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Posts posted by FlareGun45

  1. 7 minutes ago, Sepul-Coloratura said:

    My problem with all that is, Celestia and Luna didn't put Twilight in such position because Twilight was ready or worthy. They did it just because they wanted to retire at that moment. They would have just put Mayor Mare or Cheerilee in that position instead, at least that's the impression I got from how the show portrayed it. That seems utterly irresponsible. Nobody can just quit such a position whenever they want to. I liked seeing more and more of the princesses' down to earth side, but I really hate to see them lose dignity, divinity, prudence, responsibility, maturity and common sense.

    That there is true too! Maybe they shoulda told Twilight way ahead of time when she first became princess, "Hey, Twilight, someday we might retire, and if that day ever comes, we're hoping you would be able to take over our position!"

    Twilight: "Oh you think I can handle it?" *starts Twilighting*

    Celestia: "Don't worry, Twilight! That day won't come for a loooooong time! So you have plenty of time to think about it!"

    There, fixed it!

    • Brohoof 1
  2. 17 hours ago, KatonRyu said:

    Does writing your own book count? If so, I'm trying. As is normal for me I have tons of background and very little actual writing, but hey. I'm still spending lots of time on fanfics, though.

    That's fantastic, buddy! Keep it up! Yes it does count! :D 

    • Brohoof 2
  3. Just now, TheAnimationFanatic said:

    It IS a choice. She can chose to not accept the call and wait for someone else to take the helm OR she can step up to the challenge herself. 


    6 minutes ago, Will Guide said:


    And @FlareGun45, there's a bit of Fridge Brilliance between when Sunset was Celestia's ambitious student who turned cruel and dishonest for a time and Twilight herself.

    In the Equestria Girls Annual 2013 comic, which provided one broad stroke as to the backstory of Sunset, showed Sunset selfishly wanting to be a powerful pony in charge. It was foreshadowed when she first looked upon her reflection in the mirror connecting the EQG world to Equestria and saw her as a powerful Alicorn. She wanted to in control so badly to the point where she ran away to the human world and soon ruled the school through fear and intimidation. Her selfishness proved she was not ready to be a Princess nor a leader

    Twilight herself on the other hoof may not have wanted to be a princess at first, but she DID proved she possess the qualities of being a good leader which is what a good high ranking person should have. Episodes like Winter Wrap-Up show that.

    Which is why when Twilight's finished Starswirl's spell, which I'm pretty sure was not intended to make the caster an Alicorn and was intended for something else, It was Celestia herself who pulled out some magic from within Twilight's body which wrapped around her and once faded revealed her wings. This means Twilight's Ascension to Alicornhood came from herself

    Alright fine, guess I can accept that.

    • Brohoof 1
  4. 18 minutes ago, TheAnimationFanatic said:

    No, not a puppet at all. In real life, you're rarely faced with making hard choices at your convenience. The point of it is that Twilight, like she's done throughout the course of the series, is being asked to take responsibility and embrace her calling as a leader.

    That's still not really giving her choice. It's like, "Be a leader or Equestria is doomed". As if there weren't any OTHER candidates worthy? Tristar pony coulda had a fallback plan if things didn't work out with her. 

    • Brohoof 1
  5. Just now, TheAnimationFanatic said:

    Consider this: Twilight never asked to be reassigned to Ponyville, meet the Mane Five, become the Element of Magic, or even become the Princess of Friendship. 

    That is true. So Twilight's life is based on being a puppet then. It may have saved Equestria, she may be ok with it, but apparently the show's teaching us that forcing something is the right thing to do.

