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'Battle Royale' is a disease on gaming

Kyoshi Frost Wolf


Was recently having a sort of 'conversation' that become more of a rant with someone. About the sad state of gaming and how Battle Royale is contributing to this Gaming Great Depression. I'll try to just abridge what I said in that discussion here:

With the recent release of Apex Legends by Respawn, I love how much everyone is already worshipping the game like a god. If you dare criticize the game for being yet another unoriginal and soulless battle royale game, you get flamed like crazy. I seen one post by some guy simply saying "It honestly isn't that great." And a wave of insults ensued. The guy was called an idiot and his opinion was called worthless. He was told this by a bunch of sheep salivating over a game that at the time wasn't even out for two whole days. The ONLY reason people are licking this game's toes is because people are so desperate for anything to compete with Fortnite so they all flock and conform to Apex like the sheep they are.

I personally think this Battle Royale trend is one of the worst things in gaming so far. I played Apex and it is just another BR game, with some obviously shoehorned Overwatch style characters and abilities mixed in. Oh but we aren't allowed to criticize such a blatant lack of creativity and jumping on a trend. I remember when people were very critical of gaming when so many military shooters were being made, people got sick of it really fast. Now if any company manages to make a BR game that at least works somewhat well, people give you a standing ovation regardless if the game is literally the exact same framework as all other games in the genre. People just nod their empty skulls and shower the developers with admiration for being as bland and uninspired as they themselves are.

Call me cynical, but when I see yet another Battle Royale game that starts you off in a flying vehicle over a giant lifeless map, has you jump out with your team to skydive down and has you looting while avoid an impending death circle, I can't help but immediately roll my eyes until I become dizzy. These devs can't even be bothered to dress that shit up at least a tiny bit different than the other near identical games in the genre. To give you the tiniest fraction of an illusion that there is any creativity at all being employed. It isn't there in this pathetic genre. Even when Apex Legends seems like it is pathetically attempting to stand out, it goes with blatantly ripping off games like Overwatch to do so. I guess in gaming that is now the key to ultimate success. Don't do anything creative or new, just look at what the most popular games are doing regardless if it is actually good or not, Frankenstein that shit together and boom, you have become a gaming icon. OH and be sure to make at least two of your characters gay like recently announced in Apex Legends despite having no story or lore whatsoever. You know, because Overwatch did it so Apex has to do it too. Even As someone who is LGBT, this is obvious and blatant pandering that does absolutely nothing for everyone. It isn't 'representation' if your characters are literally pointless with no real story. Remember, just do whatever your competition is doing, conform and copy and you will have success. Apparently so since Apex Legends currently sits at a 92 on Metacritic, despite being a watered down Titanfall asset flip and a copy and paste battle royale. I guess that's literally what the entire gaming gets wet over now.

And isn't this EA? If I recall, EA is the company that literally everyone was hating, ignoring any actual good product they made and just hating them because that was the bandwagon to jump on, that was what everyone was conforming to. Now all of a sudden, they publish a cashgrab battle royale game and everyone seemingly forgets about all of that hatred they had before. Apex Legends and as such Battle Royale as a genre, is fully showing the total hypocrisy from the gaming community. People are willing to hold extreme hatred towards Battlefield V just for having women in it, but people flock to Apex because who cares. Everyone was recently celebrating over the news that EA stocks fell drastically over this past fiscal year. Well, congratulations gaming community, because everyone conforming to Apex Legends will make those stocks skyrocket. So good job there. People celebrates Ea's losses and then immediately help them recover from those losses.

And to think, TO THINK, all of this loyalty and dedication from these sheep towards Battle Royale is for such a worthless type of game. An endless quest to satisfy one's ego by being number 1, stroking that ego at the end even when everyone else was defeated and left long ago. There is no story, no creativity, no interesting gameplay mechanics or forward-thinking design, no characters to cherish, no efforts in music or art direction, there's nothing.

All driven by random chance and loot, a non-stop attempt at a massive ego-trip.

And when victories are not something one can achieve, they then flock to the microtransactions. Skins, emotes and whatever else to make themselves feel special and fill that void of their existence that isn't filled by that ego-cradling #1 victory that they cannot obtain. So then people can go out in public and imitate these emotes in real life to show everyone just how shallow and pathetic they really are.

