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The place where you can read everything interesting that happens in the world.

Entries in this blog

Why I am no longer a brony~

I have discussed this with many other users who were here in the olden days of Mlpforums, and with some people in a thread about "ex-bronies". I figured, "Hey, why not just make this pretty much official in my blog?"   Well, I can safely say the Brony fandom is no longer a part of my life. That piece of me has dissolved due to the way the fandom evolved around me.   At first, I had a whole lot of fun with ponies and bronies. With so many creative artists around, a forum to talk on, and a sh



Performances- Spongebob and Acapella

If you have clicked on this blog, the title must of caught your attention, obviously. Well, I'm sure you're asking yourself,   "The hell is he talking about, Performances for what?" Well, my good reader, I am talking about a very special performance date that is coming up this Friday Evening.   I will be performing in a few skits to raise money for my school, which include a Spongebob skit, and I am a member of an Acapella Group.   Spongebob:   For my Spongebob skit, my friends and I sh



Love and Tolerance - All a Joke, or Real?

You've all heard the term "Love and Tolerance". It was originally a joke to troll people on image boards. It was just a funny thing to say to someone. Yet someone out there took it to heart, and we made it our moto.   By "we", I mean bronies. Yet, years later, as the fandom grows more and more each day, I have grown distant from the fandom.   One of the many reasons-   The fanbase itself.   The show, is not bad at all. I in fact, still love it. It is the bronies who attempt to follow th



Xbox Gamers

Due to the thread in the media center to share online profiles has been rather sluggish, and well, empty, I have decided to make this little blog post to see how many people play xbox, and see if we can't set up a little game night for the forum.   It'd be nice to get to know some of you new members, and you old ones as well!   So, post what games you play on xbox 360, and your gamertag.   Mine:   CronaTheCritic _________________   Black Ops 1+2 Halo Reach Modern Warfare 2 +3 Gears



What is up with everyone bashing on the staff?

So, as I have returned only a week ago, I have come to see something brewing within the community. I have seen many members making status updates and posts on threads commenting about "How bad the mod staff is", and "How lazy they are."   Who exactly do you guys think you are doing this to the staff? Have you forgotten that the members of the staff aren't robots. They are men and women (If there are still women, I have forgotten), with lives and things to do.   They ARE here to help the co



Anime Blog

So, an idea was thrown at me from a friend of mine.   What would you blog readers think of a blog where I view mainstream and low-stream anime's, and review them for you, and tell you if they are worth watching?   It could be a fun experience, so I would like to see what you would think of it.   Leave a comment below saying yay or neigh!



Yu-Gi-Oh Centered blog?

I'm curious upon your opinion, dear reader. I seem to have come upon an urge to blog once more, but I am currently at a loss of what to write about.   I have one major interest as of late, which is Yu-Gi-Oh.   I was wondering if any forum users would like to read a blog centered around Yu-Gi-Oh, or anything else you can think of.   Please, leave a comment on what you would like. Don't be a person who reads and leaves. That makes me a sad Crona.   Message me if you have any other ideas,




After some critical thinking, I have decided to return to the forum. I realized how much I truly miss this place. This is the first forum I've ever been active on for over a year, and I want to keep my activity up for as long as possible. Although I'm not really a brony anymore, I shall be posting once more.   Hugs, guys :3



Losing interest as a brony, and other things.

So it's been a while guys. First off, I want to apologize for that rare chance that someone missed me. I just had to leave for a while, deal with life and all that junk.   I've been through a bunch of stuff, that's really shaping me into the man I need to be to survive this life. Let's get done to this.   Yes, I am no longer considering myself a hardcore brony anymore. I -used- (to) enjoy the show and post about ponies, but I have lost pretty much all interest. Being a brony was a good exp



Dueling Network Group

Well, given my less than amazing forum revist, I wanted to do something for a section of the forum.   Seeing how Yu-gi-oh is finding its popularity once more, I wanted to setup a group for a popular website, which is an online version of the card game. The url is : http://www.duelingnetwork.com/   We already have a small group going, but we're looking for more members to setup in the skype group.   What I am planning on doing for the group: Weekend Tournaments Prizes of Some sort



Any Yu-Gi-Oh fans out there?

