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changeling magic - why not infinite magical abilities?




Aside from the canon this is mostly going to be speculation. (warning: lots of pictures)

We all know that I love changelings. I mean, they are one of the races that have a pivotal place in equestrian society along with dragons, griffins, hippogriphs and yaks, being by political affiliation or by history, although not always as friends.

As a race they are very complex and one of the things that stand out the most about them aside from their look is their magical abilities. Their capacity to transform and mimic any type of creature and even non living things to disguise themselves. But that does come with certain important implications. one of this would be, do they just look like the thing they transform into like a glamour or a camouflage it do they actually become what they copy? And if so, doew that mean that they adquiere the abilities of what they copy? Let's looks at some examples.


So how do we know that changelings actually become and adquire the abilities of what they copy? is that even a thing? well yes. At least in some cases we can see how changing into other forms make them actually BE what they transform into and not just camouflage themselves like an octopus will do by pretending to be a rock or another animal (tho they are very talented). We have seen how Ocellus in particular uses this and how it affects her. Her transforming into a seapony grants her the ability to breath and talk underwater when she and Silver Stream saved Yona from drowning. We haven't really seen if changelings can breath underwater without any magical transformation but that would be very unlikely. If she only were camouflaging then she wouldn't be able to go underwater like no one's business. This single moment could be proof that changelings magically become an exact duplicate of the thing the are copying and that's the way they get that thing's abilities.

non compete | Tumblr

Another example could be when she transforms into the giant bug anteater which granted her enough mass and strength to completely smash a part of the friendship school building and later in another episode she used that same transformation to help her carry a big and heavy fountain.


Another instance is when she transforms into a rock. I actually thought that these were just glamours so it only looked like is a rock, but she actually falls with the consistency, heaviness and sound of an actual rock which makes me believe that her body composition is that of a real rock. Same happened with Pharynx and Thorax. Even changing their size not only to grow larger but to become smaller, at least within a certain range.

latest?cb=20190414210938Pharynx's eyes appear on a rock S7E17(couldn't find a bigger image)


we have seen how she is able to transform into other things like her dragon form for example. Does that mean that she would actually be able to breath fire if she wanted?


The answer is very probably yes, I'm pretty sure she would be able to given the other examples. Why doesn't she do so, or better, why do we never see other changelings go around and copying powerful creatures to simply use their abilities to their full advantage?

latest?cb=20170820225304(uh... green magic here from thorax..)latest?cb=20170820225305

latest?cb=20190520235743 (Chryssi transformed into a... rather small Roc)

latest?cb=20170904175817 (Pharynx using the strength of the huge bug monster he transformed into)

latest?cb=20161024053958latest?cb=20161024053959 (this guy transformed into Discord. Why are they not using Discord's magic then?)

Well there's a catch and this is where the theory begins on why we haven't seen any changeling show other special abilities aside from increased strength or other seemingly simple magical attributes, why they haven't take advantage of this INFINITE POWER! My dear friends, it's actually very simple. Some abilities are probably too complicated to know how they work if you yourself have never used it and/or practiced it. Now multiply that for every creature you encounter. Some might be fairly easy to figure out or they come natural with the transformation, but others? Not so much.

We have seen that magic is complicated to learn and even more to master. That's why your average unicorn will only know levitation and light spells since it's as basic as it gets and they still have to learn how to do it, it doesn't come natural without practice. The same could apply to other things like breathing fire for dragons. Or in case of Discord's magic, Cozy Glow demonstrated how uncontrollable it could be. Either that or maybe it's the first time you see a Draconequus and you're like "well that's a thing that exist" and not even realize that it possesses magical abilities, or how much you could do with them. 

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Season 4 - 'Sweetie Belle 's Magical  Test' Official Clip - YouTube

Magic is haaaaard!

