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Ice Princess Silky <3



The day before yesterday, I learned something about myself that was a complete game-changer…

Thanks to my friend, @EpicEnergy, I’ve realized that I am an extrovert. I remember when @Sir Hugsalot
posed this possibility to me as a fact once and I was offended. :scoots:

I was like “Hau DAER yew, sirrrr… Am not an extrovert because am very shy and am reserved about me private matters, am also not shallow… YARGHH (pirate noises)” :Cozy:

Each friend of mine is valuable to me and this is why I adore Pinkie Pie — she GETS it. She doesn’t just run around making friends cause she wants validation or to feel loved — NO! She **sincerely** gets to know each and every person! And it ENERGIZES her!! How interesting that someone named Epic Energy made me realize that about myself, his counter was, “yes yes you’re shy and all but…. Are you ENERGIZED by people?” To which the answer is….


I am ENDLESSLY fascinated by people. And before you can sneer your nose down at me and ask “Why?” As I’m used to receiving from the common person…. Allow me to explain it like this:

Look at yourself. Think of your memories. Your unique experiences that are completely unfathomable to everyone else because they are 100% strictly unique to only *you*

The biases that society may have of you are irrelevant. You are unique and you can’t ever be replaced. Ever.

Even if you had a twin, even if you had a genetic look-a-like, there won’t ever be another person like you. Ever. You’re 100% unique…

Now, multiply this by BILLIONS OF PEOPLE… and we’re talking about something on a legendary level — like the universe, itself. Consistently spiraling and expanding beyond our limited comprehension.

This insight about myself made me realize my strengths vs my weaknesses. I always hated being alone… and it made me feel pathetic and weak… because a lot of people seem just fine being alone. They either make music or art or something. Whereas I need to be in the public either making a business or engaging with people in some way…

But this is seen as normal. So nobody makes any comments on it.

I also have a rich, internal life that is beyond my public association. And you guys literally add to it, so I’m happy to give back to you…

Yes, I already get a lot of insight on the outside from my other friends. Yes, I know. I run a tight ship with a steel hand in a silk glove… Yes, I get it, I have personality traits and lots of memories…

But you guys….
What your friendship offers me are like abstract gems and diamonds more precious than anything this material world can offer…

So, I just wanted to say… thank you <3
For growing and learning with me…

It’s also funny because I’ve literally had members of the forums tell me, “You’re so strong, how do you manage so many people without getting drained?” And I always looked at them in confusion… I don’t see myself as strong… even when I’m happy to assert morality over an injustice.. I don’t see myself as strong…

I just have a lot of energy xD 

Speaking of which, I dedicate this song to you, Epic <3 


  • Brohoof 9


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I was also suspecting that you are an extrovert. There was a time when I was thinking that you weren't really shy, and that you were just acting like you are with other shy people. :sealed:

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28 minutes ago, Nitobit said:

I was also suspecting that you are an extrovert. There was a time when I was thinking that you weren't really shy, and that you were just acting like you are with other shy people. :sealed:

Oh gosh, no. This made me giggle. Yes, I am actually very shy... It's a flaw I would like to fix, actually because it makes me come off as closed off to people when in truth, I simply don't know how to cross the barrier just yet of... opening up and being more vulnerable, I suppose? I'm scared to do it ... even yesterday, my friend @Axel was so worried about me and I wasn't sure how to open up and explain to him that... I want to share but I can't...
I'm sure he then sees me getting energized by my friends and thinks I am just okay or maybe even pretending that I was hurt? :laugh: But no, it's just my personality to always try to be cheerful no matter what. Cause I hope for the best, you know? And it gives me strength to look for positivity somewhere...

I'm also now looking more into extrovert and introvert stuff. There's even ambivert... Apparently it's on a spectrum! So, you can be a shy extrovert and you can even be a social introvert... how interesting are people and life, right? It's exactly my point. People are endlessly fascinating and even the journey of learning ourselves is ever unfolding... :rarity:

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44 minutes ago, Props ValRoa said:

@Magical Mare

I always knew you were an Extrovert at heart. There were times where you wanted to turn inward, but I knew that wasn't in your nature to do so. Embrace your nature, and the world's judgement will never matter. 

This is so beautiful, thank you for your input. Yeah, this is why I love it when you get so deeply into your rich world and words. You contribute to my inner world and while I may not be the best at expressing that on an outside level, I will get there one day. It reminds me of when people learn another language. It's like, mentally, they understand it.. but speaking it... they falter...  I appreciate your support and understanding. 

