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9/11: Why You Should NOT Forget

Dark Qiviut


Eleven years ago yesterday, a major terrorist attack struck the World Trade Center twin towers and Pentagon (with a fourth plane plunged down in Pennsylvania by passengers who weren't willing to give up a fight and let more people be killed). Once the attacks were over, nearly 3,000 innocent people were murdered. Tens of thousands of people mourned, a whole nation went into pain, and a whole world prayed for the U.S., which is considered to be the focal point of the globe. Normally, the U.S. doesn't get hit hard by attacks, but when it does, time stops, and it becomes eerie and disturbing.


Eleven years later, I still remember what happened that very day. I was asleep when my mom woke me up to tell me that the north tower was on fire, either by some kind of in-house fire or a helicopter. I went upstairs to see what was going on, for I can see the towers from the roof of my building. When I did, more than twenty people were there watching, and cops showed up not long after to protect it. About ten minutes later, the second tower got hit, and all of us were into a "holy shit" mode. I was speechless, I didn't know what was going on.


Soon, I walked down and turned on the TV to discover the south tower had collapsed. It was a terrorist attack into the towers, the Pentagon, and another one that was diverted by passengers. About ten minutes before the north tower collapsed, I ran back up to the roof and saw Downtown Manhattan billowing in thick, black, brown smoke and dust and the north tower burning up to the point where I knew it was going to collapse at any given moment. And a few minutes later, the north tower collapsed. I was stunned and shocked. I was fourteen at the time, so I was more aware about death and huge tragedies at the time, but witnessing one and reading them are two different things. I watched thousands of people dying in front of me, and it took only later that night, the tributes, and age to fully soak it in.


Later that day, Mom told me that I watched the worst attack in American history, and she's right. Long before my time, and even before my mother's and aunts', a major attack by the Japanese hit Pearl Harbor in Hawaii on December 7, 1941. 9/11 is this generation's Pearl Harbor for Americans.


And even though it was America that was hit the hardest, 9/11 shouldn't be forgotten for the following.

