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About this blog

This "blog" is a metaphorical potpourri of random stuff. This may include stuff about TV shows, my personal life (not everything surely), my thoughts on some political subjects (might want to avoid if my views offend you in some way), Video Games (the ones I don't have...), and stuff about memes. 

Entries in this blog

Why N is an Example of a Great Anti-Hero

Be warned, contains spoilers for Pokémon Black and White. To anyone who hasn't played it yet and plans to, you've been warned.     There seems to be a sort of debate what N actually IS in the Gen V Pokémon games (well aside from his real name being really funny. Seriously look him up and you'll see that it's pretty bad if you have a sick mind). Some people say he's a villain because he's, on paper, the leader of Team Plasma, the evil team in Generation V. But here's the thing, tec

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Poem I came up with for my boyfriend :3

My lovely, my manly My heart pounds so gladly For you, my wondrous knight I lust for you all night If only t'were today but not another day   My lover, my precious You've been quite chivalrous Am I justified such From a man I love much you've taught me love once more couldn't be gladder for   My dear, my loveliest do you fancy me best I ponder that your mate is me not, do I rate better than I believe or should my nerves reprieve   My other ha

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Hazbin Hotel OC?

Well I've been in the processes of trying to make this forum-appropriate (Still a couple things that may be, well, iffy) and refining some of the details in my head for a while, but here's a general idea. Really, I forgot to post it a couple of weeks ago, so it never came out. Also, there's still no art because I'm no artist.   Name: Mr. McLove (Meyer McLeery) Nicknames: "Rat in the Hat", "Rat Fink", "Sweets"         Type: Rat Demon Date of Death: July 26, 1889           Cause of

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Dusky's SnM Paladins Tier List

If you want to see my CURRENT tier list, here's a link to the current Sun and Moon version.   I will only update it through Guru, unless it won't work, then I will do it through here and post my updated list here.

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Why Steven Universe is the BEST Cartoon EVER MADE

Since the top 20 list wasn't, well... very well-explained, I plan to make a new list soon. But, for now I'll talk about one specific show and what it does so well. That show being? Steven Universe.     In my opinion, Steven Universe is just one of the shows I could count on one hand that ascends above everything else that has EVER come on TV. No matter how much I hate the fandom (it's NOT okay to tell people to kill themselves over a piece of fanart or to attack a kid DYING OF CANCER

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Dusky's Top 5 Husbandos

Well, this used to be a tier list and now I'm turning into a list of my top 5 husbandos. A tier list was hard to keep up with, plus I wanted to elaborate more on why I love certain guys from video games (yes, all of them will be) so much (and I wanted to add new ones). Well here it is I suppose, because I'm so bad with introductions. Before I get into it, I'll give honorable mentions to the TF2 Medic for just his voice and his personality (some of the fanart helps him also), Captain Gordon for b

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Why I'm -Cautiously- Optimistic About 2019

Well after recently watching one of the best TV episodes in all of television, I really feel positive. I feel like expressing that positivity into what I see for 2019. The potential for maybe something good to happen to me for once. Maybe it will be the best year of my entire life. Although I'll be the first to admit, the opposite may once again be true, and if it were bad enough it could be my last year of life (You know what I'm implying here), I'm really looking forward to a year in and of it

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State of the Project: January 21, 2019

Even with how short it will probably be, yes, I do need to post this.   If you somehow got here without knowing, I have been working on a potential design for a tabletop game. Now the game has technically been in development at this point for about 2 or 3 years. All I can reveal as of now about the game itself (I've revealed a lot of this already) is that it's a sort of hybrid between Heroclix and a MOBA with a post-apocalyptic setting (To address concerns about the way that may sound,

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Classic Spongebob Episode TIER LIST

Well, here's something a BIT different, and a random bone to toss at @ChB (hopefully that was termed right... If it wasn't, you probably know what I meant to say. I'm trying to say it's a random "gift" of sorts). I thought of this after watching Cosmodore's video ranking every classic SpongeBob episode (Seasons 1-3) from Worst to Best (I know it's over a year old now, but that's what initially inspired this). SpongeBob was once among the best cartoons of all time, and there's PLENTY of reason fo

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Borderlands: the Presequel, Good or Bad?

Pre-Sequel has always been treated as the black sheep of the Borderlands series by many fans, and I'll agree with them on that. I avoided this game until recently because I couldn't initially get into it, but I had a change of heart. I played it. Today, I'll be answering these questions: Are the flaws with this game really that massive, or are they really not that big of a deal? Is this game actually bad? That's what's up for discussion here. Before I get into it though, the format of this will

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Favorite Characters to Play as in Games

Well, I was originally going to vent here, but I got inspiration after watching a YouTube video to do something less simultaneously migraine-inducing and controversial. I'll just discuss some of my favorite characters to play as in video game history, and why I enjoy them so much. The only rules here are one per game. These are not in order.   Barik (Paladins)- The Dwarven god among men himself. My main when I played Paladins, he brought me so much enjoyment playing the game that I ca

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Who I Am (A Cry For Help, Part 4)

Well, once again I find myself copying somebody else's idea for a blog post. Seriously what is wrong with me? Well, I'll tell you what's wrong with me, from the top.   I was born out of a high risk pregnancy. My mother had a congenital defect in one of her heart valves, and it nearly caused both of us to die, from what I heard. That's why I was born in a Seattle hospital. Both of my siblings were born in Renton, Washington, because they were far more normal. I hear that I was also bor