But then... why wouldn't they know at least one magical spell. Wouldn't that be useful given how possible is for them to transform into other creatures that might have magic? specially ponies and specifically unicorns since it's been shown that ponies and changelings were rival races in constant conflict throughout the seasons since Canterlot Wedding. Also it's theorized that changelings as a whole, not just Chrysalis, could actually have magic like levitation on their own without the need for a transformation beforehand because of the infamous magical aura Thorax displays from his horns in To Where and Back Again part 2, where he is threatening Chrysalis with it like the other unicorns in the scene. And even in Canterlot Wedding when the changelings are using their horns to break though the magical barrier, in their last effort their horns glow with intense magic to finally break it.


latest?cb=20120424143404 (the one where the horn is visible shows it glowing with green magic)

Let's put on the speculation and the tinfoil cap because this could be Chrysalis doing since it wouldn't be convenient for her to have her subjects know what they are capable of if she wants to preserve her power over them. Ignorance is a very effective way to control a population were she basically was the dictator and every other changeling was only another cog in the system, all the same, all just there to overwhelm with numbers, all disposable (as much as she tries to justify that all that she does is for her people, she doesn't. She does it for her self interests first using her literal children as shield and weapon). Fear is too another method that goes hand in hand with ignorance, and if Chrysalis wants magic to not be a threat to her throne in the time she was queen, since changelings or at least Chrysalis herself are the only ones that can use magic in the hive with the magic plot chair of anti-magic, she would make sure that practicing magic is taboo, prohibited and unknown. Or even better, make them think they are not capable of doing more than the comet hit magic thing from the season 2 finale, idk. Just like any cult, this can become auto sustainable without Chrysalis having to do more than the usual manipulation afterwards.


latest?cb=20161024152652 "Just as soon as I drain every last ounce of love from him and show my subjects what a real leader is!"

latest?cb=20161024152712 (yeah that sounds like intimidation tactics. Also, natural changeling kinesis)

latest?cb=20180610125253 latest?cb=20180610133623 (seems like Chrysalis wants to have a monopoly on magic knowledge)

So getting back at why have we never actually seen a changeling use magic or get a grip on other creature abilities. It's just that. A history of manipulation, ignorance, maybe even taboo beliefs regarding the use of magic under Chrysalis reign, to not be able to simply know what creatures have what kind of magic and how it works for every case, to being out of shape from not training the use of magic. For all we know they could also need to constantly shapeshift into the creatures they normally don't see often in order to not forget them. That's why shifting into rocks or woodland animals would be like level 1 because they are so common, and shifting into a giant monster would be more complicated and at risk of forgetting how it looked like or how it worked.


But aside from that I can conclude that they could be capable of doing any sort of abilities, magical or not, but with the condition that they need to learn how to, just like any ordinary member of the species they are copying.

As for what is in for changelings magically speaking after the last battle against the villain trio and Twilight's coronation, well... who knows, maybe they can finally practice and explore their natural and gained magical abilities in peace and company of their friends. But that's another story and should be told another time... (for anyone who understands this reference, you are my favorite person now).

And with that we finish this entry.

Thanks for reading! Peace out! 

(PS: The rock Ocellus reminded me a lot of kirby rock form from Crystal Shards and SmashKirby 64 the Crystal Shards - Wallpaper Games MakerKirby | Kirby Wiki | Fandom)


Edit: remember that this is speculation so there could be other ways the magic of changeling transformation could work. 

@Goat-kun came up with the idea that changelings might not get magical abilities from the creature they copy so any magic coming from the transformation would the changeling's own magic coming from beyond the transformation, since they proposed that magic is personal.

In that sense I proposed that it would be the creature's magic since the creature itself most be compatible with a magical outlet to perform magic in the first place, and because as an example we have Chrysalis's own magic. Whenever she changes into her unicorn form or when she changed into Cadence, her magic aura changed too from the usual changeling kind of opaque glow to the characteristic unicorn semitransparent glow wave and sparkle magic. This would mean that they are using the creature's magic as a conduit.

In any case we can't really know for sure since there are no more examples of magical displays in the show and in this particular case to make a comparison and know for sure which answer is the most approximate. Furthermore, changeling magic and unicorn magic are very similar to each other regarding spells like levitation. Given the circumstances any answer could be valid.

You can follow the discussion bellow. Bring your own ideas about this theme too! 


  • Brohoof 1


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What I’m curious about is if they can transform into anything, how come their magic if they become a unicorn remains that neon green color? Aside from the occasional eye reflection giving themselves away, you don’t really see a whole lot of indicators that some creature is actually a Changeling.

I know what you said earlier about their abilities, but I always thought it was strange that they didn’t at least obtain the aura color of who they were impersonating and keep their own magic style (so no waves or sparkles).