  1. It changed the entire American culture, particularly New York City and Washington, D.C. Part of the skyline's fame is the tall towers, and the twin towers were easily recognizable because of their tube-like structures. Part of the FDNY's background logo is the twin towers. In addition, the New York Mets' scoreboard skyline from Shea Stadium (which is now the roof decoration for Citi Field's Shake Shack) had the towers, and it was wrapped in the red/white/blue memorial ribbon following the attacks.
  2. It completely changed everything we know about security throughout not just the U.S., but the entire western world, too. Notice all the security measures before and after 9/11. Many of those, from the tighter security check-ins in the airport to more cautious reviews of people's passports to the controversial screening and pat-downs in the U.S., are a result of 9/11.
  3. The United States is, more or less, a place where people consider themselves safe, especially New York City's hearts like Downtown Manhattan, the revitalizing of Downtown Brooklyn, and Times Square. People come to the U.S. as a way to get themselves off the ground and function in society. The terrorist attacks on 9/11 broke that seal and "bereaved a lot of people" (Vertekins, the SSMB).
  4. It was an attack on the military core. The Pentagon was hit hard by the attacks, and if it weren't for the brave passengers on the flight that crashed in Pennsylvania, that plane would've hit the White House. The Pentagon, Capitol, and White House are part of the core that makes up the United States military.
  5. It didn't just affect one nationality. Everyone from all nationalities and religions, in some way or another, were affected. Jews, Christians, Catholics, Muslims, etc. The remembrance of 9/11 is a tribute to the nearly 3,000 people who died from the attacks; to commemorate, remember, and honor the loved ones who perished; and mourn along with the tens of thousands of loved ones. Not one nationality nor religion was exempt from the terrorist attacks.
  6. Thousands of brave men and women joined together to aid others, even at the cost of their own lives. The NYPD and FDNY sacrificed themselves in order to save innocent people from the burning World Trade Center. The hospitals worked overtime to care and heal those injured on 9/11. The boat workers went beyond the call of duty and rescued people hurt and dusty from the debris and get them back home to safety. Forgetting about it makes their hard work purposeless.
  7. It's a chain of events that happened in broad daylight, on live TV, for the world to see. As a New Yorker, I watched nearly the whole thing live, both on the news and in front of my very eyes. Compared to atrocities like North Korea and the wars in Africa, we don't capture this raw, graphic footage and pictures anywhere, especially when it's rolling as I'm watching. I, and millions of people around the world, watched almost 3,000 people DIE from the time the first tower was struck to the days after the collapse of the World Trade Center. Events like this are horrifying and very hard to sink in.
  8. Telling people to "get over" it is completely insulting to yourselves, myself, and the entire world. Eleven years, even today, is still not a very long time to end mourning. It especially doesn't make much sense due to the fact that people were killed in the masses by cowards, and the dead's family and friends couldn't do anything except watch and hear the voices of their loved ones tell them, "I love you," and die as the infrastructure is crushed on top of them. On YouTube is a very disturbing phone call from a man whose line got cut off when one of the towers collapsed on top of him.
    Furthermore, telling people to "get over it" demonizes the police and fire department who went beyond the call of duty, put all of their training to work, and rescue as many innocent people as possible KNOWING that they were likely going to be killed themselves. You also desecrate the graves of the passengers who were on that flight that crashed into that Pennsylvania field if you tell people to "get over it" and pretend it never happened. Those passengers sacrificed their lives to make sure the terrorists didn't murder any more innocent people. You're basically calling their efforts to rescue as many innocent people as possible meaningless!
    And lastly, telling people to "get over it" does nothing but tell the entire world that we didn't learn anything from 9/11, period. September 11th, 2001 was a wake-up call to the U.S. and the entire planet that we had to be more secure and watchful of what we say and do. We can't just use this "we're jesting" excuse. Many new security measures began as a result of 9/11. Have you heard of this phrase, "If you see something, say something?" Ever recall the Patriot Act (and, yes, I hate this Act due to its ability to withhold habeas corpus for non-U.S. citizens)? But this phrase, higher security measures (however controversial they are), and reminders of 9/11 are there to tell people about it and make sure we don't get another occurrence such as this again. Will it never happen again? We don't know. Hopefully, it never does.

The last reason is much more personal. I rarely, RARELY mention this anywhere on the Internet because it's that personal to me. In fact, besides today, I've only talked about it twice only. So I'm hiding it under spoilers.





Fortunately, none of my family and friends died that day. However, by shear luck, I'm glad, too. About two years prior, my mom was applying for jobs, and one of them was in the north tower on the 104th floor. She was a finalist for the job, and she had all the credentials for it. However, she didn't get the job. If she did get the job, my mom would be DEAD today.




I recommend to read and watch documentaries about 9/11. Around the tenth anniversary was raw, never-before-scene footage of a rescue mission by one house of the FDNY on CBS. It lasted for hours, straight through, uncensored. It showed the urgency of the house, the people jumping to their deaths, the anxiety of the FDNY, and the sound of the towers collapsing. It was disturbing, raw, and emotional. I deeply respected the brave NYPD and FDNY for sacrificing themselves in order to rescue the innocents. This show made me respect them more and showed the more gruesome horror of the terrorist attacks and the brave responses of the FDNY.


If that doesn't work, attend the 9/11 Memorial or look at pictures of it. Opened on the tenth anniversary, it's a place where everyone who died from the attacks is memorialized. It's quiet, somber, and shows a complete amount of respect for those who perished from those cowardly attacks.


September 11, 2001 was a dark day for the U.S. and the entire world. Forgetting about it means the sacrifices of the police, fire department, other rescue workers, and the passengers on that flight that crashed into the Pennsylvania plains worthless. While we don't need to have an annual tribute show, it is nonetheless important for people to know about 9/11, research it, remember it, and understand it to ensure that a mass, concurrent tragedy like this never, ever happens again. I witnessed it as a New Yorker, and while I didn't lose any loved one, I understand and feel for the pain for those who are still mourning for the losses of their loved ones. 9/11's anniversaries and tribute, no matter how big or small, keeps the memories of the dead alive, and forgetting about them diminishes those memories and their sacrifices. 9/11: Never Forget.


