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"James Rolfe on refusing to see Ghostbusters 2016" My Point of View



I respect his opinion, but the one thing that always get me is when people decide to bash something without trying it first. There have been reboots that were better than the original. Not just movies receive this hate from their trailers, but video games too, namely Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare, or even Metroid: Federation Force. I dismissed Star Wars for a long time, until I actually sat down and watched the movies and fell in love with it (after the new one came out, while waiting for classes to start back in December.) I don't believe the whole feminist/ female cast biz. So what if the main cast is female?


Now will I go see this movie? No, mainly because of funds, but I don't believe the reviews should deter anyone from seeing it bad or not.


  • Brohoof 2


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I won't be walking into a theater for the new Ghostbusters, but I'll watch it if it ends up on Netflix or my brother buys and loans us the blu-ray.  I like both Melissa McCarthy and Kristen Wiig, and I hope that they'll be enough.  I'm not going to straight-up refuse to ever watch it, because that's silly.  What's even sillier is the call for a boycott; people care far more about this than they should.  People should be getting angry about stuff that, you know, actually matters.


And, having been born in the early eighties, I saw both original-cast Ghostbusters films growing up; as well as the animated "The Real Ghostbusters" series (something I enjoyed on Saturday mornings).  The new film does nothing to change what I got out of those things.

  • Brohoof 1
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I think Rolf completely ignoring it and boycotting something that you haven't seen is ridiculous, especially being a guy who bashes things that suck as his bread and butter.


I don't like reboots personally - I'd prefer a spinoff sequel with some attachment with the original movies. 


I completely agree with piggybacking on the game. I enjoy his ideas with a different title.


Remake over reboot yes.


I doubt seriously it will even be close to the original....by a longshot. Ghostbusters II will probably look like Citizen Kane comparatively. 




Yeah, I'm going to spend some ducats and see it opening day or weekend. 

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PS Have you played the PS3/XBox video game? That's the real Ghostbusters 3! :D

I did not know there was a game until recently.

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I did not know there was a game until recently.


It has the original cast and plays like a film. FEELS like Ghostbusters, it's great. 

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Someone told me to not see it, so I'm going to see the movie in the cinema.


lol. I honestly wasn't intending on seeing it in theaters as there were other films I was prioritizing ... but now I feel like I am obligated to see this on opening day. :P



I honestly respect where Rolfe is coming from since enough info has been released about the film for devoted fans of the original to make an educated guess on whether they would enjoy it or not. This is the nature of being a fan of something that is being remade or rebooted since you have emotional and psychological connection to the nostalgia. When they take a property I like, and make enough changes that I am aware of ... I typically made a generalization on the chances I would enjoy it. If any of the variables I prize or place a critical value on are removed or altered and I am aware of it, chances are I will not like it. I have been proven right 100% of the time and can think of no instance where my opinion of something improved after such information was revealed. 


My wife did the same thing when Jem trailer came out. She saw it and compared and contrasted what she saw with her frame of reference of the 80's show. We discussed it since we grew up in the same era. She decided to pass on seeing it in the theaters. Was she wrong? Not from my perspective cause I would be fucking pissed if I had to pay $60+ to watch that pile of shit only to find out that she felt that it was likely going to suck and didn't say a damn word. Movies are expensive. Fuck that noise. 


In Rolfe's case, he doesn't want to fund reboots like this anymore. Again, movies are not free ... and any consumer should not feel that their purchasing motivations are ridiculed when so many people also tend to say "VOTE WITH YOUR WALLET."


In the case of GB, I do not think I will enjoy it as much as the original two films or the PS3 game. I still may see something redeeming, but I am going to likely have more to moan about than anything. That said, these is enough decent talent involved to make me think it will be worth my time and considerable amount of money. 

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I won't see it. Because I like his reason why he's not seeing it. Not because he just simply hates it, but it will give Hollywood less money. Therefore, it might have them make more original films than just sequels and remakes. If it's clear that people don't like it, than they'll be aware that the remake/sequel strategy is not helping them make enough money anymore. Therefor, they heavily advertise something original.

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I am not going to see it. Judging from what's shown in the trailer you can clearly tell that it's going to be terrible and I didn't even want a remake to begin with. Even if the film was good I wouldn't want to watch it because it would just ruin stuff for me. I like the original with the original characters and story.

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