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What are your mane 3?

There are many quizzes out there about which pony you are most like, but those might not present the full picture, with personalities being more or less multi-faceted. If someone asked me, I'd say I am Pinkie Pie first, then Fluttershy, then Twilight Sparkle. Since I am somewhat versed in the theory of Eastern spiritual energy practices, I tend to view things from that perspective. The mane 6 are interesting anyway, since there are various polarities between them (TS vs. PP, R vs. AJ, RD vs FS)



Fluttershy loves elevators

When she was in Manehattan with all those tall buildings, she learned to appreciate elevators.   ...   She'd really have hated it if she had been forced to use   ...   THE STAIRS!!!



Season 4 finale commentary

A few thoughts that I had while watching the awesome finale:     1) Tabitha St. Germain does a pretty good job giving Rarity and Luna different voices, but during the singing part, I realized that maybe they should have looked for a different singing VA for Luna (= not Kazumi Evans), because I think no one did not notice how Luna's singing sounded identical to Rarity's singing. Hell, if nothing else worked, maybe they could just have done some careful pitch-lowering in post-processing. It ju



A challenging tongue-twister

http://cryptic-enigma.deviantart.com/art/Princess-Fluffle-Puff-452263018   inspired me to make a tongue-twister. Try to say this fast:   "Fluffle Puff Plus Princess Plush Fluffle Puff Plus Princess Plush Fluffle Puff Plus Princess Plush Fluffle Puff Plus Princess Plush Fluffle Puff Plus Princess Plush"



I have an identity crisis

I practically am Pinkie Pie. But Pinkie Pie claims she is Pinkie Pie. So now we're fighting over the identity rights. That's why I'm goofing off whenever I can. We might eventually settle for a merger though. Hostile takeovers aren't FUN. (unless it involves pirates) (Who said that?!)



Surprise needs an episode!

I hope this is gonna happen in season 5. Surprise lives and cannot be ignored.   Would surely make for an interesting little story - a challenge for the writers.   And as you know... there can never bee too many Pinkie Pies.



Thankyous are like yen

You can shower someone with them and still be giving next to nothing.   It's a cheap currency you can use to avoid having to think about what else you could give that might be more appropriate for what you received. Remember this the next time you are incredibly appreciative or eternally grateful for something someone did.   Words are cheap. Are you saying it for them or for you?



Has there ever been a wheelchaired game protagonist?

I just realized, among thoughts about equality movements and depiction in media and how by now it's nothing special to have women and blacks and all kinds of people as protagonists in computer games ... is there any game where the protagonist is wheelchair-bound? If not, I would find this very interesting to explore. Could be a point&click-like adventure game maybe... or something more daring. I could hardly believe if no one already did that, but at the same time, I guess it would make sen



Pink does not equine... I mean equal pink

For a total Pinkie Pie fan, having good color display is even more exciting. Of all the colors, I am most stunned by how awesome and vivid pink looks on my monitor. So I made a comparative photo. It's not perfect, since a photo camera has trouble with photos like this. The monitors should display a color gradient from pastel-like at the top to extremely vivid pink on the bottom.   The photo will look different on various displays, but the relation (hopefully) should become clear. There should



Stereo vocals can be an immersion breaker

I am noticing this more frequently in recent episodes: Vocals are being distributed on the stereo channels depending on where a speaker is in relation to the camera. This can add acoustic information and some pseudo-realism (if not overdone, which happens when factors like sound reflection on walls are disregarded), but it is a tricky thing to use, because it is very easy to break immersion with it, and this happens especially when a speaker's position changes not by moving, but due to a changi



Trading card games and life

Trading card games, like the one in Steam, are social training and highly symbolic on a spiritual and philosophical level.   A trading card game is like a metaphor for life: Due to statistical chance, it is highly unlikely that any of us is given a full set of cards. We have cards of many sets. Fulfillment comes from succeeding at achieving the goal of the game. So in order to succeed, we need to complete at least some of our sets. Completing a set is impossible without other p



Speaking of anagrams

Pinkie Pie is redundant. Pinkie already contains all necessary ingredients for pie. ... Better leave the ink out of the dough, though.



Leap of Faith

Someone pointed out a snippet of Pinkie Apple Pie to me, and I realize it's worth commenting:   http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=chJYQz8xZco   In case you were wondering, this is about the "leap of faith" theme.   And it's often used in a popculture-like way, claiming that if you overcome your fear of the leap, you will not fall; fear preventing you from succeeding.   But here's the thing: It also prevents you from failing.   Encouraging people like that can a



Weird analogy...

Weird analogy that came to my mind in connection to MLP:   Angels have wings and devils have horns.   Hmmmmm...     Nah, I'm sure it's coincidental, but an interesting coincidence nonetheless.     Let's continue this line of thought just for FUN:   heavenly: loyalty, pushing personal limits, trying to be your best, inspiring people | loving kindness, compassion earthly: hard work, honesty, family | having a joyful time, cheering people up, faith evil: magic, rational thought, scien



A friendly warning from Zecora

Mare, don't toke! If you care not to choke, then beware of the smoke from the bare poison joke!       inspired by:   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YnHULG4y6Oc



S04E13 brief thoughts

Just some thoughts I had about the episode.     When Rarity and AJ were at the peak of their heated competition, I was delighted: It's the old Rarity+Applejack polarity tension again! I remember it fondly from "Look Before You Sleep". Very entertaining. (And not the only other case of that clean-vs-dirty issue ... remember Sisterhooves Social?) There are so many polar pairings just among the mane 6. Smart of Lauren Faust. Makes for a huge amount of character-driven story telling.     Too



S04E11 General Commentary, Major Annotation

Alright, enough military talk. ^^     Some brief thoughts on various scenes from episode 11. I'd love to make these things into full Youtube commentary videos, but that's not really feasible at the moment. :-/   So let's get right to it...     When Twiley talked about the Starswirl exhibition and Dashie expressed how lame she thought that is, I found that a bit rude. After all, nopony asked her to attend, so why the complaining?   When Cadance left the train and was teasing Twiley with



S04E11 - A 'Must Read'

UPDATE 2014-01-29: Did some additions and restructuring.     I like season 4's episode 11 "Three's A Crowd" a lot because of the valuable lessons contained within that are touching on my own life experience ... especially one unlearned (!) lesson that might be too in-your-face (or inconvenient) for people to notice.     To begin with, this episode toys with a common tool in script writing, where subplots are wrapped up and vanish and we never hear of it again. I'm s



Derpy has good and bad news for Twiley

Derpy: "I have good news and I have bad news..." Twiley: "Tell me the bad news first." Derpy: "Oh... well, OK. I ate them." Twiley: "Huh? Ate what?" Derpy: "The muffins." Twiley: "What muffins?" Derpy: "The... the ones I made you." Twiley: "Oh! ... Well, it's alright. The gesture is what counts. ... Of making them, not eating them of course. So what's the good news?" Derpy: "I made you some muffins!! :-D"     inspired by: http://dm29.deviantart.com/art/I-Made-You-Some-Muffins-But-I-



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