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Posts posted by FlareGun45

  1. Just now, Rushing cash said:

    You can really take it anyway you like it, I mean maybe there are some subtle implications, but there are still some fans that think that sparity is not dead either, so its really open to many interpretations, its so vague that the fans can take it anyway they like. Compared to it, sunburst\trixie x starlight are ,much more implied, although non were confirmed in the series.  

    I didn't say Sparity was dead. Did I say that? No, I'm saying that Spike gets ALL the babes! :3 

  2. Just now, Latecomer said:

    Well that's just it - I don't think the Manes ever did push Spike around on purpose. By accident, perhaps, and you have a good point that that sets bad examples. But he wasn't bullied.

    "I know the Mane 6 mistreating Spike is very unintentional (unless you're Rarity), but it was still there, and the Mane 6 and other BG ponies just to let it blow over their heads cause they didn't see him or something."

    I already mentioned that, brah! :P Still, it would make his friendship with Starlight ever more valuable! They were pretty close friends! Even though they didn't spend THAT MUCH time together on-screen, you can tell by the way they support eachother! So I thought turning a harsh gag into an in-universe explanation would help us sympathize with the characters more, and see the bond between two friends that we don't see very often! 

  3. 3 minutes ago, Latecomer said:

    Well Newbie Dash was Season 6, wasn't it? And if it's that kind of thing, it was probably due to circulation of animators. I doubt anyone - even Spike - saw it as an in-universe problem.

    In a TV show about friendship where things are more serious than shows like SpongeBob or Looney Tunes? I highly doubt that.

    Here, lemme find someone to push around and stomp on - oh, but that's not happening in-universe! I'll use that excuse with the jury! :P 

  4. Just now, Rushing cash said:

    Well, I disagree with this, if they bring scorpan it will probably also mean reformation for tirek, and I don't really like the idea of so many creatures capable of living for thousands of years, alicorns and dragons are enough. And regarding what they wanted to do with scorpan in the movie, it didn't happen in the final version so it hasn't happened, what some writers say or think dosn't make it necessarily canon, I mean they also wanted to lightning dust have a change of heart in the wonderbolts academy and it didn't cut it to the final product and eventually she returned once again as an antagonist(which I am glad for) for example. Of course everything is possible unless it was stated otherwise, so its fans perspective on everything.

    That's not true! Scorpan appearing does not hafta mean reformation for Tirek! Scorpan can fail, but only this time, he would volunteer to turn himself into stone next to Tirek, in hopes that it will make amends with him in the future, cause he wouldn't abandon him this time.

    Too each their own though! I'm sure there are ways for Scorpan to be involved without directly being in the present - like Spike finding out that he brought his egg to the ponies, or that he looked after the Tree for the Pillars after they disappeared. Still though, I'd prefer if he did come. But like I said, too each their own! ;) 

  5. Just now, Latecomer said:

    Was Spike being abused by the Manes (rather than the plot) really much of a thing? I know Twilight and Rarity could take him for granted sometimes, but besides that...

    It's mostly noticeable in season 4, and on the top of my head, I remember Newbie Dash, when Spike found her.... thingy.... then she picked him up and put him in the suitcase and closed it over his head - then when Spike tried to go out, Pinkie smashed the suitcase top over his head again, and nopony seemed to notice. The devs musta thought the slapstick humor was funny. Maybe if it was happening to EVERYONE then yeah maybe, but it was just targeted towards Spike, and he didn't deserve it - he did it for being helpful. 

    Luckily this hasn't been a problem for a loooooooong time! But it WAS a thing, yes!

  6. 8 hours ago, Rushing cash said:

    I hope not, he should be dead by now(I think tireks dad king vorak and and brother scorpan are dead and the reason why tirek isn't is because time works differently in tartarus, so he doesn't get older while staying there and can survive without food or water), although it has a pretty good chance of happening. Its possible there would be some made up villain(s?) out of nowhere, maybe the villain will appear only in the finale. 

    I'd rather at least Scorpan not be dead. THAT there is a waste of great story opportunities! Not only with trying to rekindle with Tirek, but perhaps a possible connection to the Tree of Harmony and/or Spike! If they found a way to bring Starswirl, I'm sure Scorpan can find his way into the present - at least in comic form, which is better than nothing. He was supposed to be in the Movie as the previous owner of the Staff of Sacanas, but he didn't make it in for some reason, so that implies he's still out there!

  7. So by the season 6 rolled around, Spikeabuse became VERY limited to only like once every two seasons to just vanishing in mid-air within others. I woulda thought there would be an episode talking about that, but perhaps maybe there was a time when Spike had a talk with them, just not shown on camera? Or maybe someone stood up for him? I know the Mane 6 mistreating Spike is very unintentional (unless you're Rarity), but it was still there, and the Mane 6 and other BG ponies just to let it blow over their heads cause they didn't see him or something.

