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Everything posted by iselin

  1. Im SO angry. playing my little pony on my phone and Im not paying anything so Im working really hard to get gems so I can buy Rarity. have at least some months left before I can afford. BUT now I accidentally brought some land for those gems and I just want to die, for a while...

    1. Rainbow Skywalker

      Rainbow Skywalker

      I know that feel. Spent all my gems accidentally skipping a mission just now. Ah well.

    2. iselin


      Im sorry to hear that. in the beginning I used my gems to skip some missions, but I didn't know that it was so hard to find new ones :( have that you have to pay cause it's an awesome game, it's just that you get tired when these things happen :( I will never be able to buy rarity. maybe after 6 months. :(

  2. Bah more snow. Please god, just stop! I hate winter!

    1. Creamy Arty

      Creamy Arty

      We've yet to get a single flake here.

    2. iselin


      you can have some of mine. Swedish ice cold flakes!

  3. My boyfriend always calls me Pinkie Pie, I feel more like Flutterguy.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. iselin


      Haha yes! When I look at mlp on the tv hes sitting by his computer holding hes hands over his ears when Pinkie Pie sings :D

    3. chattydash
    4. iselin
  4. My new years eve is like every other day. Computer, sleep and maybe some eating.

  5. Everybody talks about drugs, all I wanna talk about is Pinkie Pie

  6. Im a hiphoper yes I am.

  7. I really love the first episode of Lexx. Its a long one, more like a movie and after watching that you HAVE to see the rest. Its totally awesome!
  8. Crazy week, back to normal. Dont know what normal is.

  9. Yes, I need one. The last one was a plastic one and I burned it on the stove. Its very hard to handle spagetti without a colander! And metal wont melt!
  10. I hope I'll get a metal colander and money. And maybe a gift card or two so I can finally buy some clothes, cause right now I look like hell.
  11. Drinking some beer. Crazy day with cookies, shopping and starvation.

  12. Christmas shopping today. hate being poor. prostitution next.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Dusty Sparkle

      Dusty Sparkle

      I hate those days where you go out shopping for a whole afternoon with your parents, and buy NOTHING. *sigh*

    3. Luriel Maelstrom

      Luriel Maelstrom

      I hate those days where you go shopping to buy stuff that you don't need...

    4. iselin


      I love to get tons of stuff for christmas, hate to buy it. I never shop with my parents so I guess that I'm the lucky one here. :) I need all the stuff I don't need, for some hours...

  13. I've got some nice sushi today. been thinking about rainbow dash and her lesbian approach too. its interesting.

  14. iselin


    Thank you! I hope to find some really nice people to talk to and some nerdy stuff I can look in to.
  15. Age of Mythology, Skyrim and Tropico 4. AND of course My Little Pony on my phone. I really recommend that game! Its free and fun.
  16. Got out of bed 15:10. Feel like shit. Sushi someone?

  17. iselin


    My Favourite Mane 6 Pony: Pinkie Pie How did you find MLP Forums?: Google How you became a fan of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic: my nerdy little brother loves 4Chan and he told me about his ponyfriends. I've been loving MLP since I was a kid so he told me about this amazing series. My name is Sara and Im from Sweden (that explains why my English is so bad sometimes). Im mostly a nice person. When Im not watching MLP Im watching skins UK, twin peaks and days of our lives. I like different kind of music, mostly movie soundtracks and pop. :*
  18. I need food.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. iselin


      1000 gold for 30 wood. Deal?

    3. Vicke


      No wai!

      500 wood for 800gold.

    4. iselin


      Ok its a deal. Only cause there's not much left to cut on this damned island.

  19. flutterguy is amazing. I have tried to get my boyfriend to love MLP and showed him this episode. the whole subject about Zecora being different is okay but I hate the fact that she is a stereotype and that you automaticlly think about Africa. she's not representing anything different, just representing some kind of African culture which is a joke, African culture is much more than potions and witchcraft. :/ flutterguy, applejack and pinkie pie is awesome in this episode!
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