I watched the ep on OtakuAscendedLive. I've been a little out of the fandom for a few months and I kind of found it very annoying that I didn't get even half of the references in Discord's Water song. Oh well.
Flash Sentry showed up. Deal with it, guys. I donut care at all if he keeps appearing (he's rather handsome, don'cha think? xd)
I definitely like a Twily x Flash shipping better than Twilight x Discord ----> nightmare fuel, eww
**And maybe they actually weren't going to put Flash Sentry in season 4, but they did it after all and then Megan would have to be like ''Oh I'm sorry guys, we're putting him in anyway. It's just a 3 second clip, but go ahead and freak out anyways!''
--that'd be stupid. and if I were her, I probably woudln't post it either.
I liked the way Discord made fun of Twilight again, (first the Twily scepter and now the friendship necklace)
Though, I have to say that this episode missed something for me... that may be because of the growing piles of unsolved mysteries in this season...
I'll give it a 7 out of 10.