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7th and 8th Pony Waifu Weddings: Frostgage x The abomination of desolation, Noire x [I forget]




7th and 8th Pony Waifu Weddings!

This is blasphemy, this is blasphemy, this blasphemy, this is blasphemy, this is blasphemy, this blasphemy, this is blasphemy, this is blasphemy, this blasphemy,this is blasphemy, this is blasphemy, this blasphemy,this is blasphemy, this is blasphemy, this blasphemy, this is blasphemy,this is blasphemy, this is blasphemy, this blasphemy,this is blasphemy, this is blasphemy, this blasphemy, this is blasphemy, this is blasphemy, this blasphemy,this is blasphemy, this is blasphemy, this blasphemy,this is blasphemy, this is blasphemy, this blasphemy, this is blasphemy,this is blasphemy, this blasphemy,this is blasphemy, this is blasphemy, this blasphemy, this is blasphemy, this is blasphemy, this blasphemy,this is blasphemy, this is blasphemy, this blasphemy,this is blasphemy, this is blasphemy, this blasphemy, this is blasphemy,this is blasphemy, this is blasphemy, this blasphemy,this is blasphemy, this is blasphemy, this blasphemy, this is blasphemy, this is blasphemy, this blasphemy, this is blasphemy, this is blasphemy, this blasphemy,this is blasphemy, this is blasphemy, this blasphemy, this is blasphemy....








Frostgage and Cadence. Ugh.



Skype Wedding Transcript

[4:24:29 PM] Kel Grym: Silence!


[4:24:35 PM] Kel Grym: We begin


[4:24:41 PM] Kel Grym: *plays wedding music*


[4:24:43 PM] AlicornAcolyte: (d)


[4:25:00 PM] ChikoritaCheezits: lovely music too bad Pinkie is out getting drunk


[4:25:04 PM] dakota.cowan1: Must be


[4:25:09 PM] dakota.cowan1: PLAAAYA


[4:25:15 PM] ChikoritaCheezits: and couldn't come


[4:25:42 PM] Kel Grym: ...*sighs*...


[4:26:58 PM] Kel Grym: We are gathered here today to celebate the unholy union of pony and man...presumably man, I'm not sure.


[4:27:10 PM] Frostgage: All man baby (heart)


[4:27:10 PM] A Makusu2: We can't tell either.


[4:27:20 PM] Cadance: Shut up Makusu.


[4:27:26 PM] A Makusu2: ;_;


[4:27:26 PM] :Flutterdash:: lol


[4:27:31 PM] Kel Grym: *sees the bride for first time*


[4:27:44 PM] Kel Grym: ...emphasis on unholy


[4:27:48 PM] Frostgage: WHOA


[4:27:50 PM] Frostgage: Shots fired


[4:27:54 PM] Frostgage: Not cool brah


[4:27:55 PM] A Makusu2: This is a disgrace to traditional marrage.


[4:28:04 PM] Kel Grym: *shits given tally: 000*


[4:28:06 PM] A Makusu2: God made adam and eve, not adam and sparkle dust.


[4:28:17 PM] ChikoritaCheezits: well this just got interesting


[4:28:21 PM] Noire Ze Panzer: ^


[4:28:28 PM] Frostgage: Let's hurry up


[4:28:29 PM] Frostgage: I want cake


[4:28:39 PM] AlicornAcolyte: (d) (d)


[4:28:41 PM] Noire Ze Panzer: Frosty wants dat cake..


[4:28:47 PM] A Makusu2: THE CAKE IS A LIE


[4:28:49 PM] Frostgage: Cake (heart)


[4:28:53 PM] Frostgage: I mean, Cadance (heart)


[4:28:58 PM] ChikoritaCheezits: mmmm Pinkie would love this cake


[4:29:03 PM] Kel Grym: I can't believe I'm doing this...I thought I was out of my mind with Chrysalis.


[4:29:13 PM] Kel Grym: Arn't you already married?


[4:29:34 PM] ChikoritaCheezits: yeah where is shining armor


[4:29:49 PM] Cadance: Shining Armor and Frost have discussed this already. Frost asked him to go away forever, and Shining agreed.


[4:29:58 PM] Cadance: I was pretty surprised but whatever.


[4:30:01 PM] A Makusu2: Shining Armor cheated on Cadence with Champ.