42 minutes ago, EpicEnergy said:

@Magical Mare Thank you so much! I'm so glad to have helped you figure out that you are an extrovert! :yay:

Also, I love that song, thank you for dedicating it to me! :grin:

Thank you for being there in such an important discovery of my life...

  • Brohoof 2
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SILKYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :yay:

I’m so happy that you’re happy and you’ve come out of your shell. :kindness:

It’s lovely to see and you’re a lovelyperson. :fluttershy:

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57 minutes ago, TheRockARooster said:

SILKYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :yay:

I’m so happy that you’re happy and you’ve come out of your shell. :kindness:

It’s lovely to see and you’re a lovelyperson. :fluttershy:

Thank you, lovely :rarity:
Your friendship has taught me a lot about food and the interesting variety that is out there. My first experience ever having something like wagyu steak at a refined restaurant simply because you wanted to broaden my horizon. Musical bands like KISS now have a new meaning to my world. Your patience and compassion towards those who are not the easiest to deal with... has truly melted my heart and taught me to hold the same patience despite my usually having a more stern approach to brow-raising offenses... You're an absolute darling and Rarity would absolutely agree to that one!

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What a wonderful read it was.

Humans are fascinating like that, aren't they? It's literally impossible to find two people who are perfectly alike, as You said Yourself - even twins are different despite looking like biology doing a copy paste. Sometimes our ideals seem abstract, beyond what can be physically understood.

Every human being is a literal history. There is this page on Facebook called "humans of New York". I recommend You to check it out. We truly are all individuals, our experiences, history, our ideals.. they shape us and they make each and every one of us someone that cannot be replicated. You can't just take all I am and try to glue it on someone else and say that "oh, he's You!". And same can be said about everyone. 

And it makes us curious. Interesting, fascinating to analyze and understand. Who is he? Why is he like this? What is his history? That curiosity and desire to meet new people, hear from them, learn from and about them! You especially show it. You are an extrovert and there's nothing shallow about it as You're a very refined and elegant person. A very wise one that always seeks to understand others and why they act the way they do. I feel like You make the world shine with how You always seek reason in what's around You. And at the same time stick to positivity, wholesomeness and fun. You truly are one of a kind, holding combination of traits that never glue together. With You somehow they really do. 

Today, with this blog You grew as a person/pony and I am incredibly proud of You. And I am beyond happy to be on this journey with You. This, among many other things You've done - inspires me a lot. I feel honored that my name is mentioned here :rarity:

You taught me also so much about myself, but this blog is about You so I am not getting into those details. I am forever grateful for You. Thank You for existing <3 And for being so amazing :(


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48 minutes ago, Sir Hugsalot said:

What a wonderful read it was.

Humans are fascinating like that, aren't they? It's literally impossible to find two people who are perfectly alike, as You said Yourself - even twins are different despite looking like biology doing a copy paste. Sometimes our ideals seem abstract, beyond what can be physically understood.

Every human being is a literal history. There is this page on Facebook called "humans of New York". I recommend You to check it out. We truly are all individuals, our experiences, history, our ideals.. they shape us and they make each and every one of us someone that cannot be replicated. You can't just take all I am and try to glue it on someone else and say that "oh, he's You!". And same can be said about everyone. 

And it makes us curious. Interesting, fascinating to analyze and understand. Who is he? Why is he like this? What is his history? That curiosity and desire to meet new people, hear from them, learn from and about them! You especially show it. You are an extrovert and there's nothing shallow about it as You're a very refined and elegant person. A very wise one that always seeks to understand others and why they act the way they do. I feel like You make the world shine with how You always seek reason in what's around You. And at the same time stick to positivity, wholesomeness and fun. You truly are one of a kind, holding combination of traits that never glue together. With You somehow they really do. 

Today, with this blog You grew as a person/pony and I am incredibly proud of You. And I am beyond happy to be on this journey with You. This, among many other things You've done - inspires me a lot. I feel honored that my name is mentioned here :rarity:

You taught me also so much about myself, but this blog is about You so I am not getting into those details. I am forever grateful for You. Thank You for existing <3 And for being so amazing :(


Awww, thank you for this heart-felt post, Sir
It's so interesting to me how you understand this weird level of myself which I'm sure most people would find very strange or a bit too intense. By all means, feel free to share about yourself... I've literally expressed how I'm happy to hear about others. I'm endlessly fascinated by whatever people have to share. My only bias is that I prefer reading about things that help us to grow or progress in life. Stagnation makes me feel too drained or weighed down.. So I'm very biased about that :scoots: But not against it :laugh: It's just a preference.

