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Can Men Be Beautiful?

[This is a Life Advice vent I wrote couple of years ago.  I wanted to save it in my blog for easier access.] I've had some stuff in my head for a long time that I need to organize and get down.  I'm male, hetero, almost 30, single.  I'm sick and tired of living in a society that perpetuates the unfair double standard that women are beautiful, and men are ugly, simian australopithacines that can be manipulated with sex.  All my life, I've wanted to be beautiful, and all my life, I've felt li




[EDIT 12/12/18) Before reading this essay, please read this preface, which I am writing about nine months later.  Of all of the blog entries I've written, this is the only one that I'm not quite certain I can still stand by 100%.  A lot of it is okay, but I would definitely change some things and make some revisions if I was to write about this topic today.  I'm not quite happy with some of the things I said, and some of the wording.  I'll be the first to admit that I am not a gun expert at



How to Make a Better World

It would actually be ridiculously easy to make a much better world for everyone--easy in the sense that there's nothing about physical reality that precludes it; virtually impossible in the sense that we'll never get all humans to cooperate.  I spend a lot of time thinking about how much violence and suffering there is in this world, and it leaves me feeling sad and bewildered.  I find it rather astonishing how easy it would really be to fix everything, if only people would listen.  If you break



A Message to All Conservatives

I no longer like to identify as any part of the political spectrum, mostly because I believe that identity politics is utterly toxic tribalism that prevents us from talking honestly about issues, but also because I'm finding it increasingly difficult to see anywhere on the spectrum that's a comfortable fit.  My views haven't changed much in the last decade, but the political sides sure have.  For my whole life, I have considered myself left/liberal, and I still have what I would describe as "cla



Religion's Biggest Plothole

This entry is sure to upset a few people, though it is not my intention to offend anyone.  I simply want to discuss reality as best I can. I spend a fair amount of time criticizing religion, and writing and arguing for reason and rationality.  I do this for many reasons.  There's no shortage of reasons to oppose religion.  Take your pick.  Dogma of any kind is antithetical to conversation, logic, rational thought, and progress.  Religion has caused a massive amount of senseless violence, de



Work, Identity, and Human Value

This entry will a bit more personal than the last few.  Today I'd like to talk about how American society judges our worth and value as human beings.  By and large, I feel like American society defines our worth as people by our ability to do a job and get paid for it.  Financial independence is paramount in this culture, and we are often judged by whether or not we have it.  Throughout my life, I've often felt like people in my culture believe that achieving financial independence is the single



The Problem With "Virginity"

I'd like to talk briefly about the idea of sexual virginity.  I believe that the very concept of "virginity" is one that we could do without.  I believe virginity to be a flawed idea that does more harm than good. What words and images crop up in your mind when you hear the word "virginity"?  What sort of ideas do your hear associated with virginity?  Virginity has long been portrayed as a sacred, precious thing, a thing of great value that must be cherished, and that somehow diminishes the



The Default Position

For anyone who knows me, it's no secret that I despise much about this world, and spend a lot of time wishing I could live somewhere else.  We've all been there to one extent or another.  Who among us hasn't wished she/he could live in Equestria?  Quite frankly, I often feel like I don't belong in this sh*thole.  Most days, I would describe myself as a nihilistic misanthrope.  The thing is, I see a lot of potential in this world, and in our species, but 99% of it has gone unrealized.  I've often



Atheism - The Final Frontier

There's no question that we've made an enormous amount of social and scientific progress over the centuries, perhaps most of that progress being in the last half century or so.  Even though the current political landscape and discourse can make us feel the contrary, things are definitely the best and most evolved that they've ever been in the history of our species.  However, as I see it, there remains one major hurdle that desperately needs to be overcome in the near future: clearing up misconc



The Times They Are a Changeling Back?!

Trump recently attended some type of voter summit where he belted out to a crowd of adoring fans about how he would restore Christian values to a nation that had lost its religious roots.  Allowing companies to deny women birth control on the basis of religion was just the beginning.  Every day that I wake up, it's some new unspeakable horror.  Most days, I wish I didn't wake up. Yes, this blog entry will be provocative and probably offensive to some, if you haven't figured that out.  I can



Adult Gamers

I'd like to talk for a few minutes about adult gamers, and the surprising mindset still lingering in a few people today that video games are but a child's toy that a mature adult has no business playing.  Considering where I am at the moment, the MLP forums, I'd be willing to make a deal to eat my computer if there's a single person on these forums who harbors this opinion, however, this opinion is still floating around in the world.  There are still those who hear about an adult who plays video