Well, along with my absence, I have discovered an old love of mine.   The card game, Yu-gi-oh. I played this non stop when I was a kid (By myself of course), as I had no one to play with.   Well, at my school, the nerdy kids actually managed to bring it back. Now just about everyone in our town is buying Yu-gi-oh cards like crazy, and nerding out.   Well, I found a website where you can duel online, and I was wondering if there were any other Yu-gi-oh fans out there who wanted to set up ga



Been offline for about a Month

Hey guys, it's been quite a long time, hasn't it?   Sorry that I have been gone for so long. I know some of you honestly don't care, but I feel like just explaining the reason why I have been offline.   It's more of the reason of -   I used to be on the computer too damn much. I have been out with friends, meeting new people, getting my life together.   I figured, "Hey, if I'm going to be a sad sack of shit, why not just make new friends and get out of this rut?"   Well, I slapped myse



Why I am straying away from relationships.

As a teenager, being in a relationship is one of the worst decisions that you could make. With the raging hormones that we posses plus the fact that our decision making skills are off the radar insane, you would think I would try my hardest to stay out of the world of dating.   Yet, I continue to find myself back into it.   As many of you know, I am an extremely extroverted and dependent person. I really need someone to control my emotions. While I have been working on this for years, I fi



Starting a new page of life.

To say this simply, reality made me its bitch. The reason I wasn't on at all yesterday was because I was at a play. But for the entire day, I was in absolute shock with myself.   Here is what happened on Friday.   ***   So, I woke up at 6 in the morning to get ready for school. My chest felt amazingly empty, as I had a panic attack just a few hours earlier. I walked into the shower, and sat in it for a while and thought. I really wanted to cut myself again, just to get rid of the pain. S



Is it worth it?

Life may be for everyone, but is it really worth living? It will be full of pain and hardships, and some of us take pain so much more than others. If life seems this bad now, it will certainly only get worse.   I slashed my arm for the first time in forever, and I am afraid for what I may do in the future. I believed my life would finally pick up for once, but it is dropped right back on his head.   Like usual, I suppose.   I don't know why I expect to be happy any time soon.   2012



Spongebob and Mr.Krabs

So, for this upcoming Fundraiser in our school, we have an event called "Coffee house".   Basically, the theater kids put on a bunch of acts for people while they buy coffee, and other assorted goods.   Well, my friend and I have decided on our act. We shall touch on peoples childhoods, and sing this song.   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y71p11rEReY&feature=related   I am going to be Mr.Krabs, he is going to be Spongebob.   It is going to be quite glorious, I assure you.   We s



The small things

It's such a marvel to have such small things occur to someone, and they eventually build up into what I am feeling right now. Let's see, I can explain much more by telling you guys what happened.   Pretty much, after my girlfriend and I broke up (codename: Doppleganger), I was an emotional wreck. In the month of June, I met a girl by the name of Lexa. We both had serious problems, but we felt so much better just by talking to one another. We became very close, and I eventually started to fall



A woman sobbed on me in the hallway today.

As the title states, I was sobbed on by a young woman in the hallway today between classing periods.   It shook me up for the rest of the day, even to the point to where I knew I had to help her. Here is what happened:   The woman's name is Angel. She was dating one of the men in our theater class, Chad. Over the weekend, Chad and her broke up over some dispute. Well, both sides have different stories. All I knew was that they split up, and Chad already had a new girlfriend.   I felt bad



Batman, Riddler, and Ichigo Improv

Well, my friends and I were extremely bored at his house, so we started to explore a bit. We found a Riddler cape, a Batman mask, and an Ichigo sword. With us, you can only expect weirdness to come.   And that it did.   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UdcqwQKFk3U&feature=youtube_gdata   We're such idiots.   None of this was scripted. This came out of the top of our heads.       Source: Batman, Riddler, and Ichigo Improv



A Rather Emotional Forum Birthday

So, we all know that Mlpforum has its birthday today. This may be all fine and dandy for some people, but for me, it means much more than that.   I may of joined on the 11th, but I treat this place as more than a forum. It is a home.   Here is a small fact some may not know about me:   Back in November and such, I hit a major depression, which I still suffer from to this day, I contemplated suicide every single day. I didn't know what to do with my life. So, I decided to see if I could g



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