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49 minutes ago, ExplosionMare said:

What I’m curious about is if they can transform into anything, how come their magic if they become a unicorn remains that neon green color? Aside from the occasional eye reflection giving themselves away, you don’t really see a whole lot of indicators that some creature is actually a Changeling.

I know what you said earlier about their abilities, but I always thought it was strange that they didn’t at least obtain the aura color of who they were impersonating and keep their own magic style (so no waves or sparkles).

I suppose it's just an inconvenience of the transforming magic itself. After all they otherwise would have no flaws whatsoever in their evolutionary adaptation, which seems to be the case for changelings at least as species. They take inspiration on the folklore changelings which are basically trolls with magic that leave their ugly babies in place of a human newborn and the only way to know they are trolls is because they are mean and ugly until they mature into a troll. Other type of changelings, according to the different interpretations, are more like fairies that would just steal the babies, no replacement.

Legends of the North: The ChangelingChangelings and Fairy Babies | Mynd and Mist

But they also take inspiration from bugs that disguise themselves in nature giving them their deceiving abilities, like stick bugs, leaf bugs, even mantices or leaf butterflies. 

Appearance - Elliot's Leaf Bug1M24-505z.jpg | Kuhn Photo🔥 The dead leaf butterfly is a nymphalid butterfly found in Tropical Asia  from India to Japan. With wings closed, it closely resembles a dry leaf  with dark veins and is a


So as ponies is concerned it could just be a failure in their natural biology or an oversight, just like how you could know if your baby is a changeling troll (not perfect but it's something). Maybe magic can't really change color because it's internal and independent from how they look. Like a chemical reaction or a personal aura that can't be replicated. What does seem to change though is their magic color when they either have bad intentions or are being aggresive, or like when they have darkness in their heart??? For example in their corrupted form their magic is green but post reformed their magic is cyan. Why would it revert according to mood. Well see the examples above? Thorax normally has cyan magic even in his corrupted form, the only time it changed to green was when he attacked Amber. It could have been an animation error but it does seem to indicate something since the cyan magic he gave has always been intentional.


Edited by Ittoni
  • Brohoof 1
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Simple: lings can copy physical attributes but not the magic itself, so all abilities stemming from magic cannot be used. If someone was to drain a transformed changeling, the magic that would come out would be changeling magic.  If that was not the case and their magic would transform along with their bodies, then they would lose the ability to change back.

  • Brohoof 1
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1 hour ago, Goat-kun said:

Simple: lings can copy physical attributes but not the magic itself, so all abilities stemming from magic cannot be used. If someone was to drain a transformed changeling, the magic that would come out would be changeling magic.  If that was not the case and their magic would transform along with their bodies, then they would lose the ability to change back.


The first one is a possibility. Though, every time Chrysalis changed to a unicorn or even an alicorn she is able to use magic and magical spells regardless even if they are her own. Her magical aura even changes shape from just glowy to glowy and wavy, typical sign of a unicorns magic. So I would assume that the only condition is that the creature they are copying must have a magical outlet similar to their own in order to make use of it. Still, even if not, if they copy something that grants them physical similarities then why wouldn't they be able to learn how to use those physical attributes. Like for example you must have a horn in order to perform magic in the case of unicorns and similar creatures not because of the horn itself but because unicorn's horns are made of a special material like alicorn (the dust substance, not the fan given name to what it would be a pony with wings and horn) which is what makes them create that magic in the first place(otherwise any creature with horns would be able to do magic like nobody's business), including the magic inherent of that species itself since we have seen that there's a magical component inherent to the creatures forms themselves in order to be, speaking of manticores, bugbears and such. If a unicorn looses their horn their magic gets affected, reinforcing the theory that is their physical attributes, the materials themselves to channel that magic into the different outcomes, the ones that grants them those abilities, like Tempest. And if a changeling is able to copy those physical attributes then they should have no problem other than learn how to activate them. 

The other one is not really backed up. We have seen that example, kinda, with Rockhoof. We assumed he just permanently transformed his body into this big Scottish pony horse forever so when Tirek absorbed his magic he would just stay the same but he reverted back to a little pony kid. So what's up with that. I think then that if changeling magic is drained they would always revert to their original form since it's their own magic that is maintaining the transformation like a spell. 

