Moonlight Wane
Everfree Roleplay-
106 -
Last visited
Bat Pony -
Young adult -
Male -
Character Images
Cutie Mark Image
Physical Description
An average height blue bat pony, white mane and tail with an orange stripe. Orange claws on his hind hooves.
Mangoes -
flying, night vision, dream walking -
Star Silk, Skylight Scintilate, Shiny Silvermoon
Recent Posts
Moonlight laughs with Titanium until she stops. "It's a chocolate coin from Sugarcube Corner in a golden wrapper. They sell five for one bit, and they are delicious." Moonlight winks. "I really should train for the next year. A train should keep up with a bus."
Moonlight is panting when he reaches the finish line. He approaches Titanium and sits on the ground. "Phew. You did amazing, Titanium. Congrats!" He wants to hug her, but she's lying on the ground, so he just pats her shoulder. "But next year, I won't go easy on you."
(final steps: 377)
Moonlight is getting tired.
(steps: 364)
Moonlight sighs in disappointment.
(steps: 355)
Moonlight finds Hermes Boots in a chest.
(steps: 351)
Moonlight slows down to appreciate the autumn atmosphere. "Wow. Autumn. " He thinks appreciatively as he slows down.
(steps: 335)
"Dang it, Starlight! Why won't you go take care of raging beasts, while we observe from the balloon?"
Moonlight begrudgingly jumps off the bear and continues on hoof.
(steps: 330)
"What the... Did you really take Fluttershy's bear as a taxi?! Sweet Luna..." *He clumsily hops onto the bear, but accidentally starts with the wrong hoof and ends up sitting backwards.*
His hooves still hurt, but he keeps running.
(steps: 312)
Moonlight tries to calm down bats, rats and cats, but for some reason only bats listen to him. After getting scratched by a cat and bitten by a rat, he gives up on animals and tries to push the tree out of the way.
(steps: still 330)
Animal rolls:
Tree rolls: 28
Topics I Participated In
The Running of the Leaves (2024) Race Event!
Started by Dynamo Pad ·
As your OC arrives at the gathering spot, they can see the starting line, a hot air balloon, empty seats to sit in the crowd, as well as other ponies gathering to either watch or participate.
There are serval things that you can do in this situation.
They are able to:
Interact with other participants taking part in the race.
Head on over to Dynamo Pad, who's standing near a desk full of numbers to hand out to the participants.
Do something else.
It's completely up to your OC on what you'd like to do, before the race begins. Once everyone has their numbers, everyone can line up at the starting line for the race to begin.
Good luck and have fun, everypony!
OOC: Don't forget that posts in this thread should be in character (IC) to help build a storyline. A prompt shall appear shortly.
OOC: If you wish to sign up for the race event, be sure to post your response and interest in the Sign Up Thread:
@Silly Druid @Usual Crypty @TheRockASaurus Rex @Lawyer Slip @Yourlocalpegasister @Azure Dawn @Silverspark184 @GeneralDirection @DecemberBreeze @ComanderZhabikKlavik @Shiny Silvermoon @Igloostellar Snow @Lucky Fire @Ice Princess Silky <3 @Rikifive @Tao @Felis Amafeles @Princess Moonlove @Nitobit @Astralshy @Rethajni @Sir Hugsalot
As you all make your way towards the location of the race for this years, Running of the Leaves. You can see many things when taking a look around the area. Bleachers for spectators, a pink hot air balloon tied to a post sitting and ready to fly. Ponies and other creatures begin to make their way over to take their seats. Popcorn, cotton candy and other delectable treats and beverages in their possession.
Meanwhile, the host of the event, Dynamo Pad, is looking around frantically to make sure that he has everything he needs for the race. "O-Okay, let's see. Number paper for everypony to wear to give out their numbers in the race? Check! Commentators to have a bird's eye view of the race? Check! Everything set up in perfect condition to meet racing requirements?" He asks, looking around to see the starting line, banners and everything one could think of for this year's Running of the Leaves. "Check!" He exclaimed, checking off each box to make sure nothing was out of place. "Okay! All we need now are the participants and then we'll be all ready to go. I just hope that everything works out." He took a breath as he tried to exhale slowly. He would be lying if he was saying that he was perfectly calm. He could feel his heart racing a mile a minute and he wasn't even taking part in the race. He would keep repeating a mantra in his head that everything would be fine and to take things one step at a time.
The Running of the Leaves (2024) Sign Ups!
Started by Dynamo Pad ·
Hey, everypony! This is your Event Lead, Dynamo Pad, wanting to wish and hope that everyone is having a wonderful Fall season and October, as well!
With the Fall season a little halfway over, the time has come to spice things up! That's right! With the Fall season comes the falling leaves. And what better way to make the leaves fall than to have our classic tradition of The Running of the Leaves! The time has come to sign yourselves up if you wish to take part in the race! Fun, challenging, exciting, memorable and fun times are to be had! Did I mention fun? If not, then I shall say it once more! Many fun moments are to be had! If you wish to take part, then please sign yourself up in the thread below, or you can send me a DM saying that you'd like to participate! I hope to see you in the race!