P.S.: Credit goes to Vertekins of the Sonic Stadium Message Board for some of the pieces of my blog post here.

  • Brohoof 4


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Yes I agree. Like any big tragedy like this one I don't think that you just should try to forget that it ever happened. I think, just as you, that it's mean to the victims to do that. But that doesn't mean that it should take over our lives. We should not go and cry about it every day. We should continue our lives like nothing ever happened, but we shall not try to forget it.

  • Brohoof 1
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See, even if America changed, it did not change for the better. The terrorists (while they had political motivations) changed American culture. They made such an impact. And that's not something you should be proud of. You should've got up and dusted ourselves off. You should have told them, that no matter what, civilization would prevail. That such barbarism will not live on. Instead, we bowed down, indirectly. We gave them what they want. To change ourselves. And that's a loss on our part. We must stay vigilant, but we cannot change our basic principles for that vigilance.

  • Brohoof 2
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9/11, why you should get over it.


1: Shit happens

2: Its been over 10 years since it happend.

3: Could have been worse

  • Brohoof 1
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9/11, why you should get over it.


1: Shit happens

2: Its been over 10 years since it happend.

3: Could have been worse

This argument is such a huge strawman.


1. "Shit happens" doesn't apply here. You had nearly 3,000 innocent people mass-murdered by terrorists, and they all died concurrently. We watched these people die little by little. When we saw footage of the north tower on fire, we didn't expect more attacks. And it was on all the news networks. CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN, Fox News, MSNBC, and so on. Everyone saw it and continually reported it throughout the day and week. This attack occurred live minute-by-minute in one of the world's hearts.


2. Eleven years isn't such a long time to mourn over such a heinous mass-murder attack like this. This came out of nowhere and spread throughout the eastern portion of the U.S. It takes time to grieve, and sometimes it takes forever. Even with Osama bin Laden killed doesn't bring them back. Bin Laden's death gave the victim's families and friends some closure, but the pain of the loss will forever linger.


3. "Could have been worse" is a poor excuse. It could have been worse, but like I said earlier, it doesn't lessen the pain for those families who lost their loved ones. It's still the worse terrorist attack in U.S. history, and it affected the entire world, whether it's in the U.S. or not.


Frankly, your attitude towards 9/11 shows not just a complete lack of empathy and respect for those who died that day, but complete lack of understanding and long-lasting impact of 9/11 on the western world, as well. You really need to review and research about 9/11 to understand its impact in society and why it hit home to millions of people around the world.


P.S.: A friend of mine from the U.K. (in another message board) posted a response to someone whose tone towards 9/11 is similar to yours.


Suffering is suffering. One incident doesn't trump another. People are fully entitled to feel horrified about the murders of thousands of people as well as such a dastardly attack especially when it takes place in their home country, a place where they have an intrinsic right to feel safe. A tragedy on 9/11's scale, the very nature ad intentions behind the attack and the sheer visual graphicness of it on daytime tv and in-person will always profoundly affect people more than something that occurs in as secluded and secretive state as North Korea and something that, in all likelihood, they haven't bore direct witness to.


It's harsh but it's the truth. Should people be more aware and more inclined to take action against the atrocities that dictatorships and such inflict on the people? Of course they ought to be. But 9/11 was an attack that hit home for a lot of people and also directly bereaved a lot of people. And they are allowed to grieve and remember those people.


It's called having empathy, having normal human responses to other people's sufferings. Regardless over whether or not they wear clothes and can speak english. But that's besides the point because clothed, english-speaking people HAVE took notice of those who happen to be less fortunate, those who have suffered from horrendous things be it natural disasters or human-made atrocities.


The attacks on the World Trade Center were attacks against peoples of many different nationalities, many different walks of life. It affected brave rescue workers as well who went into those towers without doing so much as look back, heroically doing their jobs and selflessly trying to rescue as many innocents as possible. That is one of the many reasons as to why it had such a profound effect of many people.