Edited by Ittoni
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1 hour ago, Ittoni said:

The first one is a possibility. Though, every time Chrysalis changed to a unicorn or even an alicorn she is able to use magic and magical spells regardless even if they are her own. Her magical aura even changes shape from just glowy to glowy and wavy, typical sign of a unicorns magic. So I would assume that the only condition is that the creature they are copying must have a magical outlet similar to their own in order to make use of it. Still, even if not, if they copy something that grants them physical similarities then why wouldn't they be able to learn how to use those physical attributes. Like for example you must have a horn in order to perform magic in the case of unicorns and similar creatures not because of the horn itself but because unicorn's horns are made of a special material like alicorn (the dust substance, not the fan given name to what it would be a pony with wings and horn) which is what makes them create that magic in the first place(otherwise any creature with horns would be able to do magic like nobody's business), including the magic inherent of that species itself since we have seen that there's a magical component inherent to the creatures forms themselves in order to be, speaking of manticores, bugbears and such. If a unicorn looses their horn their magic gets affected, reinforcing the theory that is their physical attributes, the materials themselves to channel that magic into the different outcomes, the ones that grants them those abilities, like Tempest. And if a changeling is able to copy those physical attributes then they should have no problem other than learn how to activate them. 

We're getting very deep into it, but the gist of the matter is: the source of magic is your spirit body, not your material one, and changelings cannot change that. They cannot produce the type of magic that unicorns have; however, their magic is somewhat similar to unicorn magic. The horn itself is just a tool that helps channel and focus magical energy, but it is not an "organ" that produces magic.

1 hour ago, Ittoni said:

The other one is not really backed up. We have seen that example, kinda, with Rockhoof. We assumed he just permanently transformed his body into this big Scottish pony horse forever so when Tirek absorbed his magic he would just stay the same but he reverted back to a little pony kid. So what's up with that. I think then that if changeling magic is drained they would always revert to their original form since it's their own magic that is maintaining the transformation like a spell. 

Not necessarily since what happens with Rockhoof, Tirek, and even Spike are status buffs not a metamorphosis spell. They use enhancing magic and when you dispel that they revert to their depowered state.

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33 minutes ago, Goat-kun said:

We're getting very deep into it, but the gist of the matter is: the source of magic is your spirit body, not your material one, and changelings cannot change that. They cannot produce the type of magic that unicorns have; however, their magic is somewhat similar to unicorn magic. The horn itself is just a tool that helps channel and focus magical energy, but it is not an "organ" that produces magic.


Not necessarily since what happens with Rockhoof, Tirek, and even Spike are status buffs not a metamorphosis spell. They use enhancing magic and when you dispel that they revert to their depowered state.


As far as we know that seapony transformation, the rock transformations and the unicorn magic changed the game entirely and we should ask if it's the tool or the components that make them BE the thing they are copying and not an illusion or a chameleoninc change like Mistique kind of powers, who can only change her appearance rearranging her chemical composition but it doesn't affect her strength or abilities because they come from what she already has by her own training, which in the case of changelings that does change and it comes from the transformation of the creature itself, not from themselves since they are not naturally strong and they must transform into another creature to get that power and abilities. If that were the case the magical glow from the unicorn magic of a transformed changeling would stay the same and just glow, not glow wave and sparkle like unicorn's do, and it wouldn't be logical or maybe even too complicated to somehow make the magic itself change too because how would you even manipulate that effect. Chryssi is intelligent but she cannot plan that far into her schemes either, it does seem like it's more of a natural reaction. And by that I'm not meaning that a changeling can just transform into Star Swirl for the first time and instantly get access to time travel, that would be absurd, I'm just saying that in that case they would just be a unicorn lvl 0 that looks like Swirly like if it were his twin, and if any magic comes from it it would be the changeling's spells but since unicorn and changeling magic is very similar there wouldn't be problem on casting what they already know but the magic itself would be that of a unicorn, they are just the same energy type.

Do you have evidence with what the show offers?

Edited by Ittoni
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1 hour ago, Goat-kun said:




Been thinking about your explanation for the magic and it does seem possible but there's not enough evidence for both my interpretation or yours to get a concrete answer. I wish the show had given us more to work with but we only have possibilities and our own imagination. We can't declare a truth from it as it is so, truce? We can both be right with the same evidence since there's no more if it. 

