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S5E09: "Slice of Life" (100th Episode!)



I sure do have a problem with jumping around seasons as far as reviews are concerned, but I had to get on this episode because this is a very special occasion. 100 episodes of the third one of the best TV series of all-time! It feels like just yesterday I was a 12-year-old asshead sitting on my bed flipping through channels just to happen to catch an episode of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic ("Stare Master"). Granted, I changed the channel when it was over and didn't become a fan of the show for another year, but I still remember that afternoon....




...anyway, here were are, four years later, and this show has come a long way. It's seen its highlights of magnificence and its days of absolute animosity and shitiness. But through the thick and sin, I've stuck with the show because I know it can be a brilliant marvel of writing and characterization. At least, that's what it was. Or is it still at the top of its game? Can this episode handle a plotless story with grace? Let's see!


P.S: This is a spoilers review. If you haven't seen this episode yet, kindly go find it in yourself to seek guidance from a higher power.
























Bless you, brother.


So, this episode opens up with two characters from "A Friend in Deed," Cranky and Miltida. Being one of my favorite episodes, it was a nice surprise to see these two again. But it seems Derpy Muffins has screwed up their glorious wedding as she set the date in the invitations for today! Oh, Muffins!




Muffins Derpy feels really bad about this, and talks to her friend, Doctor Hooves, about how she wishes she could turn back time and fix the problem. In comes THE TARDIS!




Actually, the Doctor just takes her down to his basement or something, which I guess is kind of like the TARDIS interior. I guess. Anyway, the Doctor goes on to talk about ways to help her before he's interrupted by the fact that he doesn't have a suit for the wedding! What happened to your wardrobe room, Doctor?


So, he seeks Rarity's help before he realizes that she's out fighting a giant bugbear that no one cares about. He seeks Vinyl Scatch's assistance in hopes that she might know where Rarity disappeared to. She then takes him to the local bowlery where the Doctor meets the Dude. I actually wasn't expecting this reference, so this was a very pleasant scene. The Dude and his crew have some really nice suits, so they agree to tailor a new suit for him if he becomes the fourth member of their bowling team. Just outside, the Mane Six are planning an attack on the bugbear while people...just...kinda...watch them....


Anyone else find this really disturbing?


Anyway, Octavia is among this crowd, who finds worry that the bugbear will interfere with her composition process and performance at the wedding that will never happen. No sooner than you can say Steven Magnet, enter the BUGBEAR!


Basically, my form when they get my order wrong at McDonald's


While this insanity takes place, Lyra and Bon-Bon share a heartwarming scene about friendship and what not before Bon-Bon reveals that she is actually special agent Sweetie Drops that was sent here to track and capture the bugbear after it escaped. One question - how long has the bear been on the loose? 'Cause, ya know, you've, kinda been here, for a while......


Meanwhile, Matilda, Derpy, and Cranky are still running around hoping that people can speed up the catering for tonight rather then whenever the wedding was supposed to be. We get to see some interesting interactions between these characters and the lesser-popularized but still beloved background characters such as Rose, Daisy, Lily Valley, and Amethyst Star.


Cleanup on Aisle 100.


After a brief return to the Doctor's bowling scene before he and Derpy both flee from that plotline, we are greeted with the return of the previously mentioned Steven Magnet while he sharing spa space with Matilda. He both helps Matilda feel better and makes her anxieties worse all in the same minute in their little conversation about how the wedding is so very important.


I like how quality drops in the images mid-review.


While this occurs, Octavia is practicing her music while trying to figure out which songs to perform for the wedding. Vinyl decides to help her out by adding some "sick beats" to her classical music and an incredible sequence ensues. Being a musician myself, honestly, this sequence was AWESOME!


F***************************************************************************************K YES!


They realize they're going to be late, and Vinyl mobilizes this sequence of awesomeness only to start running into people, giving them a ride, and in the end having everyone in the town conveniently end up where they need to be: at the wedding! But, as a freeze frame explosion of ponies take place, Gummy contemplates the meaning of life itself. I personally think we could have an intriguing debate on this, and I of course would be right because clearly I am always right. Gummy does bring up some excellent counterpoints to my theories, though. Quite the intellectu-OH, LOOK, HIDDEN FRAME OF THE CREW IN HORSE MASKS!!!!!


I love it!


When everyone is at the wedding, Lyra and Bon-Bon make up for their little squabble about Sweetie Drops keeping secrets as Celestia and Luna have a little squabble about not bringing their present. Kind of entertaining until it was ruined two minutes later. Finally, the Doctor slaps his outfit together with an iconic scarf and, when Derpy "comes on to him" or some shit, he quotes his best incarnation's signature catchphrase of "Allons-y!" before entering the building. I didn't think they would make too many Doctor Who references, honestly, but I was very appreciative of it in the end.


Heh heh heh heh........ugh.


Finally, the Mane Six attempt to get into the wedding before Derpy shuts the door on them and the Mayor phones in some bullshit about main characters in our universe and friendship and nothing that has to do with a f**king wedding ceremony as Matilda and Cranky Doodle kiss. They are then pronounced Jack and Jill Jenny.


The mayor looks a bit too turned on by this....in fact....I'm sure someone out there was turned on by this.


And in the end, this episode had very little story going on. It was loose as a goose and in the end had a phoned-the-f**k-in moral that has no subtly or sense to it. In fact, the whole ending after the Doctor says "Allons-y" was written like shit, and arguably, this whole episode pretty sloppy itself.






But that's not really a problem here.




"Slice of Life" is a nice break from analyzing and trying to break down all of the morals and the characters and the plot and all that. Nothing in this episode has any prior build up, but it's definitely not a failure. Aside from the last two cringe-worthy minutes, this episode is fun to watch very enjoyable. You don't even need to be active in the fandom to enjoy it, or to get some of the references. It's a special occasion and a special episode as a result. I've been pretty lenient on episodes from this season as being just passable enough for me not to care, but I think this one of the only episodes from season five I'd actually go back and watch again, even in vain of the terrible theme they tried to shove into it. Overall, I'd give this episode a 9/10. Here's to 100 more episodes!












Actually, please, don't go to 200. I kinda want this show to stop before it really jumps the shark.

  • Brohoof 2


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That's actually a very good point on especially the morale. I may have liked it but you do have an excellent point in that it was forced at the wedding. I will have to pay special attention to this if it truly deserves to be viewed in a more negative fashion on my end. I thank you for pointing this out, Pryme Striker.

  • Brohoof 1
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Agreed. The whole "Allons-y" and the speech at the end were so forced.


I didn't mind the "Allons-y" too much, in fact, it was a nice surprise considering I didn't think they'd actually do it. However, the speech and sentimentalism from Twilight were so half-assed. I'm glad they saved that crap for the very end.


That's actually a very good point on especially the morale. I may have liked it but you do have an excellent point in that it was forced at the wedding. I will have to pay special attention to this if it truly deserves to be viewed in a more negative fashion on my end. I thank you for pointing this out, Pryme Striker.

Yeah, the ending is a problem, but it definitely doesn't break the whole episode. I still enjoyed it very much and it is one of the few season five episodes so far that I actually think is worth re-watching. Don't let it ruin the fun for you.  ;) 


Thank you guys for your feedback!

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