  • Brohoof 1
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Ok, so while I respect the people who lost their relatives in this horrible tragedy, it's been 11 years. Also, as I said in the 9/11 thread, America dropped nuclear bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan, and many more people were affected, however, Japan don't bring it up all the time.

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@@Juggler, This is where a good point has been made. Living in fear accomplishes nothing except instill more fear. But not living in fear and not forgetting about the events are two completely different things.


I personally moved on from this, but that doesn't mean I don't have to talk about it or grieve for those whose love ones died on 9/11 whenever necessary and pretend it never existed. The anniversary of 9/11, for New Yorkers like myself, is usually the day where I can mourn for those who died that day, respect the dead and people who sacrificed themselves to save thousands of more lives there, and keep their memories alive.


Downtown Manhattan, for one, is rebuilding with One World Trade Center being constructed, and the 9/11 Memorial was opened on the tenth anniversary. (Unfortunately, the memorial's current construction has temporarily ceased, but I hope they continue it soon.) I, for one, am glad to see it being rebuilt.

  • Brohoof 1
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9/11 happened and its been time, its something we should analyses and understand what steps are needed to ensure a better future because "If we don't learn our history we are doomed to repeat it."


these 9/11 jokes are horrible though, If you lost a direct loved one in that you wouldn't be joking at all. It sickening...


but in a way we should start letting go on what happened and move on.

  • Brohoof 1
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@, Two huge differences between 9/11 and the bombings in Hiroshima and Nagasaki:


1. At the time of the bombings, both Japan and the United States were at war with each other, Japan under the Axis and the U.S. under the Allies. In 1945, even with Italy and Germany gone from the war, Japan was the lone Axis superpower left. The two bombings ended World War II. On 9/11, the U.S. and the Taliban-controlled Afghanistan, while they didn't have any relationship, weren't at war with each other; the terrorist attacks started the war.


2. Japan and the U.S. now have a working diplomatic relationship with each other. The communication between both countries is one of the reasons why Japan is a superpower ally today.


but in a way we should start letting go on what happened and move on.

In a way, many people have moved on based on the following:


1. Osama bin Laden was killed a few months before the tenth anniversary.


2. Downtown Manhattan is being rebuilt, especially the World Trade Center site.


3. Compared to last year and the years before, the 9/11 tribute didn't garner as much media publicity.

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You have a great point. And this blog post seemed to affect me greatly. (Maybe listening to a Hero by Skillet cover by Piano Tribute Players helped...)


Never forget. 9/11

  • Brohoof 1
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Ok, so while I respect the people who lost their relatives in this horrible tragedy, it's been 11 years. Also, as I said in the 9/11 thread, America dropped nuclear bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan, and many more people were affected, however, Japan don't bring it up all the time.


Ugh, Hiroshima discussion. I hate when in school we have to debate this with a serious face.


- Hiroshima and Nagasaki indirectly saved more lives than were actually lost. If the Japs didn't surrender after the bombings, we would have had to do a full scale invasion of Japan -- it was estimated that we would lose 300,000+ USA soldiers, and well into the millions of Japanese militants and civilians (they would have literally fought to the last man)


- Everyone points to Hiroshima as a great evil, while in Berlin we killed almost a million Germans with incendiary bombs over the course of WWII, far more than both atomic bomb fatalities combined.


- Comments said above. This was during war. The only comparison you could make to a WWII event that was similar to 9/11 was Pearl Harbor, because that was before wartime and was a homeland attack.

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I was in front of my TV when 9/11 happened... and was shaken to my very core. 

9/11 was a horrifying moment in time, that broke so many lives in half with it's terrible price.  And it was so much worse in the long run than I believe anyone could have forseen... and I shall never forget.

Just like I can never forget watching as the Challenger Space Shuttle exploded right before my very eyes.

Remember; regroup; revive.  Because we should only move forward with the lesson of this tragedy IN HAND - otherwise, we'll only see it happen again.

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