Edited by Ittoni
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22 hours ago, Ittoni said:

As far as we know that seapony transformation, the rock transformations and the unicorn magic changed the game entirely and we should ask if it's the tool or the components that make them BE the thing they are copying and not an illusion or a chameleoninc change like Mistique kind of powers, who can only change her appearance rearranging her chemical composition but it doesn't affect her strength or abilities because they come from what she already has by her own training, which in the case of changelings that does change and it comes from the transformation of the creature itself, not from themselves since they are not naturally strong and they must transform into another creature to get that power and abilities. If that were the case the magical glow from the unicorn magic of a transformed changeling would stay the same and just glow, not glow wave and sparkle like unicorn's do, and it wouldn't be logical or maybe even too complicated to somehow make the magic itself change too because how would you even manipulate that effect. Chryssi is intelligent but she cannot plan that far into her schemes either, it does seem like it's more of a natural reaction. And by that I'm not meaning that a changeling can just transform into Star Swirl for the first time and instantly get access to time travel, that would be absurd, I'm just saying that in that case they would just be a unicorn lvl 0 that looks like Swirly like if it were his twin, and if any magic comes from it it would be the changeling's spells but since unicorn and changeling magic is very similar there wouldn't be problem on casting what they already know but the magic itself would be that of a unicorn, they are just the same energy type.

Do you have evidence with what the show offers?

For starters, Chrysalis can do basic things than any unicorn can even in her true form while other changelings don't seem to be able to do them. And for magic to be linked to a "spirit body" and not to a physical form, I say the evidence is in the color of magic, not in its pattern. The pattern can change due to many environmental factors, with one of them being a unicorn horn (here I regard flesh and bone as external factors in regards to aethereal realm). I suppose that magic would indeed have a different field if channeled through a ling's horn, but other qualities and thus the effects of the magic itself remain the same, so one can assume that the source of magic also remains the same.


If it looks like a status buff and if it functions like a status buff, then it probably is a status buff.

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56 minutes ago, Goat-kun said:

For starters, Chrysalis can do basic things than any unicorn can even in her true form while other changelings don't seem to be able to do them. And for magic to be linked to a "spirit body" and not to a physical form, I say the evidence is in the color of magic, not in its pattern. The pattern can change due to many environmental factors, with one of them being a unicorn horn (here I regard flesh and bone as external factors in regards to aethereal realm). I suppose that magic would indeed have a different field if channeled through a ling's horn, but other qualities and thus the effects of the magic itself remain the same, so one can assume that the source of magic also remains the same.




If it looks like a status buff and if it functions like a status buff, then it probably is a status buff.


I think I don't completely understand what do you mean by "spirit body" in the first place... Or status buff for that matter, I don't play many videogames like MMOs. But I'm trying.

Trying to define "spirit body and physical form", I know that every creature has their own personal aura, so to speak which to my understanding would be like "spirit body", and that influences the color of their magic as individuals. The color of the changeling's magic is green (arguably cyan post reformation) even when they transform into other things that color remains but I would argue that it does so first because ALL changelings have the same magic color since when they transform their magic is the same color (either green or cyan) for every one of them. Individuality is a bit overrated when you are a swarm and even later a pack, less dramatic since post reformation they are more free to be individuals but being together as a hive, working together as one is part of who they are as creatures. 

Since they are not occupying another body of an individual, they are copying it exactly for themselves, their spirit or aura would be that of themselves. Therefore having the same color which is true.... I don't see how that contradicts what I explained in the main post. 

Speaking at status buffs or debuffs as I'll explain, let's look at Discord and Big Mac for a second. We have seen how a status buff can be applied when Discord grants Big Mac a horn for the Ogres and Oubliettes game. If it was only a status buff he wouldn't be able to perform magic because as an earth pony he doesn't posses magic like that of unicorns of his own. He would just be able to use it as a piercing weapon. But he actually uses it to perform magic he doesn't have and with his supposed own aura, not Discord's or other. 

I would argue that is both the physical devise and their own magic. Is both physical and spirit. Either way we cannot really demonstrate it with changelings in particular because there's no more examples of magic like that of unicorns, even from other species or animals to compare which we would need them to transform into Tirek and see them absorb magic, or a kirin and aside from skip in the water see them grow a plant. The show ended and left many things incomplete. That's why it's a theory and speculation. 

