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HOi i'm tEMMIE

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Everything posted by HOi i'm tEMMIE

  1. I tried to explain it..but no matter how I typed it,it always seemed like something an anti-social mentally ill man would type. I was going on about how they have "Nice,clean,smooth coats" And "Firm,sexy hips and flank" And in the princesses case. "Long,slender,sexy legs." Then I looked at it and thought,"What the bloody hell am I typing?"
  2. Yeah,I'm like you. I don't get the tentacle thing either. I also don't understand people with a rape fetish. When I'm looking at clop,I'd like the pony to look like she's enjoying it,not fucking disgusted and horrified. So,that's just my preference. I like the sex to be with consent.
  3. Actually no. I had no idea he was on my computer,and I guessed my friend's password because I watch what keys he presses when he puts in his password.
  4. Same here. I was expecting some sort of suspension from my computer or something. But nope. Also,afterwards,I went on my asshole friend's laptop and went through HIS history. I found clop involving Rainbow Dash and tentacles.
  5. Well,I'm about to tell you my most embarrassing/hilarious brony moment. One day I was on Derpibooru,looking at images of..Futashy.Which,yes.I have clopped to...quite often.But anyway,so I decided to go to sleep,when my friend (Who is a major asshole sometimes.) Decided to go look at my history,and found those images. He then decided to mention to his mom in passing about it. His mom then decided to call my mom and go on about how that's "Unnatural" And shit like that.And my mom was PISSED and after a very lenghty rant she had this to say. 'Who the fuck are you to come and tell me what is and isn't normal? I do a lot of things,and YOU do a lot of things that most people wouldn't consider normal.' So then,she told my dad about it,and I was expecting a huge ass-chewing from him,until he said.. 'Hey,as long as you're not jerking off to real horses,it's fine.' And my mom? 'As long as you still like humans,I don't give a shit.' So yeah,I have cool parents.
  6. I guess I should rephrase that. Yeah,because Sym-Bionic Titan wasn't violent at all *SARCASM*
  7. Yeah,because Symbionic Titan isn't violent at all.
  8. Because,Johnny Test has cheap animation,and is easy to make,and the only thing wrong with Teen Titans Go! is the fact that it is Teen Titans,it is legitimately funny. Yeah,a whole channel of reruns,that would be cool...until we started seeing the same thing over and over and over,that's why I don't watch Boomerang anymore. Yeah,let's forget Adventure Time's humongous fanbase,and Regular Show's humongous fanbase,they don't know what they like. And before you start spouting out "BUT UNCLE GRANDPA IS DUMB!!!" Uncle Grandpa is a show that uses gross out humor,gross out humor is something that people don't like anymore,if Cow and Chicken came out today,NOBODY would like it.
  9. I'd decapitate Fluttershy over one.
  10. Don't worry,Kyoshi.I can tell you from Equestria Daily experience,that 99.9% of the commenters are nothing but whiny bitches. I've found people on there STILL bitching about Equestria Girls,like it's still relevant.
  11. Tuck and roll,grandma

  12. Ahh,the forums are much better today.

  13. Is it just me,or are the forums as slow as a constipated crap today?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Skeletor Brony

      Skeletor Brony

      More like Stephen Hawking in melted cheese.

    3. Ruddboy Olaf

      Ruddboy Olaf

      Slower than that.

    4. Skeletor Brony

      Skeletor Brony

      More like the speed of transition between Kristen Stewart emotions.