So, it's a funny thing--I've been a huge Pony fan for years now, and the franchise is extremely important to me, and yet, I find myself dreading most new episodes, as well as the movie.  I just...tend to expect the worst these days, and I'm not entirely sure why.  The show has proven that it still has the right stuff, but I guess it has been rockier the past couple of seasons, with more ups and downs.  A casual observer would think I'm nuts, and ask why the hell I stick around if I dread new epi



Why I Might Not See the Movie

I have been avoiding all movie spoilers with a meticulous level of dedication.  As soon as the first teaser was released, I began avoiding most pony content.  I stayed away from the forums for the most part, and I avoided watching anything pony related on youtube except for older things.  I was determined to be completely surprised.  I didn't want to know anything about the movie.  Absolutely nothing.  I wanted to walk into the theater completely blind and just be totally surprised.  But earlier



Red vs. Blue

I am young and do not know many things. I do not how to fix political problems, but this I know: we must stop claiming that our political opponents want to destroy our country. Since the election (and probably for my entire life if I had been paying attention), I have read and heard countless times things such as, "liberal progressives will do anything to destroy our country," and "republicans will stop at nothing to destroy our country." It is the same on both sides. The fact is that neither si



By the Gods...

Trump's inauguration was stomach churning enough already, but in my view, what was far more horrifying was the fact that the presidential inauguration is, in 2017, still chocked full of religious benedictions and prayers. Thomas Jefferson must be spinning in his grave. There is supposed to be a figurative wall of separation between church and state. As I often point out, it is only by this wall that we are guaranteed freedom of religion in the United States. And yet, this wall has never bee



Sex Issues: Living on Team "Villain"

Whether you were born in the most privileged part of the US, or the hellhole of Iraq, it seems to be a common sentiment that being a woman in this world is to be unlucky in some regard. Historical patriarchy has had its clear effects on women, which are still felt today. For the purpose of this essay, I'm disregarding the worst places in the world where women are truly denied the most basic of rights. Right here in my home of the US, it's commonly said that women have to fight and work twice as



The World That Forces Us to Be Cold

I'm sure no one will ever read this, but I'll feel better if I say it. Earlier today, I walked down to a small shopping center near my house to visit a used book store. In the parking lot, there was a fairly pleasant, average looking young man, close to my age (he looked about mid-20s). He was just milling about. From a fair distance off, he called "Hello" to me. I gave a slight nod, which he may not have even noticed. He then said, "How are you?" Being the shy, cold, mistrustful misanthrop



The Amazing Video Game Brain Experiement

I made an incredible realization about my own mind while playing God of War III.  In fact, it's so strange that I'm actually having trouble believing it. There are several mini-games in God of War III that involve flying up and down the Chain of Balance, dodging obstacles and debris. Here is one such scene. In this scene, you use your Icarus wings to fly up the chain. Just watch long enough to get the basic idea. Now, during this scene, I find that I must have the y movement


Justin_Case001 in .

Why Tangled was way better for me than for everyone else.

This is a bit late, but I'm bored, so whatever. So, I don't know how true Tangled stayed to original fairy tale, but I've never been familiar with Rapunzel at all. The only thing I've ever known is that she has long hair and lives in a tower and people climb up and down her hair. I never knew who she was or why she was in the tower or anything. I first saw Tangled last August on TV. It was actually in a hotel room. I was scrolling around, and there it was, so I watched. Now, when I tur




This is just so awesome I had to share it. If you've ever been proud of a minecraft build you did, just watch this and then you'll know how crappy your stuff really is. That's how I always feel.



RD's voice breaks in songs an endearing quality.

So, I don't know if this will sound weird or what, and I don't know if anypony else picks up on little details like this, but I love the way Rainbow's voice sometimes sort of breaks when she sings a word starting with the letter "H." Let me clarify. Listen to her short solo in "A True, True Friend." Listen to her line, "Applejack needs your help; she's trying hard doin what she can." Specifically, listen to the way she says "help," and "hard." Her voice sort of breaks/cracks a little, sort of li



Why are long eyelashes a feminine feature?

Long, thick, full eyelashes are so universally understood as being a feminine feature. When animators want to differentiate two otherwise identical cartoon characters, they add lashes to the female. If you see two identical characters, one with long lashes, and one without, there's no question which one is female. But why? Men don't have eyelashes now? In point of fact, many men have long, thick, full eyelashes. Me, for example. My hairdresser, who is female, is envious of my lashes and often co



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