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Hello and welcome to Edgelord Academy™ where we talk about condiluted backstories, overly emotional ideals, psychotic behaviors, and sibling rivalries. Today's topic: self-inflicting injuries. If you're reading this, it probably means you've been accepted into Edgelord Academy™ by means of mistake or tampering. We only have one rule on our establishment: To type in blood red to express our innermost emotion. Without further ado, strap on your headphones and prepare to blare TDG or anything Linkin Park for maximum p l e a s u r e.

As I mentioned above, today we're talking about the Queen of ALL EDGE. The one, the only, Tempest Caramel Chip Cherry Pie Shadow. Y'know, that one mare with the broken horn. Because bones don't regrow on your face, apparently. 

I have a bone (ha) to pick with the people who write these backstories. While I don't really know what to expect from a well-developed backstory, something about Tempest's and Starlight's backstories prove to be really underwhelming motivation. Cutie marks take Starlight's friends, ok? What did you do for the rest of your life? Tempest breaks her face and her dreams of going to be a princess are spoiled, ok? While that's certainly a more realistic motivation when compared to Starlight Glimmer's evil plot, someone would figure she'd get over the fact her face is broken. 

For those who haven't read the book and don't mind spoilers for something that won't be explained in the movie (at least, I doubt in detail), let me explain why Tempest has temper. 


A long time ago, Tempest Shadow fell and broke her face while fighting a bear.

Simple enough? The book explains they live somewhere in a village within the plains beneath Canterlot (so, around Ponyville), but my question is, didn't they have a hospital or someone who was proficient in medicine at the time? Couldn't Tempest have collected her broken horn AFTER it fell off and brought it to someone who could've fixed it? IT'S BONE; BONE GROWS BACK. While full regeneration isn't possible, I'm certain they could've bandaged it back together and let it heal after a good few months. Of course, that'd defeat the purpose of a villain, so she's gotta go venture to the desert for some odd reason and strike deals with the Storm King who, in the trailer, does not look very menacing. 

I managed to blow through the book in a good 40 minutes or so. It's an interesting story and it's nice to get a more complete version of a character we have yet to be introduced to. (I wish I could've read the comics instead. . .) However, the book itself seemed a bit incomplete. If you plan on reading the MLP Movie Prequel novel, read it an hour before you go to see the movie. At least then it'd make more sense and feel like a sound timeline. Seriously, the book ends the second the movie begins. It was an enjoyable read, but it seemed very empathetic and monotone throughout. It was nice to see Tempest explore some of the lower regions of Equestria and the book even introduced some new cities and towns never seen before. Other than that, I read it merely because Barnes and Nobles had it and I was interested in seeing more from the movie. I doubt the book is necessary to understand the villain. If it is, I'll let you know whenever the movie comes around. 

Short story even shorter, Tempest Shadow wants to be Celestia's student and become an alicorn but breaks her face and is forced to travel Equestria because she doesn't want to be embarrassed about her disability. She's also got some kind of PTSD? But it's more of an allergy to whenever somepony asks about her face (which only happens twice in the book). All you have to say is, "It broke in an accident", and no one would bother you again. Jeez, gotta make everything so dramatic, Tempest.


If you want to read this book, try reading the comics instead (assuming they tell the same story).




I'm streaming a marathon of Ponies the Anthology on my rabb.it room on AUGUST 18th, 2017 at 6PM Cent, 7PM East. It's a Friday evening, so try to make it! As all Anthology movies, there's a bit of profanity that won't be censored; don't go if you're offended by f-bombs or whatever Anthology Team presents.


Either way, thanks for reading and I'll be back with more eekwestreea grills tomorrow or the following afternoon. 



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