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Where I put random nonesnese

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4 Years Since Last Log-In

Well almost. The title sums up what I was suppose to write at length so this will be short. The shortlist is during that time I graduated from College, applied and got employed. On the right track to become an HR Process Owner for IBM here in the Philippines in the next year or so. Took a turn and sought for companionship along the way. Haven't found that one person yet but a love life is a work-in-progress. Kinda lost my interest for Pony for a bit and mostly the brony crowd. But still int



Has it been a year already?

Seems the last time I was here was exactly a year ago today as of this writing. Huh I never thought of being away from this forum for so long. Responsibilities right we all have them. Now well time to reintegrate myself to what's new here again



Logged-In Again

Whoo. The last time I was here was when this forum still had the option to log-in with your facebook account. When I first joined MLP forums I opted to use the linked feature it had with facebook. Who knew it was such a pain to find it gone all of a sudden a few months ago; effectively leaving me locked out of my own profile.   Filed an issue in Support and I thought it would have taken at least a few days to resolve. Two weeks at most. Took a month and three days actually. Pretty sluggish but



An Absent Father

Tonight I'd thought of greeting my Dad a happy father's day. If only I could.     I'm in this situation wherein my dad doesn't visit us often anymore. He's always been a man of work first, family second and I get that. He's just trying to provide as much good care to our family so that me and my sister wouldn't have to endure the hardships and struggles he faced when he was my age. I'm serious during his time it was tough. My dad didn't finish high-school when he started working in an industr



Polishing the Ol' Gal

Finally cleaned my violin after a year in storage. Truthfully I've become rusty but since it's finally the summer vacation here, (most of you have been waiting for) I might as well get her back into shape. This time maybe I'll be trying to use her again with some songs I've wanted to cover for a long time now. What I feel bad about is that I've left her in such a sorry state after moving homes last year.   I found the case covered in dust and was bummed when one of the straps in the back becam



Following Twitter Tirade, Microsoft Creative Director Adam Orth No Longer With Microsoft

Goodbye, Sweet Billy.     Game Informer has learned from sources close to the matter that Orth is no longer with Microsoft. A call to Microsoft's main switchboard confirmed this fact. Our sources, who wish to remain anonymous, suggest that Orth resigned in the wake of last week's events. We haven't been able to confirm whether this was a voluntary or forced resignation.   Re-posting because it's funny:     His outbursts, which included some snarky comments a



Roger Ebert dies at 70.

Renowned film critic, Roger Ebert had been battling cancer for the past decade, and only yesterday announced his "leave of presence," saying that he would be reducing his workload due to his health. He passed away today, according to the Chicago Sun-Times, his home since 1966.       The closing sentence on his final blog post, two days before his death, said,   "So on this day of reflection I say again, thank you for going on this journey with me. I'll see you at the movies.



Disney shuts down LucasArts

Disney has laid off the staff of LucasArts and cancelled all current projects. Staff were informed of the shutdown this morning, according to a reliable Kotaku source. Some 150 people were laid off, and both of the studio's current projects—Star Wars: First Assault and Star Wars 1313—were cancelled. Disney will still use the LucasArts name to license games, but the studio is no more.     Disney is saying their current games could be licensed out to a different publisher or



Another LEAKED finale SONG!

Am I hearing this right? If so then it's the most wondrous song I've ever heard for Twilight!   http://spiderjewel.tumblr.com/post/43066147781/i-belong-my-little-pony-friendship-is-magic   Splurg!!



Games Ponies Play

I was browsing one of my favoirte sites, i09 and was surprised the managaed to obtain an early clip of the upcoming episode this weekend. Don't go to the link or even watch it if you don't want to be spoiled on anything!     http://io9.com/5982017/an-exclusive-first-look-at-saturdays-new-my-little-pony-featuring-the-ultimate-bad-hair-day



Steady Ride

And No one is all what I need to relax after an exhausting day of work at the University. Tomorrow I will be stuck at home doing God knows what. Probably be an all day thing too if I don't break loose of all the gadgetry temptations!   http://soundcloud.com/trocaderonet/steady-ride-gun-metal-green



Short Change Hero

Because I just started playing Borderlands 2!   http://youtu.be/P1QUZzeZoPQ   Now every mp3-compatible device I carry has this song on repeat whahaha     Singing it aloud makes me feel BOSS too!



My comment on Disney buys LucasFilm

As it stands, I see Disney buying Star Wars as being a great thing.   People didn't think that Heath Ledger would make a good Joker, but he played a really good one. I'm giving Disney the benefit of the doubt. If they screw it up, we can just say that Star Wars is completely dead, forget about it and move on. If it's better than the prequels, we'll all say that Lucas should have signed it over to Disney 10 years ago.



Music Trip

For this day I'll be locked up in my bedroom listening to my selection of preferred music from the early 60's to the 2000's. Right after listening to my JoCo playlist I will begin with The Four Aces then to The Rolling Stones. This is going to be a very productive day   I'll wake you up when its over.



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