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Status Replies posted by Megas

  1. Owning a PS5 be like:


    1. Megas


      Yeah, but there's no reason to own a PS5 atm, both with games still releasing on PS4 and PC

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  2. An unreleased pitch of a Recess reboot got leaked recently. As someone who considers it one of Disney's best shows, I'm feeling a bit mixed on it(particularly with how it handles TJ and Mikey)


    1. Megas


      I'm not surprised at Prickly passing as the original show probably had him in his late 50s or early 60s, that bit popping up around the same time as his VA's passing though is a scary coincidence.


      Can't get on board with Mikey dying though


    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  3. Freedom Planet is the best Sonic game I’ve played in a while 

    1. Megas


      It's actually an indie game that's heavily Sonic-inspired(and actually originally started as a fan game) -


    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  4. wow!!! :o how long has it been since the forums went down!? I wonder what was the cause of it? :huh: oh well, I'm glad to be back on :squee: So anyways, how are we all doing today? :3


    (tis me and my pet timberwolf, steve) =P


    I had to type up what I'm gonna say for my forum-versary and my OC's birthday on a word document while I was waiting for the forums to go back up. oh well, at least I got those things out of the way :catface:

    Well, I'm pretty excited that I'll get to see my very first Monaco Grand Prix in two weeks time. I really hope somebody OTHER than Max Verstappen wins this race. :dry: ngl, it becomes extremely boring when the same driver keeps winning all the time, which is partially the reason why I've kinda stopped watching V8 Supercars. Red Bull / Triple 8 / GM / Chevrolet keeps "winning" all the time and they're not doing anything about it. it's an absolute joke. when GM wins, it's okay. when Ford wins, 'oh, lets nerf the cars'. it's bloody ridiculous. Me personally, I think Mclaren has got the pace to beat Red Bull, if they play their cards right. well, one can only hope :adorkable:

    In other news, I am happy that I'll be getting my very first Transformers Masterpiece. I always wanted one of these in my collection, but they were just too expensive. luckily, I had enough money to buy one. :laugh:


    1. Megas


      The MP-44 is really good but I skipped out on the original due to it's price, but I have the Nemesis Prime one and I love it. I might get a KO of the original since that one I still like the figure but the price of the original has only gone up

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  5. Guess who destroyed the final bosses in Final Fantasy X tonight? :izzy-shine:

    I have a video of beating Yu Yevon too that I haven't uploaded yet, but yeah, I finally got my replay of this game done! Still an absolutely amazing game and my favorite FF! I just love how there's so much strategy involved in the combat with challenging battles, how you have to think carefully about your actions and the way you're preparing your party, and how you get an insane amount of freedom in how you build your party! Glad to have finally completed this playthrough on my Steam Deck, I want to beat Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance on this thing next! :PIPPIPHURRAY:

    1. Megas


      I need to go back and play this at some point. FFX is probably my 3rd favorite just after Tactics and VIII. I always find myself loving it more every time I play it

  6. Remember when toy stores sold time machines?


    1. Megas


      I hear the American Revolution got really weird after that 

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  7. So uh, Microsoft movies and tv has the entirety of the James Bond movies in a single collection. For $5. Just bought that because, obviously obvious reasons. :P 

    1. Megas


      I really should have jumped on that. Been wanting to rewatch Skyfall in particular

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  8. I'm positive this guy has acquired abilities of the Dark Gundam, WITH THE HELP OF KYOJI!!!!!

  9. I never knew there was a train Transformer! A Trainsformer, if you will.

  10. Fine. I’ll do it myself.




    1. Megas


      Windwaker and Xenoblade are running very well. TP will need a bit of tinkering but it should be hard to solve 

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  11. Today we all became Cody Crybabies

    1. Megas


      @Woohoothe name The Rock made to make fun of Cody Rhodes fans. Cody just won the Undisputed title

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  12. Anypony want a ticket to Midwest Gaming Classic?


    1. Megas


      I'll see when my paycheck comes in. I do want to come in Saturday though

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  13. So shameful how this just keeps getting worse... :Posey-grimace:


    Do you know what I do when I read comments voicing opinions I don't agree with at all? I ignore them, and that's not just what I do the vast majority of the time because of how people's minds don't change from you arguing with them. It's also because I understand that everyone has the right to their personal space. Why is it so hard to just leave people be over a children's cartoon, Celestia's sake. :Angry-zip:

    1. Megas


      I think it's safe to say G4 bronies have become the Geewunners of MLP

  14. Still the most spiteful and petty Wrestlemanias of all time. Deserves every ounce of hate it gets

    1. Megas



      The rest of show could've been good, I don't quite remember the rest of the card

      @Kyoshi Frost WolfThe only other matches on that Mania worth mentioning were two admittedly great main title matches. So you really aren't missing much lol

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  15. Krabs is a...


    1. Megas


      Do you kiss your mother with that mouth?

  16. I'm convinced at least 75% of Mega Man X6's budget went into its soundtrack



    1. Megas


      I think your thinking of X4 lol. X6 stuck to Japanese VA only

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  17. :mustache: "You left yourself open Shining. Pop pop!"

    1. Megas



    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  18. I bought a Sunny shirt today in honor of how good TYT's The Lone Alicorn was. :coolandhip: Guys, seriously. If you like TYT, watch this episodeOnyxEmoteForum.png.8b6a419e60e062fe0df4228c669d5bda.png

    1. Megas


      It's worth watching for Zipp imitating Opaline alone.

      Definitely a fun watch

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  19. Phillies and gentile colts.

    The con. Is. On. 

    Ponyville ciderfest Fur squared 2024 is live! 

    Hey its happening at the exact same hotel, give me a break.

    To everpony with Birthiversaries on the 23rd to the 25th, in case I miss you, 

    Merry Birthiversary!




    1. Megas


      *Sigh* another con to attend to the list

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  20. When the voice does not fit the character...

    1558256 - safe, screencap, pinkie pie, earth pony, pony, g4, season 7,  secrets and pies, angry, animated, betrayed, ears back, faic, female, gif,  mare, solo, wavy mouth - Derpibooru

    1. Megas


      Kiryu's English voice....

      I don't have issues with YongYea unlike most people but he really was miscast there

  21. As cringe as the Cloudsdale anthem scene was, can we please appreciate Cathy Weseluck's improv skills? She supposedly did the whole thing on the spot.

    1. Megas


      As Pinkie Pie said, "nailed it!"

  22. Top ten saddest anime deaths.


    1. Megas


      I haven't been this sad over a truck dying since Optimus Prime

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  23. Zaslav:https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GF5wtumXUAAA8_r.jpg:large

    1. Megas


      I swear all these tax write offs has to be some sort of tax evasion

      @Sparklefan1234because he personally gets the money from the tax write offs

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  24. It's actually ridiculous how Amy Rose has been ignored as a member of the Classic Sonic line up and only recently has been getting her due once you realize that she actually predates Knuckles and Sonic 3

    1. Megas


      @Sparklefan1234She debuted in Sonic CD not Sonic 1 or 2 lol. Still, it might be because she got a radical design change and people recognize her more for her later design, but she's as much of a classic character as Sonic, Eggman, Tails and Knuckles

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

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