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Personal Motto
when things seem to be bad, it could be the worst
dubstep, like kezwik and skrillex and kaskade :P. then sometimes I chill into some three days grace, or 30 seconds to mars :D. I like both girls or guys, im bisexual, I like girls more then guys, but sometimes ill make an exception.
Im an emo fuck so sometimes, I take shit out on myself, but as long as friends are around with me, ill be fine :P
My Little Pony
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Best Anthropomorphic FiM Race
Earth Pony
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Reformed Changeling (13/23)
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Shwaaaalalalalaburger started following synangel
"As tempest would say, this is going to be interesting" he began before opening his wings and launching off "we're kicking them from ponyville first, then make our way around for the other cities including canterlot" he said following sole out into the battlefield.
Thunder looked off into the distance. "W-were losing...." He said looking out into the distance. "And it didn't take long, we lost so much in so little time....sole, I think we're way in over our heads here" he said looking back at sole. Things were looking grim. Thunder knew winning was possible....but it was going to be harder then he thought.
"Oh come on, that's nothing" he said looking at his wounds. "I think we can figure something out, but we need to head for canterlot pronto" he said looking out into the distant. "Glad to have you back at least" he said being sincere "I didn't want to have to kill ya back there"
Thunder rolled sole off him, and threw him to the ground "so what...even if you have done those things, you can still make things right, fix your wrongs, and actually spend time with your family instead of jeopardizing them....and you don't want to lose your family, take it from a person who lost his daughter, you wouldn't want that now huh? Come on and fucking fix it" he said
"STOP INTERRUPTING HIM" he yelled throwing him off of sole, "throwing insults aren't going to help" he said putting him down "he needs to come back on his own terms, insulting him is only going to feed his rage, NOW STOP BEING CONFOUNDED IDIOTS AND LISTEN" he said getting sole into a head lock. He then hushed his voice "listen, you still love her, I can see it. And what sombra has in store for you aint going to help. He's going to use you and then throw you away like a worthless piece of trash, don't forget you have a kid too, what is he going to think about this huh?" He said holding sole down
Thunder took the hits full on, in the kick to his head, he did a front flip and locked his back hooves onto his neck, and used his wings to provide the momentive to do a backflip, making sole hit the ground head first. Then he released the lock and proved a roundhouse kick to his stomach, sending him into a tree, crashing right through it and into another. And just then he pulled out a picture of stone, she was standing on a rock with a smile on trying to look natural for the picture sole took. Right on there honeymoon, stone was a purple unicorn with a black mane and green eyes. Hopefully this would knock some sense into sole "here, take a look at this..." He said blood dripping from his lips.
Thunder came in to late. He got to see tempest get kicked to the side, so he went next to tempest "just, just rest. This'll be over soon then we can kill sombra, death has been asking non stop for his soul" he stated before walking out onto the open, where everyone could see him. And waited for sole to either stop, or hit the tree.
"Your funeral" he said rolling his eyes, but was he going to let wonder get himself killed? Probably not, but he didn't care if sole did kick him around a bit to prove thunder right. He then looked back to lightning "you gonna follow him or me?" He asked raising an eyebrow.
Thunder shook his head "ya, and I didn't even use any of my power, and it doesn't matter if that was a 'fraction' of your power. He'll kill you three times over, there's a reason sombra has him for his army." He began. "We need him back, plus your mortal, I'm not" he explained "all we need to do is bring him back, snap him back to reality"
"WAIT!!" He called out chasing after them. He dashed in front of wonder, and stopped him dead in his tracks. "You're not going to do anything, he's under some control. I think sombra has something to do with it, but if anything ill be the one dealing with him. He's to powerful and he'll end you both even without magic. I gotta bring him back somehow" he explained.
Thunder went to put his hooves up to block but then he was surrounded him...and lightinging. Then she brought news, big news. "W-wait...where exactly" he began going up to her and putting a hoof on her shoulder to calm her down, then another hoof on the bubble. The bubble began to decay once his hoof touched it, he did it once wonder was done, and to relieve lightning of the stress of creating the barrier.
In a quick motion he jumped to the side, dodging the move. He then kneed him in the side, then dropping a forehoof on his back, making him kiss the ground. "You aren't the first to use clones, it's a typical move. Used by others before you, try something else surprise me" he said whipping the hair from his eye.
Thunder looked around. "I have no attitude, you just don't like what I say" he countered. Looking at every angle, surrounded....well he could go up, but he decided that would be to easy. So he turned to buck the one behind him, then turned around to punch the on in front. He countered a punch and directed it to another clone. He kept up with the fighting, countering and blocking each attack, eyes shifting left to right. Keeping an eye on each on as he battled.
Thunder closed his eyes and let himself be punched in the chest. Causing him to make a "OOF" sound as the wind was knocked out of him, he was sent crashing into the wall behind him, causing some serious structural damage to the wall. Thunder bounced off and hit the ground face first. He groaned silently, gritting his teeth. He got onto his hooves, and looked behind him to see the huge chunk of wall missing. "Wow...." He coughed from all the smoke and debri in the air. "That was one hell of punch" he rubbed his chest. "Though why put that much energy into one punch? I hate to be an 'asshole' but you put to much energy into one attack, waisting it away. And keep your calm, your just becoming a hot head throwing around energy. Anger can cause a flaw... Like, you punched me, you also did this cheep ash trick. Quite original ill add, but you left yourself open, in the punch, you used aura to give you the ability to dodged it counter a attack if I tried. But that was risky to let your aura come out so early in battle." He began "your reckless, to reckless, you get killed doing that...and you won't save lives fighting reckless, but you'll endanger lives." He spoke fixing his hair. Then looking back at his opponent. He opened his wings once more and charged, charging a hoof back ready to punch, but instead. He slid under wonder's legs and kneed him in the stomach. Flipping wonder onto his back. Thunder then stood up to face him. "Now your move"
Thunder reformed at his original placement, just before his teleportation. He didn't move, he just looked up. "Pointless, simply pointless. You shouldn't waist energy for a simple spar. If your that desperate to show off, why not just hit me. Ill give you a free bee" he said standing still trying to keep himself from inhaling to much ash.