All of this is what I see as an immense state of depression that gaming is rapidly becoming. The current top genre and trend in gaming is all about conformity. CONFORM, CONFORM, CONFORM. Do not be creative, do not be unique. Conform and be like the rest, join the crowd, embrace nothingness to feel anything. Sell your soul, then beg for more. Battle Royale can forever burn in a pit of its own self-indulging and masturbatory trash.

By the by, if you enjoy Battle Royale games, then whatever, more power to you, but I can't stand it anymore.

  • Brohoof 3


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I've never been a fan of fads.  I play what I wanna play, period.  I've never cared what other gamers are doing, or what they think.  I rarely pay any attention to gaming news whatsoever.  I honestly couldn't care less what sh*t went down at E3, or what devs are under fire for some flim flam, or what game people are outraged about, or anything else.  I just play what I wanna play, and I've never had the slightest interest in a battle royale.  Never played one, probably never will.  At the moment, I'd rather play Open RCT2, which is what I'm doing.

By the way, can I give you just one little, tiny, itty bitty, teensy weensy bit of advice?  Lose the boldface.  I  understand that this was an impassioned rant meant to convey intensity, but it's just a little harsh on the eyes.  Also, boldface is like profanity--excellent for conveying intensity, but it loses its impact if overused.  If you want to emphasize just one word in a sentence, you've got nowhere left to go.  Just my opinion.

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8 minutes ago, Justin_Case001 said:

I've never been a fan of fads.  I play what I wanna play, period.  I've never cared what other gamers are doing, or what they think.  I rarely pay any attention to gaming news whatsoever.  I honestly couldn't care less what sh*t went down at E3, or what devs are under fire for some flim flam, or what game people are outraged about, or anything else.  I just play what I wanna play, and I've never had the slightest interest in a battle royale.  Never played one, probably never will.  At the moment, I'd rather play Open RCT2, which is what I'm doing.

By the way, can I give you just one little, tiny, itty bitty, teensy weensy bit of advice?  Lose the boldface.  I  understand that this was an impassioned rant meant to convey intensity, but it's just a little harsh on the eyes.  Also, boldface is like profanity--excellent for conveying intensity, but it loses its impact if overused.  If you want to emphasize just one word in a sentence, you've got nowhere left to go.  Just my opinion.

Don't know how it looks on your end but for me the bold isn't being used to exemplify my (completely worthless) opinion, but rather I personally think it just looks better. I think it is less bland. I'm a total fucking idiot anyways so what do I know.

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16 minutes ago, Kyoshi said:

I'm a total fucking idiot anyways so what do I know.

Oh, come on, man!  Don't say that!  No, you're not!  If you were, then I wouldn't have read and hoofed some....like... 100+ blog entries of yours last week.  I decided to sit down and read your blog because I like you and find your thoughts and opinions interesting.  And as a fellow autistic clinical depressive, I'd be lying if I said I didn't feel a bit of a connection to you.  I legitimately want to help you, if/when I can.

Anyway, if you like the look of the boldface, then keep it!  Mine was just one man's opinion.  I have kind of sensitive eyes as well, so whatever.  Don't put that much stock in my opinion.  I was only trying to offer a little helpful advice, but I probably shouldn't have said anything.  If you like it, then that's all that matters.  Furthermore, it sounds like you're having a tough time with the depression right now.  I know exactly how that feels.  When I'm at my worst, even the slightest bit of criticism, even polite constructive criticism, can make me feel like complete garbage.  Depression is no fun.  No fun at all.  So, really, don't place any importance on my opinion about the font.  It's just a silly font.  It's no big deal.  Hope you feel better soon, buddy.  Play less attention to the things that you don't like, and more attention to the things you do like.  That's what I've been trying to do for the past year, and it helps.

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"OH and be sure to make at least two of your characters gay like recently announced in Apex Legends despite having no story or lore whatsoever." 

So how many pages of lore do you need before you're allowed to have gay characters without it being considered pandering? 

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I agree with most of this, but I don't entirely agree on the LGBT representation part. Yes it is better to make it have lore relevance, yes. But I don't really think it's necessary. I really liked the way Overwatch handled Soldier: 76 on this note, even though half of the community complained and whined about it (which made it even better). It was just sort of woven in, that he had an ex-boyfriend years ago, and it's really left at that. That's good because they didn't DIVE into ALL of the details and they really just spelled it out and also told a touching story all the same. At least it wasn't handled like Fernando from Paladins where it was randomly dropped in that "yeah he's gay." It doesn't offend me whatsoever, but they should have elaborated a little bit more. But of course Hi-Rez can't do f***ing lore worth a s*** so... I guess it's not bad considering that. Though I can understand the idea of it getting to be pandering, I've yet to see real examples of it yet. I may not know about Apex Legends so I don't really understand the situation there.

