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About this blog

A fancy blog deliberating all of the pestilence and filth afflicting the human species. There is also cake.

Entries in this blog

Thank You & Goodbye

After 168 years, we finally say a sad but very proud farewell to our 7.5m loyal readers. Teatime Tirades, the world's greatest blog 1843-2011 2012.   Our parent company is pissed, so they ragequit like the noobs they are. Also any allegations of corruption, negligence, and wrongdoing is unjustified and fabricated slander, and will be dealt with per the legal system.   How did we fail? Quite simply we lost our way. We praised high standards, we demanded high standards but, as we are now on



Whiteshade LLC Shareholder's Report, Q3 2012

Third Quarter profits for blog "Teatime Tirades" has fallen 58%. With this in mind, the board of directors, and the chairman of the board, Whiteshade, have decided to opt out of the current business model for a new strategy.   We feel compelled to reveal this new strategy to you, the shareholders, and seek your majority approval on the future of this venture.   The Previous Model: The previous model on "Teatime Tirades" was predominantly off color and black humor, combined with highly poten



Copyright Infringement!

Look at this: http://mlpforums.com/blog/69/entry-754-a-matter-of-the-utmost-importance/ Then look at this: http://mlpforums.com/blog/24/entry-831-next-topic/   My intellectual property has been stolen! It is explicitly stated in the fine print that all blog entries in blog "Teatime Tirades" is property of Whiteshade LLC, and may not be reproduced or mimicked without the express written consent of Whiteshade LLC. This is an outrage! Cease and desist at once, or face legal ramifications!  




http://www.leaguereplays.com/replays/match/2082192/   I got a penta playtesting Kayle for like the second time ever. Second time ever, you'd think I would already have a couple with my mains, but nope, best ive got was a Quadra with Soraka, Veig, Tristana, and some others I forgot about. Q+E = win game   Also to those who don't know, I'm talking about League of Legends, I think I made an introduction entry about it a decade back, so you can stalk me and dig up that entry to read up on it.  



Horrible Singing

Guy in the other room is singing so loudly and horribly. Wut do. Wut do dat be legal?   Sanity: - 20 Patience: -20 Fire Resist: -10 HP: -30




So an entry about aliens...   Hmm, I think this has aliens in it http://www.kongregate.com/games/BerzerkStudio/gunbot?acomplete=gunbot   Close_enough.jpg   See? I always listen to my viewers and look out for their interests. Aren't I such a nice guy?   Signoff is Haiku Second line, um, Rainbow Dash She is best pony ~Whiteshade, Minister of Culture for Osaka Prefecture



A matter of the utmost importance!

Are you ready? Of course you're not ready!   Well here it comes...   What should I write about? I have no clue really. Yes, I just made an entire entry about how I don't have anything for further entries. Too legit to quit.   Also, some facts about my life. - I am hungry right now - I am bored right now - I am incredibly livid right now because I just got stonewalled on an important matter   Some simple facts so you can get to know me better.   Running out of closings for this signo



Lawl, u died

This blog. It died. This user, he died too. He is ghost now. If you are reading this he is haunting you. He is also has a cattle prod for whenever you speak in less than 100 characters, to uphold sadism human integrity. Also, he is speaking in the third person, because it's an really bad habit he got from Trixie, whom he dramatically broke up after finding out she embezzled all his funds on cider and many Twilight Sparkle plushies. He grammar is also slightly worse now, because it side effect of



Clint Eastwood

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qiHNVYRTKP8   Wat. Wat. Wat.   This is the weirdest shit I've seen all year. Hence, le blog entry.



Wow I actually made sense when I was a kid...

Cleaning up for university, selling assets, taking bribes, establishing connections, handling assets, you know, busy busy day for me. So I clean up, and I found this thingy all the way back from grade 7, when I was 12. Note this is word for word and I'm not correcting any grammar or adjusting my weaksauce analogies. So let's begin:   "Fear is usually described as being afraid of something. However, I think fear has more than that and is different for everyone. Everyone has different fears and




I just realized my blog is not popular compared to others. I could have never expected this, and this comes as a great shock to me, the greatest man to ever exist. However, since I am courageous and perseverant (spellcheck says perserverant is not a word but obviously it is just jelly that I invented a word it doesn't know) and all that stuff, I will stand unfazed by this development (even though I am totally shocked). I will rise to the occasion, and bring down all of my competitor's blogs in f



The narcissist strikes again!

My Blog: 143 views   Entry 1: 14 views Entry 2: 25 views Entry 3: 32 views Entry 4: 18 views   This counter seems legit.   So what is in store today? You ask. Well to answer that question, I have no idea. No seriously, I have no topic here. Don't worry though, when this happens, I always have a contingency plan in place. Let's talk about how awesome I am and how clearly I lead a very interesting a popular life and I blog about my life and feed the unsuspecting plebs with my sheer win.




So if you don't know me well, you wouldn't know that I have an interest in politics. Shame on you, you must know me better! Anyways, our chaotic neighbors to the south are gearing up for not one, but two disasters. One is Hurricane Issac, and its expected to hit some state that always gets hit with hurricane stuff Louisiana, whilst the other disaster is unfolding in Tampa, the Republican National Convention. So, from what I'm seeing, the whole point of the convention is to provide a pedestal for



League of Legends

So..............   Ya heard of it? It's a game (ikr?) that consists of stuff and where you do things and win stuff. Teams are of 5, and the teams compete to see who can better swagwalk to the enemy base and one shot it while eating cake simultaneously. There are three routes: top for nubs, bot for nubs, and mid for everyone who was ever worth anything in life. Oh in most games there is also a jungler, who kills random stuff but doesn't really do anything unless you rage at him.   *Descript



Mic Test

Is this thing on? Last time I made an entry it didn't seem like it updated on the front page.   Also: Issac v. RNC, discuss.



Operation Start!

So I'm supposed to be retired from the forums. So why am I writing this? Am I being hypocritical? No, that's impossible unless I actually perceived myself as hypocritical, and I have no reason to conclude that a logical critic seemingly smarter than myself such as you can ever exist, hence you must be non-existent. But I do digress.   On to the topic at hand: There is no topic really. I'm just doing this out of boredom. Have some awesome:   While you're distracted by that, excuse me as



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