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Aqua Pura

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About Aqua Pura

  • Birthday 1994-11-07

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    Everything and anything to be honest, if i try it and i like it then i do it, if i dont then i wont basically but there is nothing off the top of my head that i know i dont like :/

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  1. Me and a mate when i have just finished training
  2. @, "if you have any blankets then could you put one round quip, and are you ok you don't look to good?" Aqua asked. Aqua looked around deciding in his head what would need doing next. He was just waiting now for some twigs and enough wood so he could start the fire and keep it going.
  3. @, Aqua ripped the rest of the wheels off the carriage not bothering to do a perfect job, he did this so it was flat on the ground, he then chucked the wheels into a pile to be set on fire near the carriage, but not close enough so that when there is a fire it would catch on to the carriage. He then picked Quip up as gently as he could and placed him in the carriage, "when the fire gets going it should be nice and warm in here", he said to quip. Aqua then shouted to everyone "get your stuff together we are camping here tonight, so that means any tents put them up now and if you are not doing anything, ask me or Discharge when he gets back, if there is anything that needs doing".
  4. @, Aqua replied "yeah it must of been the terrain, but most importantly we need to get everyone on there feet, if they cant walk somepony will have to carry them we can take in turns, we need to find somewhere to set up camp for the night" and then Aqua said "what are your ideas on this matter ?".
  5. @ Aqua saw the stallion wriggle out of his grasp and dive for his bomb, like it was the only thing that mattered to him in the world. He then heard the explosion from what seemed just out side the carriage, Aqua remembered that Quip had a full bag of them so Aqua stayed in the carriage, probably the only safe place except for 200m away. Aqua holding him self in mid air, having wedged his bo staff against the two sides in carriage heard a familiar voice, it was none other than Dishcarge "yeah i am all good" he replied, knowing that it was most likely to be safe outside if Discharge was there he grabbed his bo staff tight, kicked off the wall un-wedging his staff and then rolled out the carriage door back on to his feet.
  6. @,@@Starshine, Aqua was asleep for most of the journey until the terrain got rougher and woke him up. He then sat staring out the window when all of a sudden, the carriage fell to one side and Dishcarge rolled out the door, in an instant Aqua grabbed his staff and slammed it into the side of the carriage, as a wedge to stop him from falling out he also grabbed Quip, but as he did some bombs rolled out of his bag and landed on the far side of the carriage. Aqua not sure what to do about the bombs held him and Quip to stop them from falling into them. Aqua replied to a ponys voice "Stay away from the carriage there are some lose bombs in here".
  7. Aqua made sure he had everything and pulled his head down for some kip time. He was going to go on guard for the trip, but he was almost certain that they would be fine, well at least thats what he thought, of course he hoped he would be correct. Aqua then nodded off, in to dreams of becoming rich and famous after this mess was sorted out. (OOC: ready)
  8. @, "Good, then lets get going we should be able to catch them up in no time, and they left only about twenty mins ago but if you follow my lead, and keep up with me we will be there in no time" Aqua explained. He looked to the route that the group had taken, Aqua was ready to make a quick dash to catch them up, because no pony would want to be left in this jungle on there own.
  9. @, Aqua put his canteen back in his satchel and carried on to support Unholy, "we should make a move to catch the rest of the group up, but if you are not feeling well then we can stay, and i will protect you as best as i can", Aqua said trying as best as he could to comfort her.
  10. @, Aqua responded to Unholy almost falling over when she shook her head, by putting his foreleg around her body to hold her up in case she fell over "sure you can lean on me, are you ok by the way?" Aqua asked. He got out his canteen and offered some to Unholy.
  11. @, "Bombs expert very nice, i would love to see you in action you could prove very useful, and my specialty hmmm.... you will have to wait and see my friend" he said with a grin on his face. Aqua then sat wondered, when the rest of the group would be ready to set off.
  12. @, @, As Aqua watched all the commotion unfold, and as the group set off he realized they left somponies behind. Aqua rushed to the ponies and said "the group has set off come on hurry, we can catch them up if you come now", then realized that they had left one blind pony, and one pony with the most injuries behind, "will any of you two need assistance to catch the group up?" he asked.
  13. @, Aqua packed anything he had out and stood up at the top of his voice he shouted, "is there any pony that needs help with anything, before we set off ?". Hoping that we were going to make a move through the jungle soon. As he was saying this he walked over to Démence, "hows those wounds of yours coming along ?" he asked. (OOC: True talk, this is the first RP that i took part in, and i want to see it through to the end)
  14. @, Aqua making sure that everypony had left and that there was nothing left behind set off to catch the rest of the group up. He reached the carriages in no time, and saw that all the ponies had already done the hard part of the journey and chosen a which one they would be in. Aqua made his way in to the middle carriage and sat next to a bright green pony "Hi i am known as Aqua, i don't think we have spoken".
  15. "ok no problem" Aqua replied as he joined up with the rest of the group, all of the ponies looking ready to set off. All they were waiting for now was for the rest of the group to join, and then they could all set off together. (OOC : this is my last post i am off to bed now my eyes are closing them selfs even tho i dont want them to)
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