many people (even adults) call it. It was simply a fun crazy experience that is best watched with kids   Though I can say one great thing about it, I can definitel

Misty Rose

Misty Rose


And so God was a woman, and that woman was Scarlett Johansson......   Lol so I just saw Lucy for the first time and I gotta say it was impressive...yet full of blatantly impossible crap....but it had Morgan Freeman so that's something   That's all I gotta say, I won't say it's terrible like most people have but it was definitely....something   Off to watch Big Hero 6 now

Misty Rose

Misty Rose

Pressure At Home

I can't take this anymore...   I want to go to acting school, I want to have my own life, take on some graphic design classes while I'm down here since I'm being presented with such a chance.....but my family's bringing me down   They keep saying I'm not thinking straight, that I need to focus more on school and not do anything else....I just want a freakin distraction Studying graphic design and advancing in that field would do wonders for my future, but they won't let me unless I get goo

Misty Rose

Misty Rose

In The Dumps

I most likely have failing grades in almost all my classes.....there's only conflict at home....no one loves me anymore....I'm at the pit of my existence -_-   I don't see how things can get any better, I'll most likely have to repeat ninth grade again and delay my graduation even further, I'm already behind by two years, I don't want anymore Everything is going wrong for me, I can't study and retain the information, I'm forgetting things easily....I'm losing myself -_-   I need help but no

Misty Rose

Misty Rose

Lacking Peace

Peace is something I wish I had now more than ever. I wish there were days where I could just have time to think or cry with no interruptions. I wish I could have privacy and no criticism or negativity around me. I would love to run away to a field or hill and just cry out to the heavens in pain.   What I want is to be able to have one day where I can have peace and be alone. I have homework almost every weekday and I want my weekends to at least be carefree. My family however never lets me ha

Misty Rose

Misty Rose

Kinda Paranoid...

So I've decided to start watching Without A Trace again (cause why not ) and I've sort of developed a little fear in regards to my future.   Since I'll be moving to America (most likely never) in two years or so I'm worried about what can happen. My family wants me to go back to Houston and live with my aunt or at least close to the family there. But I really just want all family out of my life, I don't want anyone checking on me or criticizing me anymore. Plus Houston isn't the best place to

Misty Rose

Misty Rose

Lesson Learned

If there's anything my relationship with my ex taught me it's this...don't trust anyone!! Someone who I told everything to, who I gave my heart and love to, who seemed so kind and loving and I thought would never hurt me ended up stabbing me in the back. That pretty much shows I can't trust anyone like that again, never get close to anyone again so I won't be as hurt if they leave My mom had to learn that, and she went through many rough experiences because she thought maybe things could be bet

Misty Rose

Misty Rose

First look at the new Joker..sorta :P

And now for something more positive! So finally Jared Leto cut that long mane of his so he can start filming as the Joker and we now have this   https://mobile.twitter.com/DavidAyerMovies/status/572475580962242561/photo/1   Sexiness :wub: Can't wait to see how he looks with the Joker makeup!

Misty Rose

Misty Rose

Sad Feeling...

I've had this really sad feeling lately. I feel bad that I haven't and never will have the same experiences other teens my age go through. I've been very locked up my whole life basically. My mom went through pretty terrible experiences throughout her life, and she really wanted to hold on tightly to the only positive thing she had left, me. Therefore she was terribly overprotective and clingy, and while I didn't mind during my younger years, there did come a time when a friend or two would ask

Misty Rose

Misty Rose

Let It Go=What I Hope To Achieve

Yes this "overrated" song is still important to me It represents the kind of freedom I wish to achieve. I want to reach that point in my life where I can finally be myself where there are no rules with how to act, where I can express myself the way I see fit, where I can be free with no restraints   Yes I don't have ice powers, but I am definitely being held back from letting out my true self, I'm in a prison that I want to break out of. I'll be alone in the future but I'll be free and conte

Misty Rose

Misty Rose

Somebody Please Help Me

I wish my grandma would quit her threats and just hit me so that everyone can see that this is no fucking joke   You all think I'm only exaggerating, that I'm making a big deal out of this, when I have a grandma always threatening to knock my teeth out, you can see why I can't be happy here   If she ever does hit me I can't even go to the police down here. If my life ever becomes worse I'm screwed. If things get to that level I WILL kill myself. That will be my final limit. The worst part

Misty Rose

Misty Rose

A Tough Career Decision

As some of you know, I've recently made some blogs regarding my future plans. But now I remembered another career path I had made for myself while I was dating my ex. So now I'm stuck between what I posted here, and what I discussed with him   Basically since we were planning on being together irl (and possibly getting married) I decided that my acting career might not be such a good idea. It could separate us for certain amounts of time and I could be quite busy. So I went for another option

Misty Rose

Misty Rose

Letting Go

It's hard to believe how someone who said you changed their life suddenly leaves you behind, someone who said you were the light of their days leaves you in the darkness. It's very hard to let go, it's even harder to not think about the wonderful happy memories you had together. What hurts even more is I actually think he may be influenced by someone else, bad company perhaps...all I know is that it hurts very much to let go   Now when I see his pictures instead of seeing my dear lover I see

Misty Rose

Misty Rose

Breaking Point

My family's driving me over the edge....when the only people I can actually talk to constantly bring me down, call me a liar, and insist I'm doing things wrong, it drives me closer to my breaking point! I need to get out of here!! Dear God help me! I'm in such a negative spot that's affecting me mentally, I just want to be in peace

Misty Rose

Misty Rose

My Dad....

Recently I've been wishing that my dad would just drop dead. I know that's not a good thought to have but I can't help it....my mom's dead because of him, we were almost evicted out of our apartment because of him, I'm stuck where I am with no way out because of him IT'S ALL HIS FAULT!   *sigh* I hate my dad, he's never done anything good for me -_-

Misty Rose

Misty Rose

A New Opportunity Arises

Well I've been searching the interwebs today and have found there are quite a few voice acting schools out there, especially in Cali   So I've added a little something to my future plans, I'm going to take some voice acting classes first since they're way cheaper than the fees for the acting school I wish to go to. This'll be some good practice for me and can open up even more opportunities for my future.   Please wish me luck in these future endeavors everyone, I know I'll have more than e

Misty Rose

Misty Rose

Focus Issues

A big issue that has been attacking me as of late is homework, and due to my depression and genuine disgust for my situation I have immense focusing issues when it comes to homework   Same goes for class, I can't focus because my mood just dampens my will to learn. Any suggestions that can help?

Misty Rose

Misty Rose


Since I can't communicate through status updates, all I have are blogs -_- So expect to see random things here.   Today's been incredibly stressful......   I had a hard time at school, I came home wanting to relax since I have no homework but now I have a headache   I'm stuck helping a family friend's kid out with English and.....she's a pain in the butt -_-   I just wanted to relax....dear God give me a break

Misty Rose

Misty Rose

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