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It's the holidays! You know what that means? It means I've gotta come up with some kind of "Christmas Special" so I can get some kind of BOOST in popularity. But I digress, it's the holidays, a time to sit back, create some debt, worship the chimney-sweeping Coca-Cola dude, Santa Claus, and replay that "NINTENDO 64" meme I love so much.


So let's sit back, relax, and step down to earth with our first-ever:












Monday, December 19st, 2016

We had an early Christmas, nothing more than a few presents under the tree. Reason we did it early was because the movers were coming the next morning and we had to be prepared. Now, usually I'm the last person to do so, but I really think I had the upper hand in all this. For the last three days, I'd been throwing all my old toys and such from the last 8 or 9 years (a lot of tears were shed), so my soul was prepared for anything (about 5 huge garbage bags full of junk). Unfortunately, I'm still a procrastinator and still had about two bags to take care off; I didn't sleep that night (partly because of the early Christmas)


I will admit, I have a terrible gift of "The Careful Eye"; meaning, my holidays are always the most anti-climatic parts of the year. No matter how well you hide a gift, I; for some reason, always find it.


So there was no surprise in my holiday gift list. I received a new laptop (AMD Quad-Core 1.6Ghz HP Notebook PC w/ 8GB RAM), the MLP Twilight Sparkle Train Conducter set (really cool, btw), and the Twilight Sparkle Holiday Ornament (Hallmark. It looks like it's one of the newer designs for the 2017 movie). Not a bad loadout for this year, so I'll take what I can get (that laptop was a very good payoff).


I didn't sleep that night. No, not only because I was up all night downloading 3.2 GBs of the famed, "Blackjrxiii"'s work, but because I still had a lot to pack and throw away. Since then, I've been sleeping really late. I suppose you could call that the, "Last Sunrise I'll Ever See".



Movers in Japan are no joke. For one, they take their jobs very seriously and will starve to finish their duties (unless it's lunchtime, which they'll ditch anything for). We in Japan like to call them the, "Ninja Movers" because if you don't specify every little thing you do not want packed, they'll take it away. If you turn your back, they'll pack your stuff in such an aggressively careful way, whatever you left will be compact in a neat little box the next time you look.


I sat in the bathroom, the safest room of the whole house, and wasted away with erotic roleplay with some of the PonyCrush Community. (It got really saucy, so I'll leave it at that).


Afterward, the house was pretty much empty with the exception of a few pieces of furniture later to be sold to some random people online.



Lazy day #1. We did nothing but sit around; I did a bit of late schoolwork (wow, RePub does school? What is this?) but I didn't get very far. I did, however, get to download my entire Steam library along with many other programs I needed from my "Le Brick" Windows XP computer.


Y'know, I take back what I said about Windows 10. It's kinda cool once you remove:


-Pre-installed programs (Includes HotalAdvisor. WHAT THE HELL IS THAT FOR?)
-Office 360 (If I have 2007 forever, why would I pay a subscription for something marginally better?)
-Microsoft Edge
-Custom Toolbars
-Wallpapers made by Windows
-Xbox Everywhere
-Xbox Live
-Apps on the Start-Menu
-Apps in general
-Pretty much everything added in Windows 10.


Other than that ^, everything's pretty cool. Best console I've ever bought. (Did I tell you it has a Numpad?)



I played CS:GO all day and scammed my friend for 9 extra skins (Plus one I got via random drop). I think it's hit me . . . the Skin Insanity. I had a conversation with another friend of mine (wow, RePub has friends?!? What is THIS?!?) about Stage Definition for many of the Skin Insanity symptoms. Here's what we came up with:


Stage 1 - Want it, need it.
Stage 2 - Spending all your money in CS:GO
Stage 3 - Attempted Thievery
Stage 4 - Scam your friends and Family
Stage 5 - Investing every dying cent into that rare pair of Gloves (or knife)


Yeah, Stage 4 is hitting pretty hard, but I think it's been dying down. Now if you'll excuse me, I've gotta shoot 600 more bots in training ('cause I suck real bad)


Oh, and I think this was the day I wrote about the MLP Gameloft game. Uh . . . yeah . . . something like that.



