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Gender stereotyping as a marketing thing

At the supermarket today there were themed chocolate eggs, one Transformers and one MLP. Now, the association of those two franchises to boys and girls is vast, traditional and thus kind of common knowledge. But for some odd reason the supermarket added classifications on the price tags, labeling the Transformers ones as for "boys" and the MLP ones as for "girls". UPDATE: And sometimes there were bigger eggs next to those, also showing ponies IIRC, and those were labeled "trollies" for some


Dowlphin in blogging, duh

"Mare Do Well"? ... I got a batter name!

This would definitely be Pinkie Pie under that disguise. Also, I imagine this character as a Spanish mascateer.   Pinkie scriptum: Mascarphoney! I tried many ingredients (cocoa, cinnamon, spearmint, peppermint, molasses, sucrose, erythritol), but none improved on the pure taste and worked together so well as (high-quality) honey! (Doesn't even need much of it. Remember that it's quick sugars!) Still gotta try proper vanilla aroma (I bought an utter failure one - Ost

How did I not see this obvious pun before?

I guess it's a testament to the loving subtleness of introducing the theme. It's particularly moderate here because it deals with merely the rigid teenage roles enforced through peer pressure. It's a bit like an antithesis to Rainbow Dash, I guess, who is authentically (well, more or less) tomboyish. Although we could also discuss what in society made her be afraid of being known to like reading books. That must also be a story about peer pressure. She'll have spent a lot of time with flyers a

Mayor "Mare", huh?

Just now I was wondering whether she was originally intended to be named "Mayor Neighs". Mayobe her hair color in younger years was faint yellow?


Dowlphin in -

I rediscovered an alliteration extravaganza

At some point I regretted not having saved a link and then someone posted a comment on the thread and the notification brought it to my attention again, and this time I saved a link, heh. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jzzUCoaPAN4&lc=Ugi91bpnX6F9angCoAEC.8-5ykZGd31f7-KECsb4_Q6 (It's on a Weird Al video and responding to someone who thought I should change my profile pic and brought the weirdest reasons.)  

The archetype of the true noble - Firefly and MLP

Firefly and MLP These two scenes always remind me of each other. It is the same archetype of the veteran/mentor true noble who treats the 'fools of the court' as they deserve. The one who can see through all the phony aristocracy, yet exist in it. I have a moderate suspicion that the MLP scene might have been inspired by the Firefly one. There are certain visual and thematic similarities.  



What rules the future?

Once I tweeted: "Pinned tweets are essential for making the world go round." - Pinkey Pi   So what actually rules the world? ... mo' neigh!



Show finale triplet - brief commentary

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S9E21 Daring Doubt - brief commentary

== Spoiler Prevention Spacer (patent pending) ==  == Spoiler Prevention Spacer (patent pending) ==  == Spoiler Prevention Spacer (patent pending) ==  == Spoiler Prevention Spacer (patent pending) ==  == Spoiler Prevention Spacer (patent pending) ==  == Spoiler Prevention Spacer (patent pending) ==  == Spoiler Prevention Spacer (patent pending) ==   This episode escalates what has always bothered me a bit: Daring Do / A.K. Yearling, a writer characte



A shell doesn't reveal whether it is hollow

How very fitting that this was performed by the Dazzlings.     Escapism is flight, running. Seems necessary sometimes, but a temporary relief confirms what you run away from. A repetitive, uneventful series of days can be torment for some, bliss for others. It all depends on the inner state, but which is reflecting the outside world. Meaning, if society is healthy, people can lead the same clichée-boring lives as today, 9-5- cubicle job and such, and be fulfilled



S9E18 She Talks to Angel - brief commentary

== Spoiler Prevention Spacer (patent pending) ==  == Spoiler Prevention Spacer (patent pending) ==  == Spoiler Prevention Spacer (patent pending) ==  == Spoiler Prevention Spacer (patent pending) ==  == Spoiler Prevention Spacer (patent pending) ==  == Spoiler Prevention Spacer (patent pending) ==  == Spoiler Prevention Spacer (patent pending) ==   It feels a bit disturbing: This never-talked-about topic, which I assumed to have always been resolved



