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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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  1. Jokuc's post in Question About Octavia's Hall was marked as the answer   
    Art related to MLP that you created belongs in the Pony Artwork -> Visual Art subsection.
    However, if you made a Star Wars pony that you not consider a "my little pony" ...for example something like this..
    You're welcome posting it in the Non-Pony artwork section as long as you consider it serious work. Otherwise it belongs in the forum lounge... like my laughable Darth Mane above.
  2. Jokuc's post in Reverted Back To Member Status was marked as the answer   
    Well first off, unlike the subscriber status, the donor status expires after a certain amount of time depending on how much you donate. If there was still time left on your donation status then you're having the same issue as me. Apparently there's a bug with IPB that messes up everything when someone's user group is changed so to fix it you'll have to send a support request.
  3. Jokuc's post in Question regarding blogs. was marked as the answer   
    I'm pretty sure there are no official rules on this. The staff have probably not discussed where exactly the line between what's too negative and what isn't goes. If you ask me though, I'd say that negative thoughts of the world is fine in a blog entry but if you're going to talk about how much your life sucks or whatever, use the Life Advice section with a "vent" tag.
  4. Jokuc's post in Forums idea: dark side forum was marked as the answer   

      It has been requested a lot of times, but sorry, it's not going to happen.
  5. Jokuc's post in How do i upload flash media? was marked as the answer   
    It depends on if it has sound or not. There's an easy way to upload flash media to the site, but people don't like seeing flash media with sound in threads since they're on auto-play. If they have sound, people are apparently getting annoyed if you put it on your profile.
    In fact, if your flash media has sound, it's most likely that you will be asked by staff to remove the flash media if you post it in either a random thread or on your profile.
    HOWEVER, if you have made some sort of flash animation which you would like to show in one of the art section, or if it's just a flash file without sound, you can use:
  6. Jokuc's post in Posting deviantart images was marked as the answer   
    To post deviant Art images, you can use the da bbcode.
    [da]ID-number[/da] You replace "ID-number" with the ID of your deviation. To find your deviation's ID number you look at the url. Here's an example of how a dA url can look like:
    The ID number of the deviation is the last 9 numbers in the url, which in this case is 411209714. Copy the ID number and paste it in so it looks like this:
    [da]411209714[/da] And here's the result:

  7. Jokuc's post in Brohoofable status' was marked as the answer   
    I do not this this would be such a great idea since brohoofs are meant to be a way to show appreciation towards great posts or posts which you agree with. Status updates are usually just short sentences, often with random information or silly things, it could easily become a way to bump your brohoof counter. Status updates and comments are meant to be a quick way to interact with the community through short messages, personally I'm not a big fan of the idea to be able to brohoof those.
    Brohoofs in status updates has actually been discussed before here and here.
    As DashForever said in one of the threads, it also depends on if it actually is possible to do this with status updates in IP Board. Otherwise you could just add a fast comment saying "awesome" or "I agree"
  8. Jokuc's post in How to edit topic title was marked as the answer   
    To edit the topic title, go to the first post in the thread you created and press Edit. Then at the bottom, chose "Use Full Editor"

    At the top you will now be able to change the title of the thread.

  9. Jokuc's post in One question was marked as the answer   
    Beyond Equestria - > Cloudsdale Colosseum - > Forum Longue
  10. Jokuc's post in Pictures on Topic's was marked as the answer   
    There is. Either you can put a picture in your post by pressing the image button and then paste an url. Or you can press "Upload Files + More Reply Options" where you can upload a picture yourself from your computer.

    After pressing Upload Files + More Reply Options, you press browse to chose your file. Then press Attach This File

  11. Jokuc's post in Can I keep it? was marked as the answer   
    As Sky Chaser above me said, you get to keep the Member Title once you have changed it. Your donor-status expires after a certain time depending on how much you have donated. Once the expire date is reached you can not change the member title and you will be stuck with the one you wrote. Though you can ask an administrator to change back your member title to default, which is the name of the badge you currently have. "Parasprite" in your case.
  12. Jokuc's post in How do you put an image on your profile where your interests are? was marked as the answer   
    @@Asbel Lhant,
    Oh I see what's wrong. You can't put images in "interests". Images and such are putten in "about me"

    Press the "Edit About Me" button and then you can put in images you want there.
  13. Jokuc's post in Some things I posted (incl. a topic) got moved to Life Advice but I'm <40 posts? was marked as the answer   
    If you can't find your thread it's because moderators sometimes moves/merge or delete threads. You can look up what's happened to the thread if you use some of the forums' functions.
    First you can always check if any of your threads has been moved. If your thread is moved it will still count as your thread and therefore be shown in "my threads". If your thread has been deleted or merged it disappears from that list. To see if your thread is moved and/or where it has been moved, you can go to your profile and press "Topics"
    If you can't see your thread there it means it has been merged with another thread or deleted.
    Now I know for a fact that we already have a lot of threads with the exact same topic. I therefore knew that this thread is probably merged.
    To look up threads of yours that has been merged, you can use the advanced search function on the top of the page.

    There you can find the posts you are looking for if you type your username at "Find author" and then chose a section from "Find in forum"
    Now I made this search for you so I know that your topic has been merged with this thread:
    I also did a search in Life Advice, but I cannot find any of your posts there, and if one of your threads has been deleted you usually get the message "A Moderator has deleted a post of yours in [section]"

    TL;DR You haven't done anything wrong, your thread was simply a clone of this one
  14. Jokuc's post in Post Count not increasing was marked as the answer   
    Your postcount will not be increased by posts made in Roleplay World or Cloudsdale Colosseum.
    You will have to post in some other sections in order for your posts to count.
    But be sure to not spam to raise your post count since it probably will result with warning points.
    As you can see on this screenshot taken from "stats" on your profile, you will see that mosts of the posts you have made is posted in Forum Games (which is located in Cloudsdale, where posts does not count).
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