    Much like what happened in 2, 4, 6 Great

    • Brohoof 3
  6. Twilight was happy where she was, as the Princess of Friendship, all she had to do was run a school, travel around to help ponies, she was happy! But then Celestia unexpectedly gave her a promotion to run Equestria, something Twilight never asked for. Something she never expected to do! Celestia never even ASKED Twilight if she wanted to run Equestria, she just GAVE it to her! She's just stuffing destinies down Twilight's throat basically! While Spike's the opposite, he has no destiny, Twilight has a ton that she never asked for - she never asked to be a Princess in general! At least being the Princess of Friendship makes sense to her story arc, a valuable asset to Equestria's cause, now she's gonna be LEADER? This whole story arc doesn't really make sense. Cadance was a princess much longer than Twilight, but she's running the Crystal Empire, so who's gonna run friendship duties if Twilight's running the country? What's the use of Twilight's castle and the map now?

    However, when ya think about it, perhaps Celestia and Luna never asked to be leaders either, and were just forced to become ones by Starswirl. Celestia had dreams of being a part of play, something she didn't get till much much later in her life. Basically, this is like Snowfall's story in Hearth's Warming Tale - with that Professor Snape pony forcing her to comply to her studies instead of going out and having fun, which made her bitter. Perhaps the princesses were bitter at first, apparently Twilight was in the beginning of the series.

    Seems like there's a drawed path laid out for Twilight by Celestia, and the only thing Twilight really asked for was to be part of her school, not all this. Sure Twilight may be alright with being leader now, but it's not like she had a choice in the matter. No wonder she never asks Spike what he wants, she was raised to be like that - nobody asks her! She hasn't said no cause she never speaks up against Celestia, which she shoulda, Celestia probably would understand knowing her.

    • Brohoof 2
  7. 8 hours ago, TheTaZe said:

    Yeah? I mean, if your show is really that good then I would like to see what concept art, scripts, and maybe even animation or something like that is behind it. I'm just curious as to why you think your show is better than any other show that is out there?

    Well I mean, if I learned anything from the devs, I'm not allowed to share that stuff to the public until it's time.

    But the point of this post is to give inspiration - why lookin' at one little lousy boast? Look at the inspiration!

  8. Just now, StarlightandTwilight said:

    Your show is it about spike the one your creating?

    Why would I make a show about a character from someone else's show? No, it's stories and characters me and some friends of mine made! This show was already being planned BEFORE my obsession with Spike! It was a fanfic at first, but now it's its own thing in its own world!

  9. Why are we worried about wanting stuff to happen on a show we have no part of? We have literately no say in anything that happens. I mean yeah, some ideas could be popular like the BG ponies and the Apple parents, but we can't always get what we want on this show, and there's nothing we can do about it. But there is a solution to make up for the problem!

    The answer: MAKE YOUR OWN SHOW! Yes, when you make your own show, you have ALL THE SAYS! You have the FINAL say! Yes, it's gonna take alota practice, college education, being part of other people's work before ya can make your own, but the wait will be worth it! Your show will your own fandom, and your own fanart, your own cons, and fanfics that you can't read! But that won't matter cause your stories are actually canon! And you'll never know, maybe your show will surpass FIM by a long-shot! I know mine will! It's THAT good! Had a long time planning it, and lovin' every second of writing and drawing concepts for it! That's Flare's due right there, Flare's purpose!

    Is this your purpose too? Instead of being a fan, be a creator, and actually HAVE a say! :D See what all the fuss is about of how much fun the devs had fun with making FIM, only it's a different show! YOUR show, or someone else's, depends on what ya wanna do! If ya can't join 'em, beat 'em! ;) 

    • Brohoof 2
  10. 13 minutes ago, Will Guide said:



    I saw what you said about Hasbro "canceling" Equestria Girls. Honestly, the way you called them jerks like that sounds a bit uncalled for.

    Like Jeric said, you should simmer down. Me personally, I knew Equestria Girls would have to end sometime but I wouldn't call the Studio jerks if I were you. As I always say, there will always be fans to make fanart and fan fiction of how the world of Equestria and Equestria Girls goes on, even after the show officially ends.

    I'm grateful that the show existed at all and gave me such memorable moments. Hasbro may be ending the show for certain reasons, but that doesn't mean all that happened in the past 6 to 10 is just going to go poof and be forgotten.