 @Black Sabbath also has a good point here, sort of. I think that it can get to be pandering if there are too many for no apparent reason and it's beyond representative of the real percentage in the population (somewhere around 8.5% last I remembered). Nonetheless, the "elaboration" I'm talking about with Fernando doesn't need to be long. It only needs to be a little tidbit that makes it understandable why the character was written to be LGBT. It doesn't need to be an event important to the game's lore or even one that has much relevance to it. Just a little bit of a story behind it, a little bit that makes there be even a small amount of importance to the character's backstory. Heck, I think the way it was handled with Doctor Samuels from Borderlands 2 was enough, when Handsome Jack brought up her wife when forcing her to conduct Eridium experiments on people.

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11 hours ago, Black Sabbath said:

"OH and be sure to make at least two of your characters gay like recently announced in Apex Legends despite having no story or lore whatsoever." 

So how many pages of lore do you need before you're allowed to have gay characters without it being considered pandering? 

This issue is that if you don't have a any kind of story or lore for the characters at all, then having a character be confirmed gay in some battle royale game accomplishes nothing. It doesn't add anything to the game, certainly not to the gameplay itself. If the characters aren't going to have any kind of lore behind them, then you might as well leave it ambiguous and let the player fill the gaps themselves. Take Star Tracker in MLP for example. Out of all characters in the show, that is the one that I would love to be gay, but that's just me having a random personal preference. I acknowledge how worthless it would be to just have him be gay when it doesn't add anything to his character in the context of anything. So since nothing is explicitly said, I just say that he is gay and go with that.

Hell, and MLP has far more character and life to it than this cookie-cutter battle royale game. I am all for supporting proper LGBT representation and for inclusion. However, Respawn is clearly taking the pandering route. Overwatch recently announced its second gay character. Then all of a sudden comes Apex Legends and out of nowhere it too has TWO gay characters. Doesn't that seem a tad fishy? Like it was some damn checkmark on a whiteboard. Not to mention them publicly announcing it like it is supposed to be this massive revelation. They could have told instead through the game itself, dialogue or whatever. Anything to actually do with the game itself.

Like I said, I am LGBT, but I am not going to give these guys some gold star just for having two of their generic characters be gay. That kind of applause is what has made friggin' Black Panther a nominee for best picture.

Also, I really tried to give Apex Legends more of a chance early this morning, played for about two hours. I have since uninstalled it. It is just another shitty Battle Royale game through and through. Not fun in the slightest.

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7 hours ago, Kyoshi said:

This issue is that if you don't have a any kind of story or lore for the characters at all, then having a character be confirmed gay in some battle royale game accomplishes nothing

1) One could argue that by mentioning one of the characters having been in a gay relationship just as causally as if it been a straight one, it serves to normalise LGBT relationships. 

2) Why does it have to accomplish something? Would you have the same critique had said characters bio mentioned that he had a girlfriend?

7 hours ago, Kyoshi said:

It doesn't add anything to the game, certainly not to the gameplay itself.

Again, would you have said the same thing if said character was straight? 

Then all of a sudden comes Apex Legends and out of nowhere it too has TWO gay characters.

Small nitpick, but it doesn't have two gay characters. It has one. 

Yes, another character is non-binary but that isn't really the same thing.


Edited by Black Sabbath
  • Brohoof 1
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3 hours ago, Black Sabbath said:

1) One could argue that by mentioning one of the characters having been in a gay relationship just as causally as if it been a straight one, it serves to normalise LGBT relationships. 

I actually just found out that they didn't directly announce it like I thought they did, but rather it was in a bio for the character. So that was actually my bad and that isn't as bad as I thought it was, but I still think they are following in the footsteps of Overwatch. So while they didn't quite make the big deal out of it like I thought it still feels hollow right now since it is in a game that doesn't have much of a story to care about. If this was Titanfall 3 instead and had a campaign, it would make more sense. I have the same criticism of Overwatch as well, to be clear.

5 hours ago, Black Sabbath said:

Again, would you have said the same thing if said character was straight? 

If they tried to make it a big deal, then yes.


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I think you're looking at it entirely the wrong way. Isn't it a great thing that there are containment games that keep all these people away from the rest of us?

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