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A Jewel of Rarity

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Status Updates posted by A Jewel of Rarity

  1. just edited my sig i love it so much now it has a chrismasy feel around it too

  2. well i just had £205 stolen from my debit card

  3. early bed for me or atleast a nap because i am tired

  4. so does anyone like my Christmas sig

  5. i hate college leave at 8am come home at 5 pm :(

  6. im getting tired and im getting up early tomorrow so night guys

  7. i customized my sig for christmas XD

  8. i don't know what to do today

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. A Jewel of Rarity

      A Jewel of Rarity

      a sig challange and saying you think i couldn't do it is kinda insulting since you haven't even told me what it is

    3. Commander Frost
    4. Rarity1337


      im just sitting in the library and i dont even like reading.... so.. meh...

  9. an achievement in life isn't getting married or anything like that its blocking the toilet after taking a sh*t that really matters

    1. Smarts


      Getting married doesn't even count as an achievement. Never did. The real achievement is getting out of bed in the morning.

  10. spoiler alert: next episode will have ponies in it

  11. todays forcast a large wait for satarday and bordom all week

  12. to quote meghan mcarthy "Spoiler alert: the chest revealed at the end of the 2nd episode of #MLPseason4 is just where Twilight keeps her extra #twilicanes"

  13. good afternoon everypony

    1. Blue Bay

      Blue Bay

      Good day, fine sir.

  14. i found a website that has all seasons of avatar the last airbender :D gonna watch it tonight

  15. rainbow dash can be cute if she tries but rarity doesn't need to try but when she does *squee*

  16. i may or may not go to sleep now at 10:30pm

  17. 4 day weekends are awesome but id never thought id hate a Tuesday more than a Sunday :P

  18. so many people in gta online that have no understanding of passive mode

    1. Blue Bay

      Blue Bay

      Just troll 'em by pretending you're running away from them.

  19. i don't mean to blow your minds but youtubes comments are normal again either google got high and listened or they actully care

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