    It just came to me that Spikeabuse just disappeared ever since Starlight came around! Y'think maybe she noticed what was happening and decided to stand up for him? If ya think about it: she's one of Spike's few friends that NEVER mistreated him - others include Big Mac, Thorax, Ember, and Gabby! I could tell it's part of her character cause even though she quit the ways of equality, a little bit of that stills lays within her personality! ;) 

    I still wish we had an episode talking about this - Spike telling the ponies off! At least most of us really wanted to see that happen!

  8. Just now, Rushing cash said:

    Gabby wasn't seen in the finale with spike, so it doesn't really count, in DD it wasn't really implied that they are together, at least I didn't feel any shipping vibes there.

    It kinda was implied. Spike moving on from the crush on Rarity to always giving Gabby attention? How sad Spike was when Gabby didn't wanna hang with him anymore (Twilight even said she never seen Spike that sad before)? And the blushing at the end of the episode? Not saying it's a 100% ship, but it's definitely implied!

    I take back what I said about "literately every ship", Starburst wasn't mentioned on this post either. But they were just talking to eachother.

  9. Just now, The Grim Reader said:

    I guess maybe? I mean, I don't think we see them together in the finale.

    Alota characters didn't appear in the future. Gabby could be Griffin Ambassador, taking over the peace between the cat people and Diamond Dogs while Spike goes to see Twilight! At least that's what I think.

  10. 13 hours ago, The Grim Reader said:

    So, with the finale cementing some ships and implying* others, I figure we should have a thread to properly argue despair vent deny discuss them.

    Obviously, spoilers.

    Also, correct me if I've missed anyone, which I almost certainly will.


    So, my thoughts;

    Big Mac and Sugar Belle: Well, that was kind of a given - if they weren't an item in the timeskip, that would raise soooo many questions. That said... I was never invested in those two, mainly because we haven't really seen anything between them that wasn't geared around them progressing their relationship rather than, y'know, having one.

    Lyra and Bon Bon: That... I actually didn't expect. Which I really should have, I mean, Slice of Life showed us that the staff pay attention to fanon, even if they're forbidden from actually reading fanfiction. It's... nice. The question is... have they retired from SMILE?

    Pinkie Pie and Cheese Sandwich: I'm kinda.... not into it? I mean, they do have a lot of in common, mostly because their personalities almost completely overlap. But their relationship has been almost entirely based on their respective professions, so it just came out of nowhere.

    Roseluck and Dr. Whooves {past, implied}: Eheeeh.... I get the reference, but it still feels like it should be Derpy.

    Appledash {implied}: Yeah, they're totes an item. At first, it seemed completely nonsensical, but then I realized that it's their mutual competitiveness that would probably trigger a deeper relationship - it made each of them constantly see the other at their best and, once they'd stop focusing on trying to out-do each other, they'd notice that they both possess traits they're proud of in themselves, and would therefore admire and respect in someone else.

    Fluttercord {implied}: I... guess? Shipteasing aside, they still struck me as very close friends with little pushing towards actual romance. Then again, timeskip - plenty of opportunities to flesh out that possibility in the comics.

    Yona and Sandbar: Gotta admit, those two are cute together.


    What do you all think?


    7 hours ago, Rushing cash said:

    Big mac and sugar belle- Not my favorite pairing, but I like it and glad to see what become of it.

    Lyra and Bonbon(sweetie drops)- best official couple:P :squee:, it was built in the background through the series and I am so happy that they actually confirmed it(would have liked if they spoke more often but I am very happy with what we got).

    Pinkie and cheese- I didn't ship them, but its the best official couple they could come up with, pinkie and cheese have great chemistry. so while I didn't ship them, I have no problem with it.

    Roseluck and Dr. hooves(heavily implied)- I preferred him to be with derpy(they showed a great deal of it in episode 100) but I like it nonetheless.

    Appledash- while its my favorite main 6 ship, I am not sure if I can take it canonically, it just implied and only in the final episode, it would have been easier to believe it if they at least showed they have some deeper connection during the series. I would have preferred if they confirmed starlight x trixie seens that would have been a little more believable and not as out of nowhere(but it would have crushed a massive other ship on the way, starlight x sunburst)

     Fluttershy and discord- while I like this ship, and unlike appledash its more plausible and had a proper build up, however discord is immortal and shy is not, I am not sure its a good idea. I think its better if they were just really good friends instead.

    Yona and sandbar- I don't ship it but I don't really care.

    Were there any other implied ships?

    And of course Spabby gets ignored again. Literally EVERY ship except that one. It's JUST AS implied as every other implied ship.

