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Sugar Pea

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Status Replies posted by Sugar Pea

  1. I am your ShadO... Seriously, I'm right behind you! Hello!! 8D

    1. Sugar Pea

      Sugar Pea

      HO HO HO, RIGHT IN THE TOE! *stomps foot* D:<

    2. (See 59 other replies to this status update)

  2. I am your ShadO... Seriously, I'm right behind you! Hello!! 8D

  3. I am your ShadO... Seriously, I'm right behind you! Hello!! 8D

    1. Sugar Pea

      Sugar Pea

      Did you guys just boop me?! Oh heck naw! Hold my burrito!

    2. (See 59 other replies to this status update)

  4. https://i.imgur.com/5Ito5dp.jpg Incredibly rare (I'm not kidding, it's so hard to get these two together) photo of my cats together.
  5. I am your ShadO... Seriously, I'm right behind you! Hello!! 8D

  6. I am your ShadO... Seriously, I'm right behind you! Hello!! 8D

  7. I am your ShadO... Seriously, I'm right behind you! Hello!! 8D

  8. M'Darling. *tips teacup*

  9. I may stop being smooze soon, been that way for too long.

  10. I am your ShadO... Seriously, I'm right behind you! Hello!! 8D

  11. Final math exam today...sooooo nervous! xD

  12. Attention everyone, I have an important announcement to make. Ducks. Just ducks. That is all.

  13. Don't let the bedbugs bite!

  14. I'm back, for now. It's been a long, long while. How's everyone been?

  15. I'm back, for now. It's been a long, long while. How's everyone been?

  16. Signature system is fully functional again. <3

  17. Signature system is fully functional again. <3

  18. Good morning. =)

  19. Good morning. =)

  20. Good morning. =)

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