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Everything posted by Woohoo

  1. When the guys of I.M.P aren't committing assassinations or suffering under Viv's convoluted writing, they play in a Metallica cover band...


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Woohoo


      I don't think it's a good idea to like something you don't like just because other people like it. :yeahno:

    3. Sparklefan1234


      You're right. I just wanted to be part of the group. :please:

    4. Woohoo


      It also doesn't help that my issues with the creator have grown... :eww:

  2. Hark, the Blue Angels sing... 

    Watch Blue Angels fly over Texas in support of healthcare workers

    1. Jesse Terrence

      Jesse Terrence

      "The blue angels sing"...

      @Silky the smol :toldya:

    2. Ice Princess Silky <3

      Ice Princess Silky <3

      You could hear me all the way from here?? D: 

    3. Jesse Terrence

      Jesse Terrence

      Put a chip on your wing to track you. Never again will you strike me by surprise :bedeyes:

  3. My reaction to something...


  4. Grow, expand, explode! 


  5. What kind of band is this?

    I guess Leon Kennedy knows Spanish? 

  6. It's some old guy's birthday...

    Steam Community :: :: james hetfield

    1. Tacodidra


      Happy birthday to him! :pinkie:

  7. Banned for having a paraspirte ranking despite having a changeling avatar.
  8. Would you still watch a show even if the creator is a terrible person? :yeahno:

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Tacodidra


      Like I said before, I doubt I'll ever watch Ren and Stimpy due to John K. despite having liked what I've seen of it. :yeahno: But if the awful person's involvement is less significant (not the creator but just one of the crew), I might do that.

      I just ran into this problem with the despicable person already mentioned. :yuck: I remembered seeing and enjoying some episodes of Mighty Mouse: The New Adventures on YouTube years ago and was planning to check out the full series. Then I realized who worked on it. :please: As he just worked on the first season and was one of the many directors, I think I'll allow myself this one exception. It was most likely the rest of the crew that made it good considering how badly most of that person's creations have been received.

    3. Jesse Terrence

      Jesse Terrence

      Of course. It would be childish to deprive myself of media just because the author is a prick. Keep the art separate from the artist enough to enjoy the art, but also not so much so you can understand the context of the work.

    4. Woohoo


      There are some cases where I can separate art and artist, other cases not so much... :yeahno:

  9. One second of every Courage the Cowardly Dog episode.
  10. Funny how a lot of stuff from my childhood has aged like fine wine. :proud:

    Meanwhile, some stuff I liked in my adulthood has aged like cheap cheese. :eww:

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Woohoo


      And maybe you watched it too many times?  :zipp-wut:

    3. Sparklefan1234


      The first season at least. I've only watched season 2 and 3 once. 

    4. Woohoo


      There was a season 3? I thought there were only two GF seasons... :sunbutt:

  11. Last night, I've finished watching all of Courage the Cowardly Dog...

    a Courageous thumbs-up | Courage the Cowardly Dog | Know Your Meme

    It was a doozy. 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Woohoo


      Worst episode? Ball of Revenge. 

      Fav episode? The Mask.

      Both are from the final season. :unsure:

    3. Miss


      Interesting. The Mask is awesome 

      I think my fav episode is the nutcracker 

      but worst episode is easily scuba scuba doo

      I wanted to smash my laptop waiting for that episode to be over. 

    4. Woohoo


      Scuba is definitely on my worst Courage episode list... and there aren't that many Courage episodes I consider really bad. :nom:

  12. The end credits to Courage the Cowardly Dog.
  13. "There's no such thing as perfect. You're beautiful as you are."

  14. Just two more episodes... :wau:

  15. I realized I never gave The Owl House a rating like I did with the other shows I binged...

    Not going to beat around the bush, The Owl House is one of the best Disney, if not the best cartoons in the last 30 years. Much like DuckTales 2017; it had no really bad episodes, no overly obnoxious or mean spirted characters, no love triangles, or any of the tropes I hate yet having the tropes I enjoy. Granted, TOH did have its run cut short (no thanks to Disney), but I think they manage to pull it off.

    No surprise, The Owl House gets five Lovestruck Cherri Bombs out of five.


  16. My reaction to something...


  17. Hopefully I'll finish watching Courage this weekend...

    1. Tacodidra


      How many episodes do you have left? :ooh:

      I don't have a series planned yet to watch next. Preferably a series with not too many episodes (I'm planning to watch the classic Looney Tunes at some point, but there are a thousand of them – probably half of them ones I've never seen)... :please:

    2. Woohoo


      8 episodes left... :unsure:

  18. I hate the feeling of when I recognize something from the past isn't as good as I remembered... :sunny:

  19. Ever enjoy fan content a lot more than the actual show?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Woohoo


      Lately I've been feeling the same way with Hazbin and Helluva. :nom:

    3. Sparklefan1234



      I love DuckTales but I REALLY LOVE my Della Duck wearing sunglasses avatar that I edited. :mlp_yeehaa:

    4. Silly Druid

      Silly Druid

      I enjoy both equally.

  20. Why do I like angry gifs so much?

    Angry GIF

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Tacodidra


      Not on the show itself, that's fanmade. :coco:

      But maybe something like this happened off screen. :sneer:


    3. Espy Vibe

      Espy Vibe

      @Tacodidra AHHHH


    4. Woohoo


      I don't know why but the receptionist pony always bothered me...

      Maybe it's the blonde mane and purple skin... :lostit:

  21. Why do I feel the urge to rewatch The Owl House finale... :unsure:

  22. Lois Lane and Luz Noceda having their voices swapped.
  23. Which one's the imposter?

    Steven Moore (@stevenmooreart) / Twitter

    1. Silly Druid

      Silly Druid

      The red one, I suppose.

    2. Woohoo


      I'm pretty sure it's the orange one. :scoots:

    3. Tacodidra


      Who's the best imposter?


      Art by JosephTheDumbImpostor

      Yeah, this showed up in my search for new Coco art. :please:

  24. I wish my status updated got more replies... :nom:

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. DubWolf


      @Flutterstepwe don’t :wacko: ? You mean I can’t subscribe to status updates of followees?

    3. Silly Druid

      Silly Druid

      I gave you a follow to get notified of your status updates, and I'll reply every time I have something interesting to say (which is not often unfortunately).

    4. Silverspark184
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