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Goodbye all

Rainbow    Dash


Just like the title says. For christmas I got one dead Grandma. Nothing else. My uncle came over Christmas day saying we can't use any of my grandma's money and that he will have to pull all of her money from the banks. I dont really have an interest in living anymore. I wont have a family to come home to. I wont have a home to come home to, but at least i have a job.


I wish I could live with a group of bronies in a big house, but that will never happen. I dont know if I can use internet anymore, so this year might be the last year for me on the site. I hope it isnt because I have met some really awesome people on here.


Half of me thinks im over reacting, while the rest of me thinks that im not reacting enough. Maybe my life will only go uphill from here...or maybe....i havent even hit the bottom yet.


People around me say that i need to hang in there and tough it out....easy for them to say...they have never gone through what i am going through.


Since day one, my home was all I knew. It was a place for comfort, stress relief and warm memories. I am 23 now, and yes while some people have already have a college degree,i have been busy trying to fight for mine. I know everyone does, but one class i had doesnt want to give me a passing grade no matter how many times I try to re-submit a paper they claim they never got.


I have also been fighting with every place that was looking for new employee's to get a job there. They always said that I was gonna be great for their store...but never a call back. I finally got a job, but im not making enough money to get a place of my own.


Someone take me to Equestria ;_;


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While I have never experienced someone close me dying, I do understand when people feel they are at the end of their rope, ready to end it all. I've been there, twice.


If you can see tomorrow, you can live.

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everyone has lost someone at some point for other and getting work these days is highly competitive, even for the jobs where the pay sucks ass.


Things will pick up again eventually, for no just try not to overburden yourself.

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Oh my...It's sad to hear what happened to you this Christmas.


Fate can be cruel sometimes but we shouldn't surrender our lives to depression. All of us must push forward and move on.


Believe me. I've been through that sad time before but I know those souls will watch over us and start their new life in another universe.

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