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We don't know how to use the internet (sort of)

Mesme Rize


As you know, we probably consume more media then we ever had before. Be it Video Games on our consoles/PC, be it movies on Netflix/Prime, be it the internet, etc. And considering we have all of that and considering it's so easy these days to communicate with others over all kinds of stuff, i am realizing that we totally forgot  what it means to actually have a decent discussion about serious things happening in the world, without being put in a corner with people, that you rather don't want to be put with.

It's something that dosen't just happen in communities that are mostly filled with people that are from the US, but also in german communities. We just recently had some bad protests here in Chemnitz over a week ago and no matter if you where left leaning or right leaning, both sides where instrumentalising these protests for their own gain and whenever you tried to talk reasonable with any of those people, you are either a stupid nazi who needs to die, or you are a stupid commie who needs to starve.

I really hate the fact that these discussions turned into nothing more then a battle of absolutes, instead of both sides coming together and discussing what would be the best for everyone. The Internet has in some way poisoned us, because we forgot what it's like to talk with humans that you can touch, smell, see and you can actually predict. We only talk with letters and we can't see what the other side is looking like, so we just assume what these people look or sound like.

That's why i don't wanna engage in any political topics here, because i know that i will just be put in a corner by the end of the day, since some of my opinions might not be loved by certain people here.

End of my vent

  • Brohoof 5


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"The Internet has in some way poisoned us, because we forgot what it's like to talk with humans that you can touch, smell, see and you can actually predict. We only talk with letters and we can't see what the other side is looking like, so we just assume what these people look or sound like."

I agree with the second sentence that we can't see the other person online and because of that, we don't have the non-verbal cues like facial expressions, body language and tone of voice to fully convey our message. As a result, many people can take an innocent message the wrong way and potentially hurt the relationship between the people "talking" with each other online.

  • Brohoof 1
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Ah, the inability to compromise because of stubbornness, what a shame. You see, many people are confident their side is right and the other is wrong, and they are too stupid, stubborn, and/or distracted by fighting the other side to even look for a third side that involves both parties to compromise for the greater good. If someone decided to present this third solution, he would be shunned and avoided by both sides. What a pity. Everyone feels like they must take a side, and that there are only two sides and no other.


Edited by EpicEnergy
  • Brohoof 1
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You are very very right there, the greatness of the internet comes at a price, a price set by it's users which may not always have the best intentions. 

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Yeah talking things over the internet I think requires different approach compared to talking in person as I think the nature of the typical conversation and the course of it in the internet are very different.

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