Ohhh "Humans of New York" I've contributed to that project!! There's even a stand where you're given a pen and a paper to write down your thoughts, anonymously, to share for everyone to see as they walk by... and ... ironically... what I wrote about... knowing it would be anonymous.. was about my struggles with shyness and how I wish I could overcome it somehow. Haha! I remember pouring my soul out on the paper and blinking back tears...

This was years ago, though. I've come a long way. c:

You've definitely helped with that because you were even shier than me! XD 

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2 hours ago, Magical Mare said:

Thank you, lovely :rarity:
Your friendship has taught me a lot about food and the interesting variety that is out there. My first experience ever having something like wagyu steak at a refined restaurant simply because you wanted to broaden my horizon. Musical bands like KISS now have a new meaning to my world. Your patience and compassion towards those who are not the easiest to deal with... has truly melted my heart and taught me to hold the same patience despite my usually having a more stern approach to brow-raising offenses... You're an absolute darling and Rarity would absolutely agree to that one!

Thank you, Silkyyyyy. :adorkable:
You too.

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EHHKKK! :crackle: an extrovert! Eeehhhhhhkkkk! Too much energy flowing out of her badeh!... Hrrrrrrrkkkk! Ewe ewe ewww!....

..... So how's life? :derp:

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9 hours ago, Magical Mare said:

Awww, thank you for this heart-felt post, Sir
It's so interesting to me how you understand this weird level of myself which I'm sure most people would find very strange or a bit too intense. By all means, feel free to share about yourself... I've literally expressed how I'm happy to hear about others. I'm endlessly fascinated by whatever people have to share. My only bias is that I prefer reading about things that help us to grow or progress in life. Stagnation makes me feel too drained or weighed down.. So I'm very biased about that :scoots: But not against it :laugh: It's just a preference.

Ohhh "Humans of New York" I've contributed to that project!! There's even a stand where you're given a pen and a paper to write down your thoughts, anonymously, to share for everyone to see as they walk by... and ... ironically... what I wrote about... knowing it would be anonymous.. was about my struggles with shyness and how I wish I could overcome it somehow. Haha! I remember pouring my soul out on the paper and blinking back tears...

This was years ago, though. I've come a long way. c:

You've definitely helped with that because you were even shier than me! XD 

Magical Mare, Silky...

I was always so happy to see understanding of that level of abstract in You. I always felt lonely in it yet here You are... how do You get it!!!

As for me, well, since You insist :rarity:

You helped me see my own confidence and strength. I've gone through a lot of... development, but did so without sacrificing anything of me and that was possible only thanks to You. I am by no means objectively perfect person and I doubt I ever will be, but a lot of my strengths felt as if they were locked inside of me - my confidence, my ability to plan carefully, calculative mind and my passion-driven imagination. You, specifially You helped me to release and present them to the wide world. Now I am in pursuit of one of my dreams - singing - and I do it because of Your encouragement and believing in me... 

You saw in me what even I could not imagine... and as it turns out - all those characteristics really were there. You are a literal life saver as without You I'd be just gray, boring person, too mentally defeated and indifferent to understand their true potential. 

As You see what I had to say is... everything but a stagnation... :rarity:


Of course You would contribute to that, it is 100% You... I wish I was there to see that! This is 100% Magical Mare thing to do... :kindness:

I still am in fact XD But thanks to You and ponies I no longer see it as a weakness, but as a graceful touch to my personality... ;-;

  • Brohoof 1
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@Magical Mare is it silly to say that I’ve always had a feeling that you were a extrovert? It’s just that I got those kinda vibes in a good way :P  That’s coming from the typical art introvert 😂

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19 hours ago, Magic Note said:

I'm really proud of you Silky! Keep up the good work!

Thank you, lovely. And it makes me feel pride to see you also taking the baby steps to improve and to grow <3 


15 hours ago, Winter Storm said:

Congrats, I wish I was more extroverted sometimes but I just like to hide myself away most of the time.

I wouldn't change you for the world. There is strength to being introverted and it can be such a beautiful thing.... But if you wish you were more extroverted, perhaps there is an aspect of yourself that you'd like to express or that you feel is stifled? I still feel I have a long way to go in the self improvement department but it's still a work in progress <3 


15 hours ago, Kujamih said:

EHHKKK! :crackle: an extrovert! Eeehhhhhhkkkk! Too much energy flowing out of her badeh!... Hrrrrrrrkkkk! Ewe ewe ewww!....

..... So how's life? :derp:

*STOMPS her hoof down angrily* TONE IS DOWN!!! Das too much energy!! Quit being so extroverted :Cozy:

Pretty great <3 



15 hours ago, Diane Velvet said:

Silky Is an extrovert!!!!???? :blink:  I'm happy for you silky keep expanding this energy!