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Dusky's Political Views

Well, here it is. The inevitable political blog post... In this post I will make short summations of my beliefs on a variety of topics. I'm doing this for four reasons. Firstly, so that way I don't feel the urge to post in the toxic cesspool that is the Debate Pit (Debate Symposium is way too polite of a name for it). Secondly, it feels like they confuse some people with the narrow-minded perspective of every issue being left vs right. That ISN'T always the case! I agree with the right on some t

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League of Legends Top Lane Tier List

Well, here it is. I haven't actually played the game since early Season 7 (Can't believe it's been almost 2 years), so my opinions may be a little outdated. Nonetheless, this is also partially based on other tier lists, so there is something to this aside from what I think. Nonetheless, it is mostly what I think from watching a few league games, combined with my opinions and my knowledge of changes since I actually played the game, so it could be a little off.   Top Tier: Sion, Darius,

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The Ideal Man for Me

Well, I've really been recently thinking a LOT about love. Why? Well, because I've been having the feeling that I need a man to love. A man I can depend on, a steady shoulder to lean on. I know that I'm not the best candidate for a lover, and I never have been. I'm definitely not a looker for sure, and I have my fair share of issues. But here goes, a description of my ideal boyfriend, by how important the specific traits are to me... I know I already posted most of this in a thread before, but I

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Dusky's Smash Ultimate Tier List (Post Plant)

I can't believe I'm doing this. I'm once again posting a tier list for a game I haven't actually played in it's current form (or in this case, at all). A LOT of perceptions of mine have changed since release looking at tournament results and also seeing more potential in some characters and less in others than I initially saw in them. I'm also changing the format slightly. I'll note that these lists are based on a combination of opinion, tournament results (as far as I know), and what I've heard

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A Serious Discussion about Autism Part 3: What Needs to be Done About Autism?

This should be the last one of this series, discussing autism. As has been discussed, I don't like the way that autism as an issue is handled today, but I think that with leadership, dedication, and initiative the autistic community as a whole could potentially remedy this situation, at least in my opinion. I understand that less than 1% of the population are autists with an IQ above the mentally retarded line, but hear me out here. Fixing this issue won't be a quick process, but it will actuall

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A Serious Discussion about Autism Part 2: Autism and Society

Well, I feel  like I could have made this one long post in hindsight. But, I'm past that point now, so here's the second part of a three part series of blog posts. Autism as a diagnosis has only been around for 70 years, and Asperger's has only been around for 20, so it is kind of expected for society to not really understand what the autistic population as a whole are going through. Not to mention, that in part 1 I mentioned the characteristics of autism. Those characteristics are very abnormal

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A Serious Discussion about Autism Part 1: What is Autism?

Well, I had a stray thought a few moments about making a blog post about autism, and really discuss the topic as a whole. The stray thought was partially triggered by a thought I have circling in the back of my mind that goes something like this: "If I really were to be diagnosed with Asperger's (if you didn't know, it's the mildest form of autism), what would it mean for me?". It came to evolve into something along the lines of "I know I've discussed it a lot before, but . Society lacks awarene

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Top 10 Worst MLP Episodes, Blog Edition

Well, here it is. My least favorite episodes ever of MLP. I know that I already posted portions of this list in a post in a related topic, but I didn't comment on the episodes themselves as a whole. Fair warning, I may not go into enough detail for some people here, because with some of these episodes they're just so terrible that being blunt about it is the only way to adequately explain just how much of a dumpster fire it was. Also, fair warning, I may also get a bit... over the top at some po

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Why Paladins is better than Overwatch in my Opinion

This is a post a LONG time coming. Paladins vs Overwatch. Considering that I have perspective on both games (I've played over 600 hours of Paladins, and my brother last I heard climbed to Diamond in Overwatch and I've been watching Overwatch pretty closely), I think it's more than appropriate for me to make the comparisons here. Paladins and Overwatch both have their own sort of appeal behind them to me, and honestly I would love to play Overwatch. But I don't think it's nearly as good as Paladi

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Smash Ultimate: Who am I interested in?

Well, I've been talking about this some. Smash Ultimate as a game is easily the game I've been most excited for in at least a year, if not even earlier. The Smash Bros. franchise has been an important series to me, and this newest installment has me super excited. I wasn't initially when I heard some of the roster, but since then my opinion has changed drastically. Since I learned some of the mechanical differences between Smash 5 and Sm4sh, I've been interested, and a specific crocodile really

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What Happened to Star VS the Forces of Evil?

When I initially watched the first couple of seasons of Star VS the Forces of Evil, I had a very positive reception of the series. But, then just after the Battle for Mewni... The episodes took a SERIOUS nosedive in quality. It's a real shame, considering how good the series USED to be. Now it's become mediocre to the point that I can hardly even tolerate watching it any more. Well, the series has 3 main problems now that need to be discussed to answer the question of why.   The Anima

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A Cry for Help, Part 3

Yet another "Cry for Help" post. I feel like somebody's got to think that this is getting old. But this one concerns thoughts I've had for a while. I'll just get to the point...         I Believe that I'm an Aspie   I know I repeatedly express this feeling, but I feel this need to express my belief that I have Asperger's. I don't know what that need is about (probably the anxiety surrounding it), but I just can't not express it. I have a lot of symptoms t

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Dusky's Unpopular Opinions

Before I begin just listing them off, a quick reminder. These are OPINIONS. Don't waste your time trying to say I'm wrong because I'm not saying anything as fact. If you want to post yours here, I suppose that is also fine, as long as you aren't trying to cause a ruckus with a s***storm. With that out of the way...   Video Games Goldeneye 007 is (I hate to say it, but it's deserved) severely overrated. It has a myriad of issues that are acknowledged... Legend of Zelda: Oca

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