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    The Element of Awesome

My Little Pony

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  1. Is it bad that when I'm trying to draw something new for practice I literally copy someone else's work and try to figure out what they were thinking on the anatomy etc and how the cane up with the base etc? Of course I never post the stuff I do like that but just for practice and trying to figure out different anatomys it's an easy way to learn to "get it" and to learn the fundimentals etc 

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Oblivion


      @Lord ValtasarValtasarValValtasValtasarValValtasarValtasarValValtasValtasarVal

      Alright so this is glitching like mad in my phone and I can't remove that text so just ignore that please.

      Anyway I agree I hate tracing as it does not reach ya a thing.

    3. Evil Pink One

      Evil Pink One

      :)Just draw and draw

    4. Dank Pony Child

      Dank Pony Child

      That’s fine. That’s how most artists learn anyway. If you do ever post it, just credit. If you never post it or show it to anyone, no credit required.

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