We donated a lot of extra crap during this day; but that night, I had the honor of viewing the Assassin's Creed Movie in theater (3D, but I recommend 2D because of a lot of action).


Without spoilers, it's not bad (which is a first for a video game movie). I think it needs a lot of work; there are a lot of scenes that'll cut from the middle of a conversation to look at some random plant, but that's all good when you look at it as a whole. It's got some trippy parkour (which is expected), but I think the underline message is to create a withstanding example for future video-game based movies. And with that goal in mind, I believe it succeeded. Let's hope FNAF doesn't screw it up.


(Oh, I saw Rogue One a week earlier; I'll write a review on that whenever I get the time)



Technically, this was Christmas Eve, but we didn't have anything to give so we went out for the day.


It was more of a family day, so it's not much to talk about. My mother was on her usual quest to find the "perfect photo", so that left me and my father out to linger. Earlier that day, however, we had to find our little bird, Kiwi, a new home. He didn't make many appearances in this blog, but he's in the thumbnail for the entry, "HOW 2 SNORT WASABI (Part 1)".


RIP Kiwi, gud burd.





(Wow, that title really trumps yesterday)


It's Christmas and I awoke to Windows 10 updates that've been collecting over the past week! Thank you, Microsoft for a present more forgetful than my grandmother's socks: Three hours of waiting!


Now, there's a tradition here in Japan. When that holiday where you see Americans dressing up in reds and hanging lights over their door comes around, you better call KFC for a reservation.


"Why?" You ask. Well, I'll tell you. When Christmas rolls around, every single Japanese person in this country runs to their nearest KFC (potentially a mile away) to collect their holiday chicken. It's true! They'll run across the island to pick up their holiday tradition of taking in the Coronal's moist chicken with the least amount of time between bites.


My mother decided to jump on the band wagon this year and pushed us all out the door (and across the island) to pick up the golden-fried legs of an Ancient Japanese tradition. When we arrived, we half expected a line to be waiting outside the feeble red and white building. Much to our surprise, no one was there except two petite Japanese women; they were no older than 20. My mother tried to go inside, but the two ladies told us they were closed for the holidays and instead offered us a tiny box of $10 chicken legs. From the corner of her eye, however, a large family, no smaller than six or seven persons, barged out from the KFC with huge, black drums of chicken.


My mother was furious and demanded to know why they were closed and what happened to all that chicken; I stared at the feeble box of second-rate food. The lady backed off, trying to explain that those customers had paid for a reservation one month in advance. So while we were stuck in the cold with our poor-man's turkey, everyone else was living it up with their enormous barrels of exclusive KFC.


We had to settle with the low-rate 10 dollar chicken, splitting a single box between the three of us.




We're almost at 5,000 Views, so I'll make my thank-you speech here for the holidays:


Thank you all for sticking with us throughout the year! It's been quite an adventure writing these, so I sincerely hope that my disparity has given all of you a few laughs! Since coming here, I certainly hope I've made a good impression on the many of you, even if few of my conversations were a bit aggressive (I've got an inbox full of take-down notices :P ). We're still working on big projects and I hope this entry can make up for all of the ones I missed. I remember writing my first entry as some sort of complaint/rant about BronyMate (my, how short those entries were back then) and somehow they evolved! Now we're at 5000 Views by strangers who I don't even know! I honestly didn't think people read my work (they probably don't; it's probably me just refreshing the page a hundred times :P).


My, how we've all grown.


Yes, I've run into a few dry patches from here to there, but life goes on and there's always new things to talk about. I know there's still a long way to go, but I hope this blog continues to grow and make its mark upon these forums; that's my only Christmas wish.


Thank you all, and I'll see you in the next post,


Discord: https://discord.gg/6fNjXFq
FiMFiction: http://www.fimfiction.net/user/RealityPublishing
DeviantArt: http://realityc.deviantart.com/
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyxI6DWe4sNYzsJxu2Sid2g




"Special thanks to everyone in the Brony Fandom. Without you guys, I wouldn't be half as creative as I am today." -RePub

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