'Battle Royale' is a disease on gaming
Was recently having a sort of 'conversation' that become more of a rant with someone. About the sad state of gaming and how Battle Royale is contributing to this Gaming Great Depression. I'll try to just abridge what I said in that discussion here:
With the recent release of Apex Legends by Respawn, I love how much everyone is already worshipping the game like a god. If you dare criticize the game for being yet another unoriginal and soulless battle royale game, you get flamed like crazy. I seen one post by some guy simply saying "It honestly isn't that great." And a wave of insults ensued. The guy was called an idiot and his opinion was called worthless. He was told this by a bunch of sheep salivating over a game that at the time wasn't even out for two whole days. The ONLY reason people are licking this game's toes is because people are so desperate for anything to compete with Fortnite so they all flock and conform to Apex like the sheep they are.
I personally think this Battle Royale trend is one of the worst things in gaming so far. I played Apex and it is just another BR game, with some obviously shoehorned Overwatch style characters and abilities mixed in. Oh but we aren't allowed to criticize such a blatant lack of creativity and jumping on a trend. I remember when people were very critical of gaming when so many military shooters were being made, people got sick of it really fast. Now if any company manages to make a BR game that at least works somewhat well, people give you a standing ovation regardless if the game is literally the exact same framework as all other games in the genre. People just nod their empty skulls and shower the developers with admiration for being as bland and uninspired as they themselves are.
Call me cynical, but when I see yet another Battle Royale game that starts you off in a flying vehicle over a giant lifeless map, has you jump out with your team to skydive down and has you looting while avoid an impending death circle, I can't help but immediately roll my eyes until I become dizzy. These devs can't even be bothered to dress that shit up at least a tiny bit different than the other near identical games in the genre. To give you the tiniest fraction of an illusion that there is any creativity at all being employed. It isn't there in this pathetic genre. Even when Apex Legends seems like it is pathetically attempting to stand out, it goes with blatantly ripping off games like Overwatch to do so. I guess in gaming that is now the key to ultimate success. Don't do anything creative or new, just look at what the most popular games are doing regardless if it is actually good or not, Frankenstein that shit together and boom, you have become a gaming icon. OH and be sure to make at least two of your characters gay like recently announced in Apex Legends despite having no story or lore whatsoever. You know, because Overwatch did it so Apex has to do it too. Even As someone who is LGBT, this is obvious and blatant pandering that does absolutely nothing for everyone. It isn't 'representation' if your characters are literally pointless with no real story. Remember, just do whatever your competition is doing, conform and copy and you will have success. Apparently so since Apex Legends currently sits at a 92 on Metacritic, despite being a watered down Titanfall asset flip and a copy and paste battle royale. I guess that's literally what the entire gaming gets wet over now.
And isn't this EA? If I recall, EA is the company that literally everyone was hating, ignoring any actual good product they made and just hating them because that was the bandwagon to jump on, that was what everyone was conforming to. Now all of a sudden, they publish a cashgrab battle royale game and everyone seemingly forgets about all of that hatred they had before. Apex Legends and as such Battle Royale as a genre, is fully showing the total hypocrisy from the gaming community. People are willing to hold extreme hatred towards Battlefield V just for having women in it, but people flock to Apex because who cares. Everyone was recently celebrating over the news that EA stocks fell drastically over this past fiscal year. Well, congratulations gaming community, because everyone conforming to Apex Legends will make those stocks skyrocket. So good job there. People celebrates Ea's losses and then immediately help them recover from those losses.
And to think, TO THINK, all of this loyalty and dedication from these sheep towards Battle Royale is for such a worthless type of game. An endless quest to satisfy one's ego by being number 1, stroking that ego at the end even when everyone else was defeated and left long ago. There is no story, no creativity, no interesting gameplay mechanics or forward-thinking design, no characters to cherish, no efforts in music or art direction, there's nothing.
All driven by random chance and loot, a non-stop attempt at a massive ego-trip.
And when victories are not something one can achieve, they then flock to the microtransactions. Skins, emotes and whatever else to make themselves feel special and fill that void of their existence that isn't filled by that ego-cradling #1 victory that they cannot obtain. So then people can go out in public and imitate these emotes in real life to show everyone just how shallow and pathetic they really are.
All of this is what I see as an immense state of depression that gaming is rapidly becoming. The current top genre and trend in gaming is all about conformity. CONFORM, CONFORM, CONFORM. Do not be creative, do not be unique. Conform and be like the rest, join the crowd, embrace nothingness to feel anything. Sell your soul, then beg for more. Battle Royale can forever burn in a pit of its own self-indulging and masturbatory trash.
By the by, if you enjoy Battle Royale games, then whatever, more power to you, but I can't stand it anymore.
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