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Speculation/ideas on subversions

The subversions are evident for those who researched it.   But, how does one beat a subversion?   Today I want to wonder out-loud, about counter-subversions.   The problem is it takes so long to implement, it might as well only be done if the subversion you want to stop will win, as an effort against it. Like how the marxist subversion is kinda doing it, once more powerless spread it across years.   Recent posts n concepts have been making me think more on this topic, like how anger is a

Lil Pip

Lil Pip

Experimental brain exercises

This is for creativity.   Write down all games, cartoons, comics/manga/art, movies, etc that you know well enough to imagine.   Now just, imagine a scenario, don't be picky, just improvise and roll with it.   Now repeat for each thing in your list.   Go back, and look up each thing to see how well you got the details for their body language, art style, appearance, personality, etc.       Now this is for processing power.   Imagine having a miniature floating walking person with you

Lil Pip

Lil Pip

Starting to get sad- My history (12k character rant)

I can't believe in heaven. There are math errors (and a dozen other reasons, and even more so, is they make sense where the bible does not. I can try disproving these things and fail, and I refuse to cherry pick and confirmation bias etc).   But I can't get over what happens when I will die.   I want transhumanism and that medicine they found which may reverse and slow aging.   Then I want reinforcement to not die so easily from accidents like altered genes or such from an altered virus to

Lil Pip

Lil Pip

Oh man

Your guy's thoughts on this? Not just the Jake editing, your thoughts on the whole event that transpired. I mean the obvious is kind of obvious, the show has nothing better to do than try and make fun of people to make their audience get an ego boost. Then those on the show thought it was a good idea.  And then the psychologist guy, literally had nothing to say. And the show is so fake, because he doesn't get into any details, and they never promise anything other than saying if its weird or no

Lil Pip

Lil Pip

Different types of learning

This is based on what I know so take it with a grain of salt, and what I notice in other's behaviors, but it is by no means a complete overview.   1. Memorization. 2. Association 3. Comprehension   Memorization, uninspiring, sorta lame unless you are personally vested into the topic, which you can trick yourself into doing by asking yourself 'What do I want to know?' Then being motivated is easy peasy.   Associative learning is the most magical, and its the easiest to be incorrect about an

Lil Pip

Lil Pip

Logic with Lil

*not to be confused with the Lil Pip from FO:E   Hello and welcome to logic with Lil. Because almost alliteration is better than none lol.   Today we will see examples of improper logic, because the best way to learn logic is to avoid mistakes.   :-o But why is the best way to improve at logic is to learn to avoid making mistakes?   Thats a good question. That is because if you use faulty reasoning it will always be wrong, but if you don't use faulty reasoning what you say will at leas

Lil Pip

Lil Pip

Electrical muscle stimulation simulation.

Some studies show even in sedentary lifestyles (at the computer alot) it can increase health if one gets electrical muscle stimulation going. I know no doctor would let someone have like 5-9 on at once, but I want to have like 5 to 9 on at once lol. Unless this idk, maybe?   So I am trying to use my brain to stimulate my muscles in a similar fashion, problem is it takes too much effort and I can't game at the same time while doing it y

Lil Pip

Lil Pip

Papyrus speaks human Undertale Theory *Spoilers*

I tried to google if this theory existed, albeit briefly. Its not.   Basically an extension theory to the chara is the narrator theory a lil bit of this mixed with a little bit of this however this vid is annoying a bit because of adhd, and high volume bleeping and stuff  But a strong evidence for chara being the narrator is when the ghosts show evidence of awareness of narration as if it were speech. Napstablook heres him saying he has no sense of humor, and mad dummy says their buddy

Lil Pip

Lil Pip

Hm something I realized about early religion

All religion is basically subconscious self-worship through egotism(in this perspective I am sharing), however, I remembered a detail about early magical practice with a new angle I haven't thought of before for consequence for the rest of the development of humanity's psyche.   Ancient magic was all association. They didn't know it, but they were tricking themselves into thinking they could do magic. Like if you pretend to use psychic powers to influence a sports game on television or such. I

Lil Pip

Lil Pip

An example of my reasoning process.

