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My thoughts on the show ending



*Sigh* It just never ends for me, does it? As you all probably know, Hasbro announced that MLP: FiM is ending after it's 9th season. I'm honestly very bummed out by this, as I'm sure a lot of you are. At first, I actually wasn't too sad about it, but then, everyone started making tearjerking posts about the show ending and started making me feel worse. :( Anyway, I wouldn't be so sad about the show ending if it wasn't for 2 things. 1. It's ending too early IMO and 2. I didn't experience the show to the fullest. Honestly, I feel like 9 seasons is a bit too soon. I'd say 11 or 12 at least would be enough. I know a bunch of people are gonna say: "But, Avery! I don't want it to go on until it gets stale and repetitive!" Yeah, I agree, but isn't it getting cut off too soon just as bad if not WORSE? It's like with Courage the Cowardly Dog or Invader Zim. Those were shows that didn't go into seasonal rot at all and they still had more stories to tell! And it's the same with MLP: FiM! What about the Breezies? What about King Sombra? What about the Power Ponies? What about Chief Thunderhoof? I could go on and on and list more examples, but we'd be here all day. They still have a little bit more to work with, why do they have to cut it short? I just don't understand... :( As for me not experiencing the show to the fullest, I'll explain. For one, I feel like I got into MLP too late. I saw MLP all over the place in 2012, and I just brushed it off and thought it was one of the dumbest things in history. But then I actually watched it and I LOVED it! God damn it, past me! What's wrong with you? I thought you knew not to judge a book by its cover! Anyway, another problem with this is that I didn't get to see every episode live when it aired on TV. My mom got rid of cable nearly 8 years ago and it wasn't until a year and a half ago that I got it back via DirecTV Now. As if all this wasn't bad enough, I never got to attend a single large Brony convention. NOT. A. ONE. This is one of the many disadvantages of living where I live... any cool event happens REALLY far away, and it's too expensive to get there! But guess what? IT. GETS. WORSE. I didn't draw much fan art for the show, and I seriously slacked off on my fanfics for it, and it's kinda too late to salvage that now. Not to mention, I didn't make a Derpibooru account until a little more than a year ago, and I just wish I did it earlier. (Though I didn't because I was kinda embarrassed to join because of a lot of the content on that site.) Man... I just seriously wish I had another chance to relive part of my past to the fullest, because now I'm gonna have to live with that regret. (Though I'm not sure if I will considering how crushed I am.) I don't mean to sound like a broken record, but seriously...



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A lot of shows barely make it past 3 seasons. I'd say 9 isn't bad by any stretch of the imagination.

All is not doom and gloom though because we ARE getting a new show in 2021. So it just means you'll be around for the beginning of fandom 2.0 this time! :D

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There are many of us that didn't find/appreciate this show until a year or so ago. It happens with a lot of shows. Just be grateful that you discovered the show while it was still on and not 10 years later. I live not too far where Bronycon is held and I didn't start watching the show until last year. That's a lot of years that I could have gone to Bronycon if I had discovered the show earlier. There are a lot of shows that didn't get a second or third season that deserved to like Sonic SatAM. Fans begged for a third season but it never came because it couldn't hold up against Power Rangers and the ratings were bad because it was never on TV at a consistent time so fans never knew when it was on. Everything was planned out but the plug was pulled on it.

There were times when I almost deleted the stories that I was working on because I figured the show was almost over and no one would care. But I'm going to enjoy the time I have left with the show and work on my projects until they're done.

If Gen 5 is just as much a success as Gen 4 was, then you'll be fortunate to be there for the beginning and ride the train till the end. :kindness:

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@Key Sharkz I never said 9 seasons was bad. What's bad is that I didn't experience them to the fullest. And sure, we're getting a new show in 2021, but that doesn't mean it'll be as good as FiM. :(

@Twilight Luna Yeah, I know that there are still some people who are relatively new. And while I know that things could be much worse... they could be much better at the same time. And sure, Gen 5 being as big of a success as Gen 4 is a possibility... but we don't know that for sure at the moment, and we have to go on the evidence at hand. And based on that... it's not gonna be as good as FiM. At least... I doubt it. :(

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9 minutes ago, AveryGamerDude said:

@Key Sharkz I never said I wasn't gonna give it a chance. :confused:

I know but you said "doesn't mean it'll be as good as FiM". You're going in with a negative connotation.

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1 hour ago, Key Sharkz said:

I know but you said "doesn't mean it'll be as good as FiM". You're going in with a negative connotation.

Oh I should've worded it differently. Oops. I definitely think it's possible G5 will be as good, or better, than FiM. I just don't think it's likely. Sorry if I still sound negative... :sunny:

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Just now, AveryGamerDude said:

Oh I should've worded it differently. Oops. I definitely think it's possible G5 will be as good, or better, than FiM. I just don't think it's likely. Sorry if I still sound negative... :sunny:

Gotta think more positively. :P

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Pssst... Hey....

It's never too late to make arts and fanfics about the show.

I started watching in the mid 2017 (last year) and some part of me was like "Why didn't I find this wonderful show earlier?". But I learned that I just have to enjoy it while it lasts.

MLP is just a cartoon, it's just a hobby for recreational purpose. You didn't have the time to make arts or can't make any? Don't feel bad about that, enjoying the show is the most important thing, doing fanart is just another way to express that you enjoy the show

Also, going to conventions isn't that necessary since we have the internet and its purpose is to connect all people from all over the world. You can socialize with other bronies on the internet, you can still see the arts presented at those cons on YouTube, and you can still buy fan made pony merchandises through online shopping websites.

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@Kevin Tang It's just not the same to do it when the show isn't airing. :sunny: But in all honesty, it doesn't make much of a difference if you joined the fandom recently or 6 years ago if you didn't have cable at the time episodes were airing. And sure, MLP is "just a cartoon", but it's just that I love it so much and it affected my life in such a positive way. And sure, going to conventions isn't NECESSARY, but it's just that I prefer to meet people IRL than on the web. I feel like the experience is better that way.

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