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I'm Reformed, Don't You Remember?



blog-0176090001406626394.pngAs of two months from tomorrow, I'll have been on staff for two years x) Which is mind-boggling in a lot of ways. This forum has acted as my true introduction into the pony fandom, and served as my singular hub for all things pony and lack of any kind of life, for over a year. It's also acted as a means by which I've met many new friends, and further grew myself as a person, member and a person in a position of pronominal cosmic power. And, persona-wise, though I may not have been the optimal person for the job, I like to think I did a pretty good job.


*filler lol we're like an anime right now filler filler filler*

*The Filler Strikes Back*

There we go :3




But now, as I giddily stare down 48 hours until I get to road trip with some brony friends from Maine down to BronyCon while surely blasting pony music the entire way, I've finally come to terms with myself that it's time to drop the badge and return to my roots. My interest in ponies, both show and fandom, hasn't waned a bit. Nor am I upset with anyone on or off the staff, or at any decisions that have been made about this, that or the other thing. I've simply been eating the same entree at the same fancy restaurant across the street that I've been going to for lunch for almost two years, and think it's about time to start staying home on my ass and ordering pizza.


I will not be known for modesty when I say, I've done so much shit for our home here, that it's not even funny x) My moderator action log in the CP outclasses all other staff, past and present (to this point in time), outside SCS, who flipped their lid and became the modern #NewCarSmellCD when they became a moderator and later admin. A lot more time and effort has been spent on things by me, especially during my first year here, than I probably should have given. But, I don't regret it. I've always loved being on, and sometimes staffing forums, and everything I did has had some kind of impact for what I hoped was the greater good.




But, the motivation and interest in being a staff member has run dry for me. The love of organizing content, topics and events for members to enjoy has slowly been outweighed by no longer wanting to deal with people's ceaseless drama, bullshit and inability to ever be pleased with anything (boy, that feels good <3), and the list of other woes that the average active staff member has to cope with on a daily basis. Unfortunately for me and my unruly work ethic and high activity, when it came to the point of being tired, the less I did, the more guilty I felt about retaining my position at all, and that's more or less how I've felt for a while now. Coming on and feeling guilty about not doing much compared to my former self, but not having the motivation or care to do anything about it. 'Burnout' is the cliche word for it, but it fits, I s'pose.


Originally, I planned to stay on staff until sometime after BronyCon, but in reality this was just a vague estimate. My true goal was to aid in bringing on a few more admins to the staff, and to help a few projects such as the Mod Applications to be brought to light. The people and tools now exist for the current team to expand themselves when needed, without my presence as a staff member, which is definitely something I'm happy about. Here's to hoping that the team can hire more ponies when it needs, and that the staff/member relationship can be brought to that perfect medium one of these days.


That's about it, I don't go into near the level of emotion and feels that some of my past brethren have. Dear god. (Love you Lumi <3). Which is also why this is a blog, and not a big, loud Canterlot topic broadcasting this to the entire forum's active population. Might seem a tad underwhelming too, from how much I've done as a staff member, but then again, this is also because I don't plan on leaving. This place still has some remnants of being an internet home for my pony fandom; I'm just ready to get rid of this girly pretty pretty princess badge. Maybe now I can convince Feld0 to let me use Best Badge as my own unique badge.


And so the reign of #DiscordAdmin came to an end.

While some were distraught, others breathed a sign of relief.

Surely that guy was never meant for this calling, anyway.




For those going to BronyCon, I shall see you there. Mistakes from the past have been learned from. You want to touch the goatee, you pay five bucks.


For those who aren't cool and aren't going to BronyCon, I suppose I'll see you around the forums some more :3


For everyone else, do not cry for me. Just think of all the #ActualChaosThisTime that can happen, now.


  • Brohoof 18


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Its been a pleasure to have worked with you these past 15 months. Surely the world will now suffer a great plague of chaos now that you are free from the binds of Administration.

God help us all...

  • Brohoof 4
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I suppose I can understand burnout even if you may be hesitant to describe it that way, I remember when you first got promoted to admin actually. I am looking forward to seeing you around even if it won't be at Bronycon.

  • Brohoof 3
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Well, mate, it's sad to see your reign as the king of the admins come to an end. But hey, you're a subscriber now, so that helps. Hopefully i'll still see you 'round the Forum Lounge so you can brew chaos.

  • Brohoof 2
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Feels train enters the station. 
CD, I remember you from when I first joined the site in January 2013. You always stood out to me in a good way. I love the Discord character, and I love your sense of humor. Your personality is just one of the things that became a defining element of what MLP Forums is for me. Like, when I think of MLP Forums, you're one of the people/things/etc I'd fundamentally associate with it. 
You've put more work and dedication into MLPF than most other staff members from all time. Hell, I might have more mod actions than you now, but I'm nowhere near your level yet. You've not only put a ton of work and dedication into the site, but you've done so over a really long period of time. Quite frankly, you're an inspiration to me.
One of the people I've tried to observe/learn from when it comes to being a good admin is you. You have tremendous shoes to fill. 
Hell, I don't think I'll ever fill them. I'll just make my own footprints and do the best I can to keep this a great place.
As sad as I am to see you leaving the staff, I'm just glad you're still be on the site. That's what truly matters, anyway. It doesn't matter what badge/rank/whatever you have. You're still you, and that's what's important to me.
Thank you for all that you have done. I know it might feel like you aren't appreciated as much as you should be, but please know that I always have, always do, and always will appreciate you. I can tell when someone has legitimate passion, drive, and willingness within them to do what is right and good. You are one of those people.