Do you have evidence of this ethereal realm or for why the magic could change in regards to changelings?

Edited by Ittoni
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25 minutes ago, Ittoni said:

I think I don't completely understand what do you mean by "spirit body" in the first place... Or status buff for that matter, I don't play many videogames like MMOs. But I'm trying.

Trying to define "spirit body and physical form", I know that every creature has their own personal aura, so to speak which to my understanding would be like "spirit body", and that influences the color of their magic as individuals. The color of the changeling's magic is green (arguably cyan post reformation) even when they transform into other things that color remains but I would argue that it does so first because ALL changelings have the same magic color since when they transform their magic is the same color (either green or cyan) for every one of them. Individuality is a bit overrated when you are a swarm and even later a pack, less dramatic since post reformation they are more free to be individuals but being together as a hive, working together as one is part of who they are as creatures. 

Since they are not occupying another body of an individual, they are copying it exactly for themselves, their spirit or aura would be that of themselves. Therefore having the same color which is true.... I don't see how that contradicts what I explained in the main post. 

Speaking at status buffs or debuffs as I'll explain, let's look at Discord and Big Mac for a second. We have seen how a status buff can be applied when Discord grants Big Mac a horn for the Ogres and Oubliettes game. If it was only a status buff he wouldn't be able to perform magic because as an earth pony he doesn't posses magic like that of unicorns of his own. He would just be able to use it as a piercing weapon. But he actually uses it to perform magic he doesn't have and with his supposed own aura, not Discord's or other. 

I would argue that is both the physical devise and their own magic. Is both physical and spirit. Either way we cannot really demonstrate it with changelings in particular because there's no more examples of magic like that of unicorns, even from other species or animals to compare which we would need them to transform into Tirek and see them absorb magic, or a kirin and aside from skip in the water see them grow a plant. The show ended and left many things incomplete. That's why it's a theory and speculation. 

Status buff is when you increase armor, strength, resistance etc.


In magic, there are usually two worlds (actually they are three but let's leave the third one out of this): the material realm where all physical things are manifested, and the spirit realm where all spirit bodies and magical energies reside. Spirit bodies, one might call them souls, communicate with the material with the help of physical vessels they are linked with. Magic flows in and out of the spirit body, and depending on its quality, can be used by the spirit to influence either realm. Dreamscape can be regarded as a sort of border between the two.


I'd argue that Discord's game followed similar rules as dreamscape and all abilities from that realm can be discarded.

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3 hours ago, Goat-kun said:

Status buff is when you increase armor, strength, resistance etc.




In magic, there are usually two worlds (actually they are three but let's leave the third one out of this): the material realm where all physical things are manifested, and the spirit realm where all spirit bodies and magical energies reside. Spirit bodies, one might call them souls, communicate with the material with the help of physical vessels they are linked with. Magic flows in and out of the spirit body, and depending on its quality, can be used by the spirit to influence either realm. Dreamscape can be regarded as a sort of border between the two.




I'd argue that Discord's game followed similar rules as dreamscape and all abilities from that realm can be discarded.



I think what you're trying to explain here needs it's own post and theory because I can see that you've thought a lot about it in regards to the show and how that logic could be applied in mlp but it's too complex to have had that developed already to try to explain my own interpretation of it. I would like to see it though in a blog post or something. Maybe in the forums and we can discuss it with others. 

Edited by Ittoni
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7 hours ago, Ittoni said:


I think what you're trying to explain here needs it's own post and theory because I can see that you've thought a lot about it in regards to the show and how that logic could be applied in mlp but it's too complex to have had that developed already to try to explain my own interpretation of it. I would like to see it though in a blog post or something. Maybe in the forums and we can discuss it with others. 

For someone who goes around claiming that they are a forsaken loremaster I have to earn my keep ;)


Let's just say that it's partly a hypothesis and partly a reverse-engineered basic foundation of modern magic systems that exists or can be applied to any work involving magic and fantasy. Basically, it's the cabbalistic tree of life. Indeed, this is way too complex for FIM. Also, it has quirks that many Bronies would find unacceptable: it behaves like a natural system and not like human society. However, G4 is dead and we need a system. Kid show argument people can go fly a kite.

