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Finally beat Tales of Symphonia

Ron Jeremy


Beyond this point lie the sentimental rantings of a crazed gamer. Some very minor poilers, as well. Be warned.


Tales of Symphonia.


I first bought the game new, at... Gamestop I think it was, many years ago, 200....5, I think. I played the game, and enjoyed it immensely, but, well, I was young, and kind of an immature dumbass back then, I admit and I didn't understand much of the plot. I got to a certain point, I think it was the Toize valley mines, and got stuck at the wall boss. I was underleveled and such. My motivation to play the game was killed, and it got shelved. For many years.


Fast-forward to 2012. I was dusting off one of my video game shelves, when I see Tales of Symphonia. Now, I'd thought back to wanting to beat the game several times, but never got around to it. Always had something taking up my time, didn't want to get involved in a plot-heavy RPG at the moment. But this time, I decided I could finish it. I mean, I'm 20 now, I'm an adult. So, I started the game, and started a new save.


The whole game... seemed different as an adult. I understood the game better, the plot, the mechanics. I started playing, and loved the game. I had to finish it. So I kept playing, and finally, at around 12:40 AM, September 15, 2012, I finally beat it.


The story... as an adult, I understand it. I mean, sure, I could have finished it back then had I had the patience, but I'm happy I finished it as an adult. Being more mature, I was able to enjoy the game more, and it just... felt better. I mean, now, it feels like a chapter of my childhood that had been interrupted has finally ended.


Now, I know may sound like I'm taking this way too seriously, but honestly, I don't think I am. I'm going to look at this philosophically. Finishing this game that frustrated me as a child has shown me that as a person, I've come far. I always bash myself for being stupid all the time, but... I did something I couldn't do years ago. That means I've at least gotten smarter, right?

  • Brohoof 4


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My experience with this game was very similar to yours, as it wasn't until my second play-through, a few years after my first, that I was able to grasp the story. I can't say that I even have the faintest memory of the plot now (I remember it being somewhat convoluted), but I'm sure that could be solved with another play-through. The only obstacle would be sitting through the repetitiveness of the combat, which I seemed to be SO TOLERANT OF as a kid! :)

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I've had similar experiences with different games...It's always sad to see a game end but for some reason (with me) I feel sadder when i've played a game ages back, couldn't finish it, played it again (and it seems all different, etc like you said) and finish it.

  • Brohoof 1
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I played it two years back. I barely got past the first town before quitting. It wasn't my thing at the time. Last year, I picked it back up and fell in love quickly. It started my love for the Tales of series in general, so much that I picked up Tales of Vesperia and started playing that as well.

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Gosh, I know what ya mean... Many games I've beat in my childhood when I was still way too immature to completely understand the complexity of the story-line and the characters. ToS was one of those games. :(

  • Brohoof 1
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^It's kinda funny seeing somepony with a Zelos avatar talk about maturity.


But yeah. I'm tempted to replay some of the RPGs and such I beat years ago.

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