[4:30:08 PM] AlicornAcolyte: Yeah. My poor brother in law.


[4:30:16 PM] ChikoritaCheezits: oh this just got serious


[4:30:30 PM] Noire Ze Panzer: Shining Armor got taken away to Braeburn's dungeon.


[4:30:57 PM] ChikoritaCheezits: braeburn's dungeon is crazy all you hear is AAAAAAPPPLELOOOOZA


[4:31:09 PM] Kel Grym: *shudders*


[4:31:41 PM] Kel Grym: Alright then, have divorce papers already been made and signed?


[4:31:54 PM] Cadance: Probably.


[4:32:04 PM] Kel Grym: Good enough!


[4:33:29 PM] Kel Grym: Do you Frostgage, take this unneccisary archetype of Aphrodite that was brought into the show for no reason whatsoever except as a convenient plot device, to be your lawfully wedded wife, through sickness

and health, changling invasion and eternal banishment to Tarturus?


[4:33:47 PM] Frostgage: Of course I do (heart)


[4:34:36 PM] Kel Grym: And do you...Cadence...bleh...take this guy to be your husband. *secretly hopes Cadence is a changeling*


[4:34:49 PM] Cadance: I do indeed. (heart) (heart)


[4:34:55 PM] A Makusu2 gets ready to object


[4:35:07 PM] Kel Grym: Does anyone object? *crosses fingers*


[4:35:13 PM] A Makusu2: I LIKE TRAINS


[4:35:19 PM] Frostgage: I like trains too :)


[4:35:21 PM] A Makusu2: Also, Octavia is best pony.


[4:35:24 PM] A Makusu2 runs away naked


[4:35:30 PM] ChikoritaCheezits: trains are best mode of transportation


[4:35:30 PM] Frostgage: Bye Makusu (heart)


[4:35:41 PM] ChikoritaCheezits: see ya makusu


[4:35:55 PM] Noire Ze Panzer: OBJE-...No I am fine with this. I am just waiting for a twist at this point.


[4:36:16 PM] A Makusu2: So, what happens if I do object?


[4:36:19 PM] A Makusu2: Like, is the marrage off?


[4:36:22 PM] A Makusu2: How does that even work o_o


[4:36:24 PM] Fluttershy: *watches Makusu run away* Well,...at least he didn't moon everypony...


[4:36:26 PM] Gunnery Sergeant Dusty: You get killed.


[4:36:35 PM] Frostgage: No objections. Or else.


[4:36:46 PM] Pinkie: Well I'm back and what is this an objection?


[4:37:02 PM] Frostgage: This isn't a Phoenix Wright game. No last minute objections.


[4:37:12 PM] Noire Ze Panzer: ^ Don't tempt me


[4:37:19 PM] Fluttershy: Oh, hi Pinkie.


[4:37:25 PM] Kel Grym: ...why am I going through this subjugation?


[4:37:37 PM] Frostgage: Yo minister. Can I kiss her or what?


[4:37:38 PM] ChikoritaCheezits: Pinkie: hi flutters how's you husband doing? Mine is perfect


[4:38:11 PM] Kel Grym: Yes. There are no sane objections. Even though there should be. I pronounce both of you hitched in the name of Celestia. You may kiss the bride.


[4:38:31 PM] Frostgage: Frostgage kisses Cadance… Passionately.


[4:38:34 PM] Frostgage: TAKE THAT!


[4:38:37 PM] Kel Grym: ew



I will perform 300 Hail Celestia's to repent for this atrocity.

The second marriage was less blasphemous.


It was still painful.


Lyra x Noire de Panzer



Skype Wedding Transcript

[4:44:54 PM] Kel Grym: *Plays Weddin Music*


[4:44:58 PM] :Flutterdash: hugs and consoles Flutters, as they settle in for the next wedding.


[4:45:22 PM] Kel Grym: *steps to podium*


[4:45:41 PM] Kel Grym: I've seen some things man...


[4:46:03 PM] Kel Grym: I don't think anything can surprise me now.


[4:47:04 PM] Kel Grym: We are gathered here today...again...to celebrate the holy matrimony of user and background prop.


[4:47:27 PM] A Makusu2: Dude, that pony is hot.


