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A Jewel of Rarity

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Status Updates posted by A Jewel of Rarity

  1. making an animated gif in paint.net -_- kill me after this i will put on my request shop no animations

  2. hey if you want reggie fils amie in the next super smash bros sign this petition he is confirmed to be added if it makes it to 100,000 signs http://www.change.org/en-GB/petitions/sora-sakurai-add-reggie-fils-aime-to-the-super-smash-bros-3ds-wii-u-roster-reggieforsmashbros

  3. internet router broke getting new one soon i can only talk when at college

  4. forums why you so slow

  5. im messing around in paint.net so anyone want a signature

  6. i just noticed something that potion zecora gave twilight unlocked her chacras and gave her the power of the avatar state, all hail avatar twilight

  7. im not wanting to start an argument but ive noticed you visit my page alot skylar, why ? and could you please stop it makes me uncomfortable

  8. i am going to sleep you cannot stop me you cannot keep me awake any longer darn you ponies and legend of korra

  9. theory time i was just thinking i just finished watching the intro to the legend of korra and it got me thinking after air avatar it goes to water so after the legend of korra it goes to earth so after the legend of korra a new show wil come on about the next avatar (earth bender)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. A Jewel of Rarity

      A Jewel of Rarity

      but imagine if they were all successful it would be ingenious

    3. Dsanders


      The creators were quite lucky to have thought of something as unique and creative of a storyline as LOK. They would have to get pretty damn lucky and creative again to make anything that can compare or succeed this.


      But I do admit, it would be quite incredible if they did manage to pull it off.

    4. A Jewel of Rarity

      A Jewel of Rarity

      if they did manage to get through 3 seasons of an earthbender i would love to see a firebender avatar as ive always like rukko

  10. well time to watch the legend of korra (but back to that crying thing at the end of a show i just wnna talk about dragonball i want to figure this out everytime i think about the ending of dragonball gt i kinda get all choked up but i never know why)

  11. i don't know what this feeling is but i get it every time i finish something i finish dragonball i cry i finish the melancholy of haruhi suzimya i cry and i just finished the last airbender and i cry why must i cry i think i just get so attached to shows that i watch that i cry that its over

  12. why is it every status today is someone is feeling bad i just want to help but making a status and letting people reply wont help you need to sit it out with 1 person everyone should have someone they go to when depressed so stop with the statuses

  13. editing my sig shops look i made a new banner looks alot better

    1. Dsanders


      You made a new banner eh? :)

    2. A Jewel of Rarity

      A Jewel of Rarity

      for my sig shop not the forums

    3. Dsanders
  14. just finished a baked potato and cheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesa

    1. Neon Corona

      Neon Corona

      Lol man. Was it good?

    2. A Jewel of Rarity

      A Jewel of Rarity

      meh it could be better

  15. arg just finished my two sig requests took a little bit of time but worth it

  16. morning everyone :) finally i got some more people requesting from my sig shop :D

  17. just finished what i was watching so again night guys :3

  18. my mood is kinda improved when i found out that cod black ops is getting a spinoff called cod zombies online

    also im tired so night
    1. Mr Underhill

      Mr Underhill

      good night, jewel. rest well.

    2. Obsolete
  19. so many of my friends loneliness and depression is triggering my depression and now i just feel like crying for no reason

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Obsolete


      Maybe it's just been a long day.

    3. Mr Underhill

      Mr Underhill

      I'm here, buddy! *offers a hug*

    4. Sir.Flutter Hooves

      Sir.Flutter Hooves

      If you ever, and I do mean ever need to talk just PM me. :) I'm sorry though.

  20. im watching avatar: the last airbender because i haven't watched it since i was a kid and i also want to start watching legend of korra but one thing is the fire nation war still ongoing in the legend of korra

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. TheBronyHeart


      I keep forgetting that there is a second season of Korea that I still need to watch. :/

    3. TheBronyHeart
    4. A Jewel of Rarity

      A Jewel of Rarity

      the legend of korea kim jong ill is the next avatar 0_0

  21. for anyone that has seen the leaked episode of season 4 episode 3 is their a song just tell me if their is, nothing else

  22. you got a notification and got a little exited but it was just a pointless one

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