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Steel Crescent

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Everything posted by Steel Crescent

  1. Banned because it may be ugly,but it is deadly!
  2. Here is another really funny scene from Mythbusters i probably should have posted earlier in this topic but here it is now!
  3. Banned for not playing along to my joke and saying motorcycles.
  4. For anypony who is interested iv'e started my next LP!Zelda 2.Check it out if your interested.

    1. Milk Wave

      Milk Wave

      Hey sweetie~ I missed you!

      And I actually am interested to see you play Zelda 2. When you can then notify me of when you post another episode of that :D

    2. Steel Crescent

      Steel Crescent

      just go to my channal Steel Fang.I'm pretty darn rusty,so i am going to die a lot.

      (I missed you to!)

  5. Banned because that post is for Frozen Lasagna Thief!
  6. Banned because dems aint the rules anymore. It doesn't say that in the title.
  7. @FrozenLasagnaThief Banned by an offline user. (for when im offline)
  8. Can't be answered.Paradox. What happens to Snails when sprinkled with salt?
  9. Banned because nopony seems to be banning. Some..Pony..Resume..The..Banning!
  10. What do you think of the theme i made for EvilShy?

    1. Estella


      I was in the middle of listening to it, and it sounds pretty. Creepy. But interesting.

    2. Steel Crescent

      Steel Crescent

      Could somepony get Evilshy to look at the theme.I'd like to know what he thinks.

  11. Banned because i just kept talking in one long incredibly unbroken sentence moving from topic to topic so that no one had a chance to interrupt it was really quite hypnotic. Incredibly unbroken sentence moving from topic to topic credibly unbroken sentence moving from topic to topic moving from topic to topic...quite hypnotic.
  12. Banned cuz iv'e never played sonic heroes. I know the sonic 06 was hated by many but still has some good music.I actually enjoyed the game on the 360.
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