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Emerald Heart

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Status Replies posted by Emerald Heart

  1. I got a new phone..but I won't get it for three days.

  2. I got a new phone..but I won't get it for three days.

  3. I got a new phone..but I won't get it for three days.

  4. I got a new phone..but I won't get it for three days.

  5. I got a new phone..but I won't get it for three days.

  6. I got a new phone..but I won't get it for three days.

  7. I often see people with their boy/girlfriend and think "fuck you, and fuck your happiness!" i wonder how much that says about me.

  8. I often see people with their boy/girlfriend and think "fuck you, and fuck your happiness!" i wonder how much that says about me.

  9. Goodmorning everypony!

  10. Goodmorning everypony!

  11. Goodmorning everypony!

  12. Goodmorning everypony!

  13. Happy birthday, Emerald! :)

  14. So it's my birthday now. Yay, I'm 15!

  15. Happy Birthday!

  16. Does anyone wanna do a collab with me sometime

  17. Does anyone wanna do a collab with me sometime

  18. I'm watching H20:Just add Water from the start. Very good show.

  19. I'm watching H20:Just add Water from the start. Very good show.

  20. Goodmorning. everypony! I hope your having a good day today?

  21. Looking for new avatar!

  22. I have to go to a baseball game in just a couple of hours.... not my idea of fun.

  23. So today my friend called me a term for bronies I never heard before....Pegabrother

  24. So today my friend called me a term for bronies I never heard before....Pegabrother

  25. Watching "Ned's Declassified School Survival Guide." on Amazon.

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