I love the surprised expression - pretty much my own expression to this information. :laugh: But thank you! Hope to see you also exuberant in your own element. 



14 hours ago, Sir Hugsalot said:

Magical Mare, Silky...

I was always so happy to see understanding of that level of abstract in You. I always felt lonely in it yet here You are... how do You get it!!!

As for me, well, since You insist :rarity:

You helped me see my own confidence and strength. I've gone through a lot of... development, but did so without sacrificing anything of me and that was possible only thanks to You. I am by no means objectively perfect person and I doubt I ever will be, but a lot of my strengths felt as if they were locked inside of me - my confidence, my ability to plan carefully, calculative mind and my passion-driven imagination. You, specifially You helped me to release and present them to the wide world. Now I am in pursuit of one of my dreams - singing - and I do it because of Your encouragement and believing in me... 

You saw in me what even I could not imagine... and as it turns out - all those characteristics really were there. You are a literal life saver as without You I'd be just gray, boring person, too mentally defeated and indifferent to understand their true potential. 

As You see what I had to say is... everything but a stagnation... :rarity:


Of course You would contribute to that, it is 100% You... I wish I was there to see that! This is 100% Magical Mare thing to do... :kindness:

I still am in fact XD But thanks to You and ponies I no longer see it as a weakness, but as a graceful touch to my personality... ;-;

*Meeep* You called me Magical Mare -- ah, the nostalgia. Stop being such a darling... and yes! Pursue that singing! How fitting that this entry was all about finding one's voice. And here you are doing this literally...

12 hours ago, Pandora said:

@Magical Mare is it silly to say that I’ve always had a feeling that you were a extrovert? It’s just that I got those kinda vibes in a good way :P  That’s coming from the typical art introvert 😂

Eeeeh! You knew before even me :ooh:

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7 hours ago, Magical Mare said:

*Meeep* You called me Magical Mare -- ah, the nostalgia. Stop being such a darling... and yes! Pursue that singing! How fitting that this entry was all about finding one's voice. And here you are doing this literally...

You are Magical Mare, Silky ;-; Literally...

And it's You, who has given me my voice. You really can't imagine how much You've done for me... You inspired me to pursue this path and trust me, I've been dreaming of it for literal years, before I was even 18... 

  • Brohoof 1
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42 minutes ago, Sir Hugsalot said:

You are Magical Mare, Silky ;-; Literally...

And it's You, who has given me my voice. You really can't imagine how much You've done for me... You inspired me to pursue this path and trust me, I've been dreaming of it for literal years, before I was even 18... 

...... Hmmm:toldya:.... Simp... :ButtercupLaugh:just kidding. 

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1 hour ago, Kujamih said:

...... Hmmm:toldya:.... Simp... :ButtercupLaugh:just kidding. 

*blushes* Isn’t he an absolute adorable sweetheart?? :coco:

He’s just so great … 


you on the other hand :orly: 


:ButtercupLaugh:Just kidding 

2 hours ago, Sir Hugsalot said:

You are Magical Mare, Silky ;-; Literally...

And it's You, who has given me my voice. You really can't imagine how much You've done for me... You inspired me to pursue this path and trust me, I've been dreaming of it for literal years, before I was even 18... 

this is too much sweetness D: an used to you being a cheeky one D: 

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1 minute ago, Magical Mare said:

*blushes* Isn’t he an absolute adorable sweetheart?? :coco:

He’s just so great … 


you on the other hand :orly: 


:ButtercupLaugh:Just kidding 

Oh my. I know. It's so hard to be humble... knowing how great I am :mlp_icwudt:

1 minute ago, Magical Mare said:

this is too much sweetness D: an used to you being a cheeky one D: 

Oh darling... worry not. Cheekiness delivered c: 

But what was said above is true <3 *hugs*

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41 minutes ago, Sir Hugsalot said:

Oh my. I know. It's so hard to be humble... knowing how great I am :mlp_icwudt:

Oh darling... worry not. Cheekiness delivered c: 

But what was said above is true <3 *hugs*

..... I take it back:yeahno:..... 

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45 minutes ago, Magical Mare said:

*blushes* Isn’t he an absolute adorable sweetheart?? :coco:

He’s just so great … 


you on the other hand :orly: 


:ButtercupLaugh:Just kidding 

this is too much sweetness D: an used to you being a cheeky one D: 

Me on the other hand is sly and slick... And he is sweet and cheeky... 

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