S9E17 The Summer Sun Setback - pictured commentary

== Spoiler Prevention Spacer (patent pending) ==  == Spoiler Prevention Spacer (patent pending) ==  == Spoiler Prevention Spacer (patent pending) ==  == Spoiler Prevention Spacer (patent pending) ==  == Spoiler Prevention Spacer (patent pending) ==  == Spoiler Prevention Spacer (patent pending) ==  == Spoiler Prevention Spacer (patent pending) ==   Seriously, Celestia, "My defeat of Luna"? Could you maybe at least have said "Nightmare Moon"? (I don'



S9E16 A Trivial Pursuit - brief commentary

== Spoiler Prevention Spacer (patent pending) ==  == Spoiler Prevention Spacer (patent pending) ==  == Spoiler Prevention Spacer (patent pending) ==  == Spoiler Prevention Spacer (patent pending) ==  == Spoiler Prevention Spacer (patent pending) ==  == Spoiler Prevention Spacer (patent pending) ==  == Spoiler Prevention Spacer (patent pending) ==   At the beginning of the episode I thought, oh no, this is gonna be a nerdisode. Not what I'm in the mo



Gotta say just one thing about S9E12 - The Last Crusade

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Gotta say just one thing about S9E11 - Student Counsel

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Check out this lovely pair of hooters

I know it's probably much more marketing than taste variety, but still, how could -I- possibly pass -this- up? I did skip the pony-themed one though, because, I mean, that's really just shameless.   SUPPLEMENT: They got a mild berry flavor. The violet ones a bit more distinct, like dark berries. (I am generally not getting excited about this common wine gum stuff anymore. But they're alright.) SUPPLEMENT 2: The sugared ginger-lemon stuff they have is much more exciting



S9E9 - Sweet and Smoky - picture commentary

== Spoiler Prevention Spacer (patent pending) ==  == Spoiler Prevention Spacer (patent pending) ==  == Spoiler Prevention Spacer (patent pending) ==  == Spoiler Prevention Spacer (patent pending) ==  == Spoiler Prevention Spacer (patent pending) ==  == Spoiler Prevention Spacer (patent pending) ==  == Spoiler Prevention Spacer (patent pending) ==          



My dream bikes ponified and punified

I miss the feeling.   (The fact that the body coloring creates such a good impression of mane and tail is torture. ... Anyone wanna electrostart my long dormant happiness?)   ...   And here is the PinkR3 Pie version, which is probably more theme-appropriate, but the Fluttershy one just feels nicer to me.   ...   This would probably be quite enjoyable, too: ...although I think I would prefer PrincYS Luna style for that one:



The mystery of the Dali ponting

First this appeared in S2E9 - Sweet and Elite:   And now this in Equestria Girls - Spring Breakdown Part 5 'Hoofin' It':   Note how the old one has, arguably as a bit of an immersion breaker, a more realistic painted art style, but the new one has the cheese that is such an upgrade. Various elements became more odd/abstract, and the wear marks near the corners are mostly identical, too. One could spin all kinds of theories as to what happened here. Diege



If Spike's castle scheming was any more masterful

Not only did Spike exploit a sibling rivalry in a sibling rivalry, but he created it in the first place. Spike asked Thorax to impersonate Celestia while she was on important business and instructed him to deliberately brush off all of Luna's security advice to make her susceptible to allying with him for the betrayal. Spike also hired Grogar to abduct all castle guards and replaced them with changelings so that they would be unrealistically easy to distract. Shining Armor was also a c



How to test the castle defenses ProPerly! (Pinkie Pie style)

It may take you a moment to fully realize the genius of this idea... .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ... Hire SUPERVILLAINS to test the defenses! There's no more reliable test than that! I can send a message across all of E



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