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My thoughts on the After Life

Harmonic Revelations


Somebody was having a conversation with me about this over Skype and I decided to put my view on this subject into this blog.


I should start off by saying that I don't believe there is an afterlife, and then I'm going to delve into why I'm okay with that.


The way most people describe an afterlife is some kind of realm/world you go to once you die and live in forever. Personally, that sounds like a punishment to me, no matter how comforting.


You know why?


Because that would mean that even in death there is simply no escape from unhappiness. It would make my existence feel more like a prison than like my greatest gift.


It would mean that life never ends. At first that might sound great, but, after enough time, everybody wants to die, I mean, there is only so much time before you start going insane due to the repetitiveness that would be eternal existence, it sounds kind of torturous.


He brought up an interesting point saying to me:


"But you'd be dead, wouldn't that mean that the human psyche is no longer in effect?"


To which I replied:


"But, your personality is in large part caused by said human psyche, so without it, you wouldn't really be 'you'."


Some people go crazy after a DAY of repetitiveness, forever can't really be that different.


And on top of that, this after life would either


A.) Feature no other people (Go crazy by isolation)


B.) Feature no Real People (Matrix-type scenario, probably drive you crazy)




C.) Everybody else who's ever died (Feels like a horrible public pool type place until you go crazy)


And that just sounds absolutely horrible no matter what way you slice it.


An After life would mean that even death is meaningless, and that there is never a way out. I don't want that, seriously, who would?


That's why I take heart in the fact that once I die, I'm gone. I just don't exist anymore. In a way, it's quite a bit more merciful than an afterlife actually, because it makes my life that much more meaningful and special, rather than it being like some kind of goddamned loading screen for the real thing (AKA an afterlife).


Thank you for your time.

  • Brohoof 5


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I think that being stuck, for the present at least, in a world in which there is a great deal of boredom and anxiousness can make your fear/detest the idea of enduring through time for very long periods (forever in the conception of an afterlife you have in mind).


That said, I think this is a purely emotional issue people struggle with (myself included), and not an actual reason to disbelieve or disapprove of an afterlife.


Presumably, if there is an afterlife, it won't just be this world on a larger scale. That's not how most conceptions of the afterlife conceive it, at least.


There's a lot of issues posterior to this one that, if answered, would bring clarity to the question of an afterlife. Such issues would be, for example, the precise nature of happiness, personal identity, morality, and value itself, of course.

  • Brohoof 1
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If there is no afterlife, then what purpose is there to live today?  It is all going to pass away eventually, right?  I believe the Bible has been very clear that Heaven and Hell are reall, and although I cannot convince you (that would be putting faith in my own abilities anyway), I can show you that the Bible describes both rather well.





I leave these links for you to check out on your own.  If you would like to chat further on this topic, feel free to either send me private message or summon me back to the blog.

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If there is no afterlife, then what purpose is there to live today?  It is all going to pass away eventually, right?  I believe the Bible has been very clear that Heaven and Hell are reall, and although I cannot convince you (that would be putting faith in my own abilities anyway), I can show you that the Bible describes both rather well.





I leave these links for you to check out on your own.  If you would like to chat further on this topic, feel free to either send me private message or summon me back to the blog.

I don't believe in the Bible or God at all, in any way shape or form, so the point is moot.

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An eternity in heaven is hell to me, I'm more comfortable thinking that nothing happens after death, just seizing to exist.


If there is no afterlife, then what purpose is there to live today?  It is all going to pass away eventually, right?  I believe the Bible has been very clear that Heaven and Hell are reall, and although I cannot convince you (that would be putting faith in my own abilities anyway), I can show you that the Bible describes both rather well.





I leave these links for you to check out on your own.  If you would like to chat further on this topic, feel free to either send me private message or summon me back to the blog.


Just because "Teh Bible said so" doesn't mean it's true and not everybody believes what you believe.

  • Brohoof 1
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An eternity in heaven is hell to me, I'm more comfortable thinking that nothing happens after death, just seizing to exist.



Just because "Teh Bible said so" doesn't mean it's true and not everybody believes what you believe.

I brohoofed this so hard that I actually punched my screen.

  • Brohoof 1
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I brohoofed this so hard that I actually punched my screen.

I find the whole ordeal illogical.


A good man, one that has done all sorts of good for people such as donating blood, giving to charity, feeding the poor, and overall, being a nice person. But he goes to hell if he didn't worship God.


Yet a serial killer will go to Heaven because he was a Christian and his "sins" are forgiven.


That is one reason I quit believing in God a few years ago, The Bible, is like the myths of Greek, Roman, and Norse times, it was just there to explain things, which have been tested by science.

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I find the whole ordeal illogical.


A good man, one that has done all sorts of good for people such as donating blood, giving to charity, feeding the poor, and overall, being a nice person. But he goes to hell if he didn't worship God.


