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Sugar Pea

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Status Replies posted by Sugar Pea

  1. Strawberries are the best. To Oblivion with oranges!

  2. I think there's something wrong with me............as Soon as i get home I've been going to bed @ 6-6:30pm and then sleeping until 4-5am......I'm fine during the day........but I just feel tired all the time.........

  3. I think there's something wrong with me............as Soon as i get home I've been going to bed @ 6-6:30pm and then sleeping until 4-5am......I'm fine during the day........but I just feel tired all the time.........

  4. I think there's something wrong with me............as Soon as i get home I've been going to bed @ 6-6:30pm and then sleeping until 4-5am......I'm fine during the day........but I just feel tired all the time.........

  5. 2 finals down. One more to go.

  6. My cat is just lovely. I needed her cuddles after a long day.

  7. What would be the perfect video game?

  8. My cat is just lovely. I needed her cuddles after a long day.

  9. I'M A MUFFIN!!!!!!!!!

  10. Heeey, good morning, you son of a...what did you think i'd actually say it? Dream on.

  11. Hi there! :) I'm guessing you won't see this judging by your profile, but just in case, I hope you have a happy birthday~ ^.~ https://derpicdn.net/img/view/2013/9/7/421276__safe_solo_rarity_animated_tumblr_upvotes+galore_cute_nom_marshmallow_raribetes.gif


  13. Lol your profile pic.

  14. Lol your profile pic.

  15. Doctor Who....is on 'Disney XD' right now.........um..What?

  16. Lol your profile pic.

  17. Lol your profile pic.

  18. Eh yo, yo yo yo. Dawg, word up.

  19. Steak steak steak. <3

  20. Eh yo, yo yo yo. Dawg, word up.

  21. Aye, what's up?

  22. Do I come across as too nice? Because sweeties I'm just being my self.

  23. Guess I have to pull yet another all nighter to finish my homework. I didn't even know I took a nap until I woke up...

  24. Hungry, but I don't wantto get up. Fetch me food.

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