  11. 27 minutes ago, PacificGreen said:

    I think certain elements either don't meaningfully contribute to the story or characters, or would just cause fandom wars, and would probs be better left to the fandom. Obvious prime example is ships (like Lyrabon or AppleDash). Since this show isn't really much for exploring romantic relationships (outside of Big Mac & Sugar Belle, or Bright Mac & Pear Butter), it's really just trivia and doesn't affect the main story.

    Really, though, I think it's just up to the creative team's best judgment. While I would have liked an explanation for, say, Cozy Glow's origins, what happened to certain side characters, or how Starlight came to know the other ponies in her village, I feel they probably just didn't have the time for that. Do they have concrete answers for those things? Would they be willing to come up with those answers? We'll never know, honestly. So I guess in the end we just take what we can get. XD

    I agree - it's lore we need, and expansion to that lore!

  12. Now that the show's over, some of the fandom have alota unanswered questions, and a large majority of the staff are just answering with "that's for the fandom to decide". I understand the reason WHY they do it. Fans get angry when their headcanons don't become canon, and they're afraid of being attacked - even though it's happening anyway. Either that or they're just kind enough to keep things open for us, and that's ok! I know they mean well on that!

    However, there are some downsides to this. There are certain story elements that are just way too good for fanfiction and deserve actual answers. Stuff like whatever happened to Scorpan?. Then we have the stuff like shipping which don't matter, fanfiction can handle THAT! :P My point is, I think the devs kinda "overdid" it on the "leaving it to fanfiction", though I'm sure Hasbro is mostly to blame since the devs DID wanna get into the zebras and post-reformation Diamond Tiara. 

    In the end, it is their choice, and whatever they couldn't do, the comics can! ;) How do you feel about this? Do you agree with them? Is there at least SOME things you'd rather see answered?

    • Brohoof 2
  13. The leak showed scripts of 6 clipshow episodes, taking place before and during The Last Problem, where Spike and Starlight create the picture book for Twilight that contains moving images. They gave it to her in the finale.

    Is there any word about that yet? I actually thought it was gonna release the week before the finale, or the day of the finale. We're already at our first week after the finale, and still nothing yet.

    • Brohoof 1
  14. @Ittoni Not a bad theory! I didn't think a roc would take it, but it does make sense! I could definitely add that to my Scorpan theory! It would make more sense for Scorpan to rescue the egg from the roc (or catch it conveniently), than him finding it in the Dragon Lands all alone in the dragon hatching nests!

    @Wolf Guide Yours is very creative, but it sounds waaaaaaaaay too complicated for this show. I actually got a bit confused in the middle of it.

    BTW, I don't agree with the theory that Celestia stole the egg. I was only trying to amuse Sparklefan. Why so serious? :P 

  15. Yes, we have another post about Spike, but this isn't about his parents, or where's from, this is specially a post about: how we think his egg got to Equestria, and by extension, the School of Magic. I don't really care about where Spike is from, but I do care about how he got there, and this seems like a great story opportunity right here!

    Now the question is: was he found, or did Spike's parent(s) just leave him in front of the school?

    Let's pretend he WAS found and taken to Celestia's school. Now we know Twilight and Spike have a huge bond since Twilight was the one who hatched him, but would ya think Spike would have the same exact bond to the one who found him? If that's the case, then I'll letcha know who DIDN'T find Spike's egg: pretty much everypony Spike knows. I know there are those who think the princesses found his egg, but I am 95% sure it WASN'T THEM. Know why? Because Spike doesn't share the same bond with Princesses Celestia or Luna, than he does with Twilight. Plus, if Celestia or Luna found his egg, wouldn't they have TOLD him already?

    Another thing: Spike's egg was most likely NOT DIRECTLY given to Celestia, cause then Celestia would know who found it, and therefore would be able to tell Spike who it was. Odds are: Spike was just dropped off at the school. That I'm mostly sure of! There are chances that Celestia mighta not even been aware of the egg, and it was just taken in by some school staff.

    Of course I do believe it was Tirek's brother Scorpan who found Spike's egg, but the only evidence I can give for that is that Scorpan gave Spike to the ponies in G1, completely separate universe. So we have no in-universe evidence to support that. Hopefully it's true. I would LOVE to see a bond between them that even rivals Twilight!

    So how do you think Spike's egg got to the School of Magic?

    • Brohoof 1
  16. Not many people commented here, wow! And this is supposed to be a big episode!

    I enjoyed it, I had no issues with it! I always love seeing the Guys' Night Trio together - they have an interesting dynamic! The proposal and the wedding was just fantastic! I could tell the wind and the light shining through the Apple/Pear tree was a sign of the parents giving Sugar Belle their blessing!

    • Brohoof 4
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