Edited by Goat-kun
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11 minutes ago, Goat-kun said:

For someone who goes around claiming that they are a forsaken loremaster I have to earn my keep ;)




Let's just say that it's partly a hypothesis and partly a reverse-engineered basic foundation of modern magic systems that exists or can be applied to any work involving magic and fantasy. Basically, it's the cabbalistic tree of life. Indeed, this is way too complex for FIM. Also, it has quirks that many Bronies would find unacceptable: it behaves like a natural system and not like human society.


No, I'm just tired that you just argue without bases from the show itself making references to things that don't have anything to do with it and using concepts completely foreign to the show itself to try to make a case for the sake of winning. If you could apply them to the show and demonstrate that that is intentional then I would take it seriously but uh... you are not as clever as you think you are.

Edited by Ittoni
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17 hours ago, Ittoni said:

No, I'm just tired that you just argue without bases from the show itself making references to things that don't have anything to do with it and using concepts completely foreign to the show itself to try to make a case for the sake of winning. If you could apply them to the show and demonstrate that that is intentional then I would take it seriously but uh... you are not as clever as you think you are.

Damn it, this is not a competition. This is not about being clever. It's about a hypothesis. It's a heated discussion about all the possible mechanisms employed in fantasy. So far I have not seen a better one that would suit such a world, especially since it has no mechanisms of its own. Do you have a better system? By all means, bring it out. Let's put it apart and see what makes it tick. I designed all of this because I was bored and tired of all the inconsistent bullshit, and now you accuse me just wanting to win some shitty debate. Sweetie pie, it can never be won since all of this is subjective, that is why talking about it without making shit up is also meaningless. You want the hardboiled truth? Our glorious writers and H-Bro do not care about this stuff. There is no magic system. All of it is only there for the plot and to sell more toys. That's it. Buck this shit. I'm out.

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1 hour ago, Goat-kun said:

Damn it, this is not a competition. This is not about being clever. It's about a hypothesis. It's a heated discussion about all the possible mechanisms employed in fantasy. So far I have not seen a better one that would suit such a world, especially since it has no mechanisms of its own. Do you have a better system? By all means, bring it out. Let's put it apart and see what makes it tick. I designed all of this because I was bored and tired of all the inconsistent bullshit, and now you accuse me just wanting to win some shitty debate. Sweetie pie, it can never be won since all of this is subjective, that is why talking about it without making shit up is also meaningless. You want the hardboiled truth? Our glorious writers and H-Bro do not care about this stuff. There is no magic system. All of it is only there for the plot and to sell more toys. That's it. Buck this shit. I'm out.


"For someone who goes around claiming that they are a forsaken loremaster I have to earn my keep "

Perhaps you took it the wrong way because in no way or form I've established that I'm an expert on lore. I don't go around flailing my dick in the forums like others you might know. I don't understand why you got so confrontational if it in fact is just a cartoon about colourful magical horses. Relax hombre. Learn to talk and not wave that dick around that much in people's faces about how much you "won this round" if it's not a competition. Geez. :confused:

Edited by Ittoni
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9 minutes ago, Ittoni said:

Perhaps you took it the wrong way because in no way or form I've established that I'm an expert on lore. I don't go around flailing my dick in the forums like others you might know. I don't understand why you got so confrontational if it in fact is just a cartoon about colourful magical horses. Relax hombre. Learn to talk and not wave that dick around that much in people's faces about how much you "won this round" if it's not a competition. Geez. :Thorax:

I shall flail my dick around however I please, thank you 3Y6uKBJ.png Address the content, not the organs. And yes, it's just a show, brah, so I fail to understand your outburst. I honestly thought this was a different kind of discussion. It seems I was wrong. Next time I'll just bring my usual "Harmony is eldritch" memes and we'll all be happy.

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1 minute ago, Goat-kun said:

I shall flail my dick around however I please, thank you 3Y6uKBJ.png Address the content, not the organs. And yes, it's just a show, brah, so I fail to understand your outburst. I honestly thought this was a different kind of discussion. It seems I was wrong. Next time I'll just bring my usual "Harmony is eldritch" memes and we'll all be happy.


don't expect people to act kindly or tolerant then. 

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