Six tried to hold back a blush from both being called pretty boy and her saying she liked his eyes. Nopony had ever said anything like that about his eyes before, well except Timber but that was his sister. He grew up always made fun of because of his eyes, it was one of the reasons he hardly ever spoke to other ponies.
He was shown to his room and he immediately laid on the bed, it's softness immediately relaxing his tensed body. He lay there with a smile, they had just made it to Ponyville and already they had a friend and a place to stay. The more he thought about it, he couldn't help but realize how cute he thought Vinyl was. As he drifted off to sleep, he could've swore he heard a soft melodic tune being played.
He woke to the smell of delicious cooking. Almost immediately he rolled out of bed, stretched his legs and back, and trotted to the kitchen. As he did he inhaled deeply through his nose and smiled "Well dagone that smells like some mighty fine breakfast there" he said chuckling a little. He had met Vinyl only yesterday, but already he was beginning to warm up to her.