  14. Just played the first episode of 'The Wolf Among Us'.can't wait for episode 2.

    1. Retired Commissar

      Retired Commissar

      I can't wait for season 4 of The Walkind Dead tonight :D

  15. Currently attempting a 100% run of Deadly Premonition.I might not be too active today.

    1. Retired Commissar

      Retired Commissar

      Never heard of that game :P


  16. 2.Good.You appreciate freedom of speech. 3.Apply to human nature?Sir,I'm done.If you don't understand how marrying a plushie is weird,then I'm officially done with this conversation.
  17. 1.I'll give you that. 2.Held accountable for what? Different views and opinions? 3.Yes.I'm in the fanbase,but that doesn't mean I have to like how it acts.I'm not generalizing,I'm speaking from experience.And,there's a difference for showing your love,and marrying plushies and changing your name to Rainbow Dash. 4.Googled it.He never had sex with a horse.
  18. When I said cons,I meant Bronycon,I'll admit,I could have made that clearer. Doctor Who is by no means,a kids show.Teenagers,yes. Kids? Hell no!If I saw the weeping angels as a kid,I would've shit my pants. But,Doctor Who merch is being bought by adults because it can be classified as an adult show. *Ahem*Torchwood*Ahem* Transformers,I don't see Transformercon,I don't see Transformer fans wishing you to get RAN OVER BY A CAR for saying you don't like Transformers Mario? I don't see Mariocon do you? I don't see rabid Mario fanboys saying they're 'Unique' for playing Mario games,do you? Now,MLP is a damn good show,but I'll admit..the fanbase isn't the best. Now,back to your questions,Howard Stern asked these questions so he would have material for his show,that's pretty obvious. How many recordings did he throw out?I don't know,I'm not Howard Stern. HIS KIND!?!?! Now the man is a different species? Jeez,you're sounding like an anti-brony,classifying people as a different species,just because he thinks different.
  19. What I'd like to know,is why in God's name would anyone answer these questions? 'Oh,yeah.I jerk off to Applejack.' That's not a question you answer!Do you people need to go back to society 101? If someone asks you a question that you wouldn't want anyone else to know,don't fucking answer it! Why can't he say, 'I don't masturbate to ponies.'? Really,people like that are adding fuel to the fire,and it doesn't help that you have your own, Cons T-shirts in grown adult sizes. Collectors edition pony toys A rabid fanbase that always goes on about how they're 'different' and 'unique' Honestly,you have the crazy fucks who go legally change their name to Rainbow Dash,and marries a Twilight Sparkle plushie,and you're not expecting SOME sort of criticism like this? And yes,it IS criticism,not constructive criticism,but criticism all the same. Definition of criticism the expression of disapproval of someone or something based on perceived faults or mistakes.
  20. If I said shit about Marvel fans,no one would care. If I said shit about DC fans,no one would care. If I said shit about Mass Effect fans,no one would care. Or Walking Dead fans,or Lord of the Rings,or Scott Pilgrim. There are four kinds of fans I know that act like this whenever some one talks crap about them. Twilight fans. Anime fans. Adventure Time fans. And Bronies. Now,you all wonder why people don't like MLP. It's because NOBODY can relax and take criticism,you all have to get defensive,and when you get defensive,you're not making the situation any better. Whenever someone says they don't like it,you're all like. 'Pfftt..they're just jealous.' Yeah,like ANYBODY is going to be jealous over a show they don't like,they HAVE to be jealous,it's not like anyone can have an OPINION,God forbid anyone has those. Or,as someone said earlier, 'I wish he gets hit by a car.' YES,let's wish death on the man,for...HAVING AN OPINION.Those damn opinion havers,how dare they filthy up the Earth with their opinions,how dare they have free will. 'Howard Stern is an idiot' YES!!! Different views and opinions make you an IDIOT!! He obviously doesn't understand the deep complexity of My Little Pony,he must watch something simple and dumb that even a child could understand,like Twin Peaks,or Paranoia Agent.
  21. Okay guys,maybe you should learn something,and I'm gonna make it as clear as possible. *Grabs Bullhorn* HOWARD STERN IS A SHOCK JOCK! HIS JOB IS TO OFFEND YOU! You don't NEED research to offend people,Just find negative stereotypes,and accentuate the negative in them,and BOOM! you offended people. Why is everyone getting their panties in a twist over this? Howard Stern makes fun of EVERYTHING! If you can't tell the difference between some being malicious to what you like,and someone simply joking about the absurdity of it, Then you have PROVED how immature you really are.
  22. Banned because in a zombie apocalypse,you NEVER want to be one of them.
  23. Banned because in a zombie apocalypse,you're gonna want ninjas on your side.
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