  • Brohoof 6
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I knew this day was coming, obviously, but it still evokes some feels.


CD, you and I have been riding the chaos train together ever since you came aboard the staff with your Discord avatars and endless stream of navel ponies. We stuck together through thick and thin, and I can say without a shadow of doubt that you are one of the most dedicated staff members I've had the privilege of serving with. Yes, we all feel just a bid inadequate to see you at the top of logged moderator actions. :P


But seriously, it's hard to match your run on the staff; furthermore, though, you have been and continue to be a great member and person. Getting to meet you and your awesome Discord-esque facial hair at BronyCon was a real treat. I do hope we get a chance some day to hang out in person without being tethered to some staff project. I'm sure we would have a load of fun, as we did at the BronyCon staff dinner last year.


So, if I discover you have left MLP Forums for some other pony hussy, rest assured you will not escape unscathed. We're brothers bonded by the blood of chaos -- or something like that. I'm sure it reads dramatically at first glance, and that's all I can really hope for.


Seriously, thanks for everything -- including the bag of rotten eggs you left on my desk. I'll keep them as a memento of our time cruising the mean streets together, hunting down ne'er-do-wells and locking topics like a couple of badasses.

  • Brohoof 4
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I knew this day was coming, obviously, but it still evokes some feels.


CD, you and I have been riding the chaos train together ever since you came aboard the staff with your Discord avatars and endless stream of navel ponies. We stuck together through thick and thin, and I can say without a shadow of doubt that you are one of the most dedicated staff members I've had the privilege of serving with. Yes, we all feel just a bid inadequate to see you at the top of logged moderator actions. :P


But seriously, it's hard to match your run on the staff; furthermore, though, you have been and continue to be a great member and person. Getting to meet you and your awesome Discord-esque facial hair at BronyCon was a real treat. I do hope we get a chance some day to hang out in person without being tethered to some staff project. I'm sure we would have a load of fun, as we did at the BronyCon staff dinner last year.


So, if I discover you have left MLP Forums for some other pony hussy, rest assured you will not escape unscathed. We're brothers bonded by the blood of chaos -- or something like that. I'm sure it reads dramatically at first glance, and that's all I can really hope for.


Seriously, thanks for everything -- including the bag of rotten eggs you left on my desk. I'll keep them as a memento of our time cruising the mean streets together, hunting down ne'er-do-wells and locking topics like a couple of badasses.


Are you going to BCon this year too? Or not? We should hang out lots, because I won't be doing any staff things, and since DashForever can no longer make it, that just leaves Arty :3


Also, I ended up culling you from my Skype list a week ago when I had a breakdown and blew up half of it in frustration of having so many contacts I don't ever talk to, but if you ever feel like using Skype more often, I'll re-add you in a heartbeat :3 The chaos does not stop here~

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Are you going to BCon this year too? Or not? We should hang out lots, because I won't be doing any staff things, and since DashForever can no longer make it, that just leaves Arty :3


Also, I ended up culling you from my Skype list a week ago when I had a breakdown and blew up half of it in frustration of having so many contacts I don't ever talk to, but if you ever feel like using Skype more often, I'll re-add you in a heartbeat :3 The chaos does not stop here~


Unfortunately, I won't be attending BronyCon due to financial constraints. I had every intention of going, but things fell through at the last possible moment.


Add me on Skype because you never know when I might just sneak up from behind and surprise ya!

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Now that you're free of the chains of Admin, you can spread even more chaos and navel goodness throughout the forums.


The Forums sure are different from a year ago, when it was You Arty, Feld0, Applebl00m, Lavo and Spoon all running the show.  Though I know SCS and Aquila are gonna do an awesome job as Admin. (and they have been)


I'm horrible at writing these kinda things. :blush:


See ya around the forums, mate! Though we always have Skype x)




Stay Chaotic, my friend. 



  • Brohoof 2
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While I can't say I've been able to get to know you nearly as well as many others here, I will say that ever since I joined a long time ago, you always stuck out. For multiple reasons, from being hilarious and chaotic, as well as getting a ton of crap done(and even more behind the scenes i'm sure.) 


I've only really spoken to you directly a couple times really, but it was enjoyable regardless. I enjoyed the couple times that I've discussed stuff in show discussion(Which has honestly been quite a while ago now.) And honestly with how long you've been an admin and all the work you've done I kind of expected you to step down eventually. 


Honestly no matter how much you or anyone enjoys something, we all have our point where we burnout, and at that point you either have to take a break or something, or just kind of end it I guess.


Anyways, enough rambling, your actions as an admin and the chaos you have created things you have accomplished for the forums shall not be forgotten.


And regardless of the fact your no longer an admin, atleast your still here, which means you can still be the same person you were, just without the admin part. As well as secretly plot to cause mass chaos by destroying the forums from the inside out.


See ya around CD.

  • Brohoof 3
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CD! Join me and we'll troll the forums together as Oh that's cool, you're not a mod/admin anymore?


Cool. I have a cave of plotting btw. You should join me in the misnamed plot cave, where no plots are actually made so no one need snoop there to know what we're plotting....because we don't plot in the plot cave.


Since you're not a mod/admin anymore.


Mod/admin's aren't allowed in the plot cave.


For reasons.

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