     Life goes on, both for us, the fans. And for the characters, who despite their stories no longer being officially "told" by big animation and toy corporations, still have all kinds of possible futures waiting to happen to said characters. In fact so many fanfics of what the younger characters would be like when they get older were written. Some well written, some not so well written but still get readers to experience it, and who knows what else. With some imagination, the possibilities are practically limitless.


    So instead of calling the Hasbro studio jerks, I would be thanking them for helping create a world that got my creative juices flowing again. Even if I don't officially complete my own fan fiction ideas and the show doesn't end the way I expected to, I shall always be grateful for seeing it in the first place.

    In short, no mater how Equestria Girls or the main show ends, I will always be grateful for its existence.

    I saw what Jeric said, I agree! I don't need an entire essay explaining it! :P 

    • Brohoof 1
  11. Just now, cmarston1 said:

    Okay so it was confirmed on Twitter by Nick Confalone that Sunset's Backstage Pass was the last special that the crew at DHX worked on and they didn't know it would be at the time they were making it.

     So with FiM ending this year as well, it looks likely that EQG was cancelled and this was the finale.  If that is the case I am disappointed as I really enjoyed the franchise and wanted it to get a proper send off.

    That is BS! Just as EG was getting good again - it had to be cancelled! Coulda just did ONE last special, or even a movie for a proper sendoff! Damn you, Hasbro! How do ya think your crew feels after they put their heart and soul into their work? Not like they even care, jerks.

    • Brohoof 1
  12. @CypherHoof @R.D.Dash @BlinkZ @Bas @Jeric @CloudMistDragon

    Hmmm.... maybe you dudes and dudets are right.... not the THRONE.... but there is something of Luna's Spike can take over! 

    I don't see a better person to take over DREAM DUTY! :D Knowing how comforting and supportive he is, helping others with their problems.... all he's missing is the magic! Celestia and Luna DID make a little device that helps Twilight control the sun and moon! Maybe Luna can make one containing her dream magic! Yes.... that's actually much better!

    • Brohoof 3
  13. On 7/14/2019 at 2:42 PM, Abstract said:

    I don't necessarily dislike them, but I do think they are unnecessary - and also, if they had to happen, could have been done a little better. I dislike how late in the show that they have showed up, taking time away from some stories of closure of other other characters who have been around for way longer, if not the entire series like the Mane 6. There's simply not enough time in the series left to make me very emotionally invested in them; I mean, I like them well-enough outside of Gallus and Sandbar, but with the show ending very soon there isn't the time to flesh out much more desperately need character development, leaving them a bit hollow and distant.

    Yeah I feel the same way. Feels like they were introduced way too late in the series and really rushed through their story arc.

  14. One last shot into the breach, my friends! ONE last shot at what could be coming for Spike, and this one pretty much makes the most sense in my opinion! 

    Twilight's taking Celestia's throne as leader of Equestria, and yes she is gonna have her friends there, but I'm pretty sure not FULL time since the Mane 5 each have their own lives, so Spike's the only one that'll be able to stay with her, and to be honest, Twilight doesn't look ready to take the throne on her own, she might need someone by her side, and Spike's the most qualified one! Not as an assistant... but more as an equal, as a co-leader, cause what Twilight lacks, Spike has, and not even he would be perfect on his own, but TOGETHER, they'd make an unstoppable team!

    There was a reason why Celestia and Luna, two sisters, were chosen to lead Equestria - cause they both have their area of expertise! Twilight's the new Celestia, but who's the new Luna? Sparkle's Seven mighta already foreshadowed it - Luna and Spike are always the underdogs in their respected duo, but their older "sibling" would be nothing without them! 

    So this destiny for Spike is probably our best bet, cause he's STILL with Twilight! That's all he wants! Does he really care about the assistant role itself? He tries to make the best of it, yeah, but if he had the chance to get a promotion, he'd probably take it, and he deserves it! Spike would make a great leader, as he has proven himself many times of his area of expertise: support, acceptance, and patience! While Twilight's areas of expertise consists more of thinking outside the box, confidence, and quick-thinking!