OC Detail:
That's correct, everypony! Time to stretch your legs, get on your marks, get set and go! To the races, of course! The event will be RP-based, so it'll all come down on who will race to the finish! All the while making the leaves fall in your wake as you head from the start through Ponyville to the finish line! Obstacles may be in your way, but it's up to your courage, skill, cleverness and luck on how well you do!
Please send me a DM or comment in the thread below if you wish to participate.
Deadline: The event will take place on November 3rd and shall continue all throughout the entire month.
Rules: Dice shall determine how many leaves will be knocked down. Even though a race can bring out the competitive spirits in us. Please never forget to be kind and courteous to your fellow friends! It's always great to get to know friends throughout the competition and never forget to always have fun!
What is this?: A Prompt for Roleplaying, engagement and fun!
Any other questions: Feel free to send me a DM
Who may apply?:
Any and all are more than welcome to take part!
In the end, it's all about having fun, making friends and putting your best hoof forward when it comes to the race! Especially if there's an opportunity to win something awesome by the end of the race!
I look forward to seeing everyone taking part!
Your friend,
Dynamo Pad
ask two ponies- cosmic glitter and fish fuzzle
Started by dysfallacy ·
ask these beautiful mares anything?
Ask Titanium White!
Started by Wizard ·
Hi! It's been a long time since I've done one of these, so feel free to ask me (Titanium White) anything!
Maybe a little backstory to get things going!
Well, I'm Titanium White, a pony from a small town not unlike the now quite famous Ponyville.
I'm an artist, and I dream of designing something that is shown in the prestigious Canterlot galleries! Though I haven't quite reached that dream yet, I will keep working hard until I accomplish my goal!
Whenever I make something, I use my artist name "Cool Hue" as apparently "Titanium White" is too aggressive of a name... But I'm happy with either.
I think that's a good introduction! I look forward to meeting you!
Oh, I almost forgot to include an image of myself! Here you go:
Ask evil diabetic pinkie. Yes.
Started by Evil PINKIE ·
Pinkie will answer all our answer. Yes.
For Pinkie has all the answers hehehe. Yes.
For Pinkie is the answer to everything! Now fall down the stairs! Yes.
Saturday night is right for fighting!
Our quarterfinal qualifiers continue on with the Ponyville post grad community college doing battle with the colorful carapace commune. Diverse replacement cast versus deer bug substitutes.
And in our semi-main event of the evening, we have the place where the corrupt and depraved gather to channel their dark magiks into an unknowing universe. And team Tarturus. A rematch of last year's final. Will tarturus even the score? Or will team that's no space station take on small step towards the giant leap of becoming the first ever successfully defending MLPF universal cup winners?
Get it on!
Ask Pixel and Glory!
Started by Nightmare Saturn ·
So I opened this little blog for fun, you can ask Pixel and Glory anything you want!
So go ahead and ask away!
This is a start of a journey of a filly about top do something that is very dangerous she is going on a journey back to her birthplace needing to bring peace to the ponies that sacrifice their lives protecting her and maybe face the creatures that took them from her yet before she starts her journey she left some letters for the ponies she cares about what is happening why she left each in an empty potion bottle and she been doing this before dawn we will see who will follow her to stop her from doing something that is foolish or let her do what she must do that will help her move on while she is still a filly
Click below to choose your team and gather friends!
A Chaotic Mystery - A Mystery RP
Started by Starforce ·
With permission from the mayor of the city, Pinkie Pie is throwing a get-together party for all ponies and creatures alike at the Ponyville! Just when things are about to go accordingly as planned, everyone at the party begins to act strange. Ponies and creatures started to tell jokes nonstop and laugh at almost everything even when things aren’t even funny! Some even go far by pranking each other. While Pinkie pie loves a good prank and laughs this has gotten a bit out of hooves. With the help of two fellow ponies on her side; Vibrant and Star Silk, the three must put in their thinking cap and figure out this strange phenomenon. Detective Pinkie is on the case and she needs you to help her find out what caused these ponies/creatures to act funny and who’s behind it!
This is an open RP- every member is welcome to join and participate in it. Members are also welcome to interact with one another according to the story. Be sure to always @mention a user if you wish to interact with the user.
RP will be expected to be openly large, don't hesitate to bring members into the conversation if you see someone is being left behind or have no one to interact with. We want everyone to have a fair chance to feel connected with the story and a chance to interact with members and their OCs! Be respectful to each other, any unacceptable behavior from a member will be removed from the RP immediately. Inform me or @TBD if any unacceptable behavior is noticed or if there is something that needs to be said in private relating to interpersonal conflict in the RP or something of that sort. We will try to find quick resolutions for it. No characters that are not from MLP will be allowed in this roleplay. We want to keep it to MLP related characters only, for the sake of simplicity. Please post images of your character and give basic background information about your character, then me or @TBD will approve them, from then on you are free to use your character in the RP! RP starts as soon as there is a group of players! Bring a friend, let's have a good time!
Other Characters by this Player
Cloud Willow
- Everfree Roleplay
- Player: Nitobit