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Status Updates posted by Midnightive

  1. mods...mods everywhere >.> <.<

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Shiki


      The mods seem to be the most easily approachable users to me, so I don't mind.

    3. Midnightive


      :3 i love the mods! >.> <.< just there always watching... always

    4. SmittyWerbenjagermanjense
  2. back from camp really tired though *yawns*

  3. well i'll see you in a week forums! going camping... you know... outside :)

    1. Phoenix Dirac Wright

      Phoenix Dirac Wright

      Awwww... Well, see ya! Hope you don't get caught by the Slenderman!

    2. Midnightive


      ;_; thats just what i wanted to see... now i'm not sure if i want to have my tourch with me >.> <.<

    3. Phoenix Dirac Wright

      Phoenix Dirac Wright

      Bring extra batteries. And people. And don't camp in a fence with lots of trees or anything that resembles the map of the Slenderman.

  4. i went down stairs to get a drink... and now my cats running around the place thinking its time to get up X_X

  5. Akinator... 10 guesses later guessed roid rage... did i beat akinator? :o

  6. Mmm scrumpy is nice :3 (It's a cider!)

  7. Mmm scrumpy is nice :3 (It's a cider!)

  8. Do you ever like someone then you stop talking to them i seen how two faced they can be?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Pinkazoid
    3. Viscra Maelstrom

      Viscra Maelstrom

      well, it was less talking to them, but more like i stopped listening to them completely because they came with ridiculous butthurt arguments and contradicted themselves several times and never acknowledged that because of their sheer stubbornness. this forum is miles better in that regard.

    4. Midnightive


      Hehe x3 i knew they where two faced then i released that they where two faced about me and there not talking to me and i'm not talking to them x3

  9. It's raining it's not as hot anymore.... so happy!

  10. It's so hot and we have ran out of things to drink :(

    1. dar tunsh

      dar tunsh

      I know that feel...

  11. come on dungeon deffends I WANT THE JESTER

  12. Everytime i see you post i can't help but AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW all over the floor

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. NavelColt


      No idea :P Probably something with Discord. The point is I can be very OCD with avatars xD

    3. Midnightive


      Hehe i know that feeling x3

    4. NavelColt


      Right now I'm making a signature, and possibly an avatar, using a sweet image I found of Sonic and Dash <3 I feel like they'd be best friends, being so similar, and both being speed demons. They'd probably race for fun all the time.

  13. I wonder why i can't have nice things... or draw anything good... then i remember my tablet pen... then i remember this tablets pen... then i wonder what my dad has against tablet pens >.>

  14. Still odd to see Zoop as Subscriber... I'm so tired and its only monday V_V

  15. Last day up north :(

  16. I can't sleep because of sun burn :( Oh well i guess other night staying up before having a busy day *le sigh*

  17. just put after sun on... now i'm all shinny and smell like lemon sherbet... THANKS AFTER SUN! X3

  18. Go out side they said.... it will be fun they said... I got heat exhaustion and burn on my neck! x3

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Midnightive
    3. Phoenix Dirac Wright

      Phoenix Dirac Wright

      I usually get burned by bullies grabbing me then rubbing my skin till it turns red... Then I bite them in the face XD!

    4. Midnightive


      LOL! Yeah i've never got sun brunt before! But i got it on the back of my neck on the top of my shoulders and around my eyes. But my dad was laughing at my sun burn and i was like 'PFFFT NO I DIDN'T GET SUN BURNT!' So now i can't go down and use the after sun

  19. Who ever is a grammar nazi needs to grow the buck up. Grammar is used so people understand what your say so as long as its readable its fine!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Midnightive


      Yes yes they do :)

    3. Chigens and Kay

      Chigens and Kay

      Have you ever been so far even as decided to use go want to look more like?

    4. jdor11


      if i could brohoof this midnightive! if i could brohoof this!

      you are just to nise! lol

  20. I was gonna post on a thread but then i saw 'no Nova, Sparklez, Toby, or any other fanboys' V_V i guess i can't post

    1. Dragonshy


      Just go post. :\

    2. Midnightive


      x3 i did~ or i think i did my firefox crashed as i posted x3


  22. I got my plushie! BEST THING EVER!!!!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Midnightive


      ^_^ NICE 24 inchs was WAY bigger then i thought it gave me a dead arm just carring it up the stairs to my room! X_X
    3. NavelColt




      My Dashie one is gonna be 11 inches ^^

    4. Midnightive


      ahh ^^ that will be cute! at lest the dead arm thing wont happen! :P

  23. We can bounce like my checks did back in the day ♫

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