I am not sure if I have made a fallacy(logical mistake) or not. Hm.   The potential fallacy was that religions having the probability to do evil in small amounts and consistently, means its bad. I realize SJWs do a similar logic when arguing that all men are potential rapists thus all men are bad and owe women. This is the second time I noticed the fallacy but last time was too busy or tired to remember to catch myself.   But then I remember the research I did and can't help but think I am r

Lil Pip

Lil Pip

Steam holiday sale

Downloaded two free games Price and Trick & Treat.   Got FO3 so I can put mods on it (from Nexusmods.com and it needs a mod just to run on this windows)   Wings of Vi looks good aesthetically and I play platformers sometimes. Semi-recently played Castlevania SotN and reminds me of that in some ways.   Got Cluster Truck. It appeals to my stimulation desire and looks fun but simple, possibly addictive, and because its first person I would like it to influence future dreams. I think it pr

Lil Pip

Lil Pip


Consequence. The measure of whether an action is good or not.   But, what of the scope of the consequence. Eating icecream all day might feel good initially, but what will it feel like in the long run?   Not only that, how will it effect those around me?   Consequence is empirical. But if its limited in scope and not thought of beyond the self and into the future, how can you have the best understanding of your actions?

Lil Pip

Lil Pip

Just some links I don't have the time to read/skim right now

http://www.sciencemag.org/news/2012/04/keep-faith-dont-get-analytical https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/f4e1/ce38f00e041c6b5c4b761484a4c44ea95f95.pdf https://books.google.com/books?id=moO7QCiyj34C&pg=PA148&lpg=PA148&dq=the+problems+with+religious+experiments&source=bl&ots=VyMd5Qj000&sig=4Q7h9E0gimuTZhE7iQVGzEzjhBg&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwi_gqDg--PQAhUEQCYKHUj3AsEQ6AEIPzAG#v=onepage&q=the%20problems%20with%20religious%20experiments&f=false http://lesswrong

Lil Pip

Lil Pip

Disassociation as a psychological defense mechanism +Bayesian logic

I realized after using this link yesterday its a psychological defense mechanism. Basically defense mechanisms: a guide on how to not feel bad.   This is how they resolve dissonant beliefs in some instances, its also why people wish mind bleach were real.   Also its a logical fallacy because it neglects how each version of religion is differently defined, and no one knows which one is real (except me, its none #Triggered )   So its also evidence of a misperception issue and unrelatabilit

Lil Pip

Lil Pip

Arguing with an 'intellectual christian' under a youtube video

This is just my most recent response, and it goes in detail. To enlighten as to the context, he considers himself an intellectual christian, who knows the bible may as well be wrong give or take, and I called him stupid a few comments ago and he insisted on addressing it. Here is my response.

Lil Pip

Lil Pip

Why superstition is wrong, even if the lie has benefits.

https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/ff/0a/46/ff0a461421390ff6ab07d2bc4146ed27.jpg http://www.cnn.com/2016/05/16/health/religion-lifespan-health/ https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/novel-finding-reading-literary-fiction-improves-empathy/   But   http://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-22356306 Basically https://mlpforums.com/topic/145365-why-do-so-many-people-hate-religion/page-9#entry4751513   For instance also, the Westboro Baptist Church. If Christianity was so wholesome why did

Lil Pip

Lil Pip

Speed reading

Speed read about 60k words today, and normal read about 18k. Dry eyes are possibly going to be a problem so will sleep earlier and hydrate more. Also try having one eye shut and the other lidded, and swapping them periodically. This is day 2 of it, day one I had read about 18k in speed reading. Started at 270 and worked my way up to 290. Today it was 285 to 355. I try to every 5k words or so up 10 wpm speed using this program http://www.spreeder.com/app.phpand each day lower it by 5 for warm-up

Lil Pip

Lil Pip


Long story short. Was crazy during winter before. Now symptoms resurface every winter, and a lil during the fall.   So, yes, if I am ever being weird tell me to go watch mlp or get some sunlight or something lol.   Mental illness may also run in the family. Just feel like saying this if people ever wonder why my behavior seems to shift or anything.   Also simply may be sensitive to stress.

Lil Pip

Lil Pip

Visualization exercises

Your task, is to combine wires in your mind. All wires are uniform and not custom, and you want to get the mass as large and as dense as possible.   First you might think, oh this is easy, just wrap a wire around other wires, then you have a dense segment of wire. But then an issue occurs. How do you connect multiple of those? Its basically a block. And you want it to be dense, which it is not if you have to tie two wires together, there is going to be some space. So simply tying wires to make

Lil Pip

Lil Pip

Hearth's Warming Tail : How my brain worked in this instance: Indirect Overthinking

Rewatching this I realize, it has more to it than the first hearth's warming episode.   So why do people hate on this season exactly? The show has a different feel? Personal grudge against Starlight? Etc.   Anyways I enjoyed this episode. Granted, cliches are *imitating a puking sound/action with tongue sticking out* but its for kids, and it can be viewed as a type of humor as well, and its upbeat so *shrugs*. Possibly a reference, with that random tap-dancing bit. I know its 'pinkie' of Pin

Lil Pip

Lil Pip

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