[4:47:32 PM] Noire Ze Panzer: Background prop for best pony


[4:47:45 PM] Kel Grym: I see the groom is here...where is the bride?


[4:47:48 PM] ChikoritaCheezits: well that is best background pony but not as beautiful as Pinkie


[4:47:55 PM] ChikoritaCheezits: Pinkie: *giggles*


[4:48:00 PM] *Fluttershy smacks Makusu* Show some respect.


[4:48:01 PM] Lyra: I am here~


[4:48:15 PM] Kel Grym: *looks around confused* Um...where?


[4:48:35 PM] Lyra: Here~ there~ everywhere~!


[4:48:47 PM] A Makusu2: Fluttershy, you just redirected my blood flow to the general area of my hips.


[4:48:56 PM] ChikoritaCheezits: i think my eyes are spinning


[4:48:56 PM] Frostgage: Lyra, raise your hand so everyone can see you.


[4:49:12 PM] Kel Grym: Ponies do not have hands, that's ridiculous.


[4:49:24 PM] ChikoritaCheezits: this is Lyra we're talking about


[4:49:25 PM] Lyra: *Lyra waves hooves frantically trying to show her location*


[4:49:28 PM] :Flutterdash:: Lyra, Sing Anthropology!


[4:49:58 PM] Kel Grym: *sees Lyra* Ah! there you are...you sorta just...blended into the background.


[4:50:02 PM] Kel Grym: *roll snare drum*


[4:50:14 PM] Pinkie: HEY THAT'S MY SNARE DRUM!


[4:50:40 PM] Flutteshy: You'll behave Makusu, or else I'll give you The Stare.


[4:50:48 PM] A Makusu2: That sounds so erotic.


[4:50:53 PM] Pinkie: oooooh the stare


[4:51:01 PM] Frostgage: Frostgage says something witty.


[4:51:03 PM] A Makusu2: I'm with Pinkie on this one.


[4:51:52 PM] Kel Grym: Ok, so Noire...I can call you Noire, right? You uh...you uh...wanna get hitched to Lyra?


[4:52:14 PM] :Flutterdash:: Goddamnit Makusu...


[4:52:18 PM] Noire Ze Panzer: You can call me Noire. Yes, I wish to get hitched to Lyra


[4:52:22 PM] Frostgage: NOIRE


[4:52:25 PM] Frostgage: Here's your ring http://i.imgur.com/3LpJPTY.jpg


[4:52:41 PM] A Makusu2: YES FLUTTERDASH


[4:52:46 PM] A Makusu2: Good job.


[4:52:55 PM] Kel Grym: You promise to take really really good care of her? Till death do you part? Even if she gets old, fat and ugly?


[4:53:59 PM] ChikoritaCheezits: GODDAMIT Makusu *lightning bolt falls on head*


[4:54:01 PM] Noire Ze Panzer: Yes I promise to take really great care of Lyra. Till death do us part and even if she gets old, fat but I am not sure she can get ugly. Is that even possible?


[4:54:23 PM] Kel Grym: I don't know if it would matter, she's hard to notice to begin with.


[4:55:39 PM] Kel Grym: And do you Lyra, take this unidentifiable user to be your lawfully wedded husband in sickness and in health, for better or worse, until death parts you like Moses parts the Red Sea?


[4:57:30 PM] Lyra: I do take this...unidentifiable user?...I can identify him perfectly fine..but okay I guess. To be my lawfully wedded husband in sickness and in health, for better or worse, until death parts us like Moses parts the Red Sea.


[4:58:50 PM] Kel Grym: Then by the powers invested in me by the ULC, I pronounce you man and wife, in the Holy name of Celestia. You may kiss the bride.


[4:59:37 PM] Noire Ze Panzer kisses Lyra


[5:00:14 PM] Frostgage: Can we eat cake now?


[5:00:27 PM] A Makusu2: THE CAKE IS A LIE





Congrats, Noire and...um...*scratches head*...(what was her name again?).



Source: Minister KelGrym's Religious Services

  • Brohoof 8


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Congrats to ya'll.......................now.....for the moment i've been waiting for, ;)

  • Brohoof 2
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Congrats to ya'll.......................now.....for the moment i've been waiting for, ;)

Aren't you marrying a void kracken?

  • Brohoof 1
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