    Twilight and Spike both being the leaders of Equestria would be perfect for the both of them! They remain together, and but at the same time, Spike finally gets his due! This way EVERYONE is happy! I really believe this is gonna be the course of Spike's story arc, and would make alota sense to the story! One more thing I must add: sometimes if one doesn't believe they have a destiny, sometimes destiny chooses them! Same to you reading this now!

    Hope you like my final Spike theory! :D 

    • Brohoof 3
  15. 9 hours ago, Toon4Thought said:

    I agree that EqG very much deserves a truly grand finale, and I think that it would probably make up for any shortcomings the series suffered from over the years.

    Here's my idea, partially based off those from @cmarston1: The girls are preparing to graduate from Canterlot High, and the girls eagerly discuss their future plans. Sunset Shimmer, however, is left with a complete blank, made even more so by her recieving an invitation to continue her magic studies with Princess Celestia where they left off, as well as a spot in Princess Twilight's castle, making her start to feel homesick.

    But then, the cracks in the statue finally break open, unleashing more magic than ever before and wreaking chaos over the city. Thus, Sunset goes through the portal to seek urgently help from Princess Twilight - and, with some convincing from her friends, takes them with her. They discover that the magic coming out of the portal threatens to spread past the city and become world-threatening if not stopped, so the only conclusion she reaches is to close the portal for good.

    Upon hearing this, Sunset - without thinking - bursts out against it, admitting her homesickness and not wanting to say goodbye to anyone. This does not sit well with a few of her friends, particularly Applejack and Fluttershy - who have at this point made it known that they want to stop fighting the magic and focus on their own lives - and they accuse Sunset of being incredibly selfish, leaving her behind.

    Thus, it's up to Sunset to mend her friendships, decide once and for all where she truly belongs, and stop the magic from spreading across the planet.


  16. 2 hours ago, Will Guide said:

    You make it sound like Equestria Magic in the human world is bad. The Equestria Girl's necklaces would beg to differ. :P

    They should simply graduate and use magic responsibly to help the people in the Human world.


    It's not bad now, but it could!

  17. It's possible that Equestria Girls: Sunset's Backstage Pass, the one coming up (if you didn't watch it already) is the last special, but we dunno that for sure! I actually hope it IS the last special..... so the final Equestria Girls can be a movie! But what will that final EG be about if it gets made?

    To seal the deal with Equestria Girls, the girls will need to find the source of the magic disturbance that's been plaguing their world, and perhaps it's about time they found it. Yunno what I think would be the solution? Princess Twilight has to SHUT OFF THE PORTAL! If that happens, all the magic in the EG world will disappear! Cause in the first EG movie, that's why the Rainbooms' magic disappeared in the first place, because the portal closed, and closing the portal would probably stop the leak too.

    Now here's the conflict of the story: Sunset Shimmer has to make a choice! Once the portal closes, it cannot reactivate, and then she'll need to make a choice of whether to go back to Equestria or stay in the human world! Now that's an obvious choice, but it would be a conflict we'd all love to see! And the villain? Well let's say the villain could be similar to Sci-Twi in EG3, trying to harness the magic. The Dazzlings could make their return too, but it would probably be more interesting to have a bigger villain.... maybe the Pony of Shadows! I'm not sure completely. Maybe there'll even more one last crossover between ponies and humans - have each of the human counterparts meeting their pony counterparts, and dog Spike meeting dragon Spike, and perhaps the leak would glitch their looks, transforming them into humans and ponies or even half-pony half-human because of the magic leak.

    Regardless though, EG deserves one final chance at getting the story right and finally concluding! EG has alota bumps, but it had its shining stories too, and it deserves to end with a BANG, just like FIM does!

    So what do ya say? What would your dream Equestria Girls finale be?

    • Brohoof 2
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