Yet a serial killer will go to Heaven because he was a Christian and his "sins" are forgiven.


That is one reason I quit believing in God a few years ago, The Bible, is like the myths of Greek, Roman, and Norse times, it was just there to explain things, which have been tested by science.

We think exactly alike, which is nice, it's good to see that there are more people who view Religion the same way I do. An outdated concept meant to explain things that we couldn't explain at the time that they were adopted, but things that now we can explain.


Religion is like the DOS of ideas, nobody should take it seriously yet some people are fanatically devoted to it (I'm not joking, people still use DOS) even though it's irrelevant to the time we live in.

  • Brohoof 2
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We think exactly alike, which is nice, it's good to see that there are more people who view Religion the same way I do. An outdated concept meant to explain things that we couldn't explain at the time that they were adopted, but things that now we can explain.


Religion is like the DOS of ideas, nobody should take it seriously yet some people are fanatically devoted to it (I'm not joking, people still use DOS).

Religion isn't required to live a good life, and the funny thing is, these Christians that say Atheists have no morals are hypocrites, they go around attacking people for beliefs and ideas.


It's nice to know people are getting to their senses and realizing what religion truly is.

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Religion isn't required to live a good life, and the funny thing is, these Christians that say Atheists have no morals are hypocrites, they go around attacking people for beliefs and ideas.


It's nice to know people are getting to their senses and realizing what religion truly is.

Exactly, I don't need the threat of some magical sky fairy wearing a snuggy to tell me not to kill people, that's kind of an idea I have covered. I know what's wrong and right.


I like to think of Religion this way.


If the Bible was released, today, as opposed to quite a long time ago, people would mark it's author a madman and ignore it. Just because nobody was going to mark the author some kind of madman in his day and age doesn't make the Bible less insane.


It's a book that literally changes it's mind from verse to verse. Reading this feels like trying to walk up a down escalator, it takes the progress you thought you had understanding it, and throws it away.


Like this:



 1. God is satisfied with his works

         Gen 1:31

        God is dissatisfied with his works.  

         Gen 6:6


   2. God dwells in chosen temples

         2 Chron 7:12,16

        God dwells not in temples

         Acts 7:48


3. God dwells in light

         Tim 6:16

        God dwells in darkness

         1 Kings 8:12/ Ps 18:11/ Ps 97:2


   4. God is seen and heard

         Ex 33:23/ Ex 33:11/ Gen 3:9,10/ Gen 32:30/ Is 6:1/

          Ex 24:9-11

        God is invisible and cannot be heard

         John 1:18/ John 5:37/ Ex 33:20/ 1 Tim 6:16


   5. God is tired and rests

         Ex 31:17

        God is never tired and never rests

         Is 40:28





It's taken for granted that a "Universal negative" cannot be proven, so the religious say I can't prove God doesn't exist.


I disagree.


I can disprove God the same way I can disprove that there are cubical spheres, because it's own nature is contradictory.


For example, they say that God is perfect, before us, they say he is all that existed, perfection. But that can't be.. because that would mean there is no reason to create. Infact, creating disproves that he is perfect because implying that he is perfect implies that he is complete.


If he is perfect, there is nothing he needs or desires, he would not want to create, he would not need to create, he would not create.


Alright, but let's take this for granted, let's say that God is perfect. Next the Bible says that he creates humanity and that they are the crown of his creation, but that they disobey him and become imperfect.


That's not possible, nothing imperfect can come from something perfect, there's a saying that goes


"Bad fruit can't come from a good tree"




Lets look at another argument. Some Christians say that God did not make humans imperfect, but that he gave us free will because a being needs free will to be happy.


But if God was really omnipotent as they claim, than could he not simply make it a rule that those without freewill would be the happy ones?


Arguments to try to PROVE religion are as weak as moist tissue paper on the surface of the sun.



I'm going to make a seperate rant blog post about this.

  • Brohoof 2
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Holly shet dude, you bring up a ton of good points...


I honestly looked forward to living in the afterlife, but now... Gosh. I guess death is better than insanity...


I'm going to make a seperate rant blog post about this.


Please do.

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I personally don't believe there's an afterlife either. It doesn't logically make much sense. Our conscience, personality, and well-being is all in our brain. And when we die, that rots along with everything else. For that to somehow be carried on into some other-worldly realm just doesn't make much sense in this world of reality.

While I like to believe when I die I'll wake up in a place like Equestria, it's very unlikely that'll happen. :/ the closest I can get to that is RPs, fanfics, and lucid dreams. Implying I'd take the time to learn how to do lucid dreams.

What you said does make sense though. I'd hate for that to ever happen to me, or anyone else. As long